Outlaw Star 1-26

Episode 1 - Outlaw World
A group of people in space shuttles pursue “Ice Hilda” in order to capture both her and her treasure. After a close call Hilda escapes, killing her pursuers in the process. The story then shifts to a bar on a distant planet, Planet Sentinel 3. Here a man named Gene puts his fighting skills and honor on display as he defeats an attacker and leaves his bounty to the bartender for damages. Gene goes to celebrate his victory with the company of a woman, leaving his young companion Jim behind. A strange ship lands elsewhere on the planet, the pirates aboard are aiming to capture Ice Hilda. During an intimate talk with his female friend we learn about Gene’s dreams of space travel and pirate hunting.

The next day Gene and Jim, who are freelance workers, get hired as bodyguards for a normal looking woman. While escorting her, the group is attacked and chased by pirates. Gene and Jim then find out the woman is actually Hilda! After losing the pirates, the group stops at a run down building. When they get out, Hilda thanks Gene and then shoots him! She tells Jim to load the treasure (which was in the building) into the car. However, Gene gets up and holds a gun to Hilda’s head. Jim opens the case to expose a naked girl.

Episode 2 - World of Desires
Hilda agrees to cooperate with Gene after he repairs her arm. She confesses to have a bad history with the pirates, but revels no information on the naked girl, Melfina. The pirates attack again but the group, including the newly awakened Melfina, escape on Hilda’s ship - the Horus. Next, a flashback takes place in which young Gene and his father fall under attack in space. Gene’s father dies on the spacecraft, sending his son to safety in a pod- the flashback ends. The group lands at Blue Heaven, “an outlaw hangout.” They split up - Jim and Melfina go to a hotel while Gene and Hilda go to a bar. Here a man named McCoy argues with and then attacks Hilda, who in turn shocks McCoy with a stun-gun. The group meets again at the hotel for a good nights sleep, only to fall under the attack of McCoy’s men.
Episode 3 - Episode 3 - Into Burning Space
A humorous battle takes place and McCoy is quickly defeated. One of his men then tells Hilda that they were hired by the MacDougall Brothers. The group leaves Blue Heaven, but are attacked after take off. While fleeing the attackers, a large craft enters Hilda’s radar. Aisha Clanclan, of the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire warns all traffic to move out of the way. The Ctarl-Ctarl empire's horrible reputation is quickly acknowledged by all characters. Hilda and company narrowly miss the ship and escape into space while their followers are captured. Hilda heads to a planet to meet some friends only to find their destroyed ships. It turns out the MacDougals helped the pirates from find Hilda, and a small skirmish occurs. Meanwhile, Aisha gets scoled for not capturing Hilda. She is demoted to researching the Galactic Leyline, a mysterious place with incredible treasure. As the episode ends, the Horus approaches an asteroid and ship.

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