Ranma Season 1 Episodes 1-18

Episode 1 - Here's Ranma
Mr. Tendo tells daughters Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane that his old friend Saotome is coming with his son, Ranma. Although Tendo has never met him, Ranma will marry one of his daughters to continue to the family dojo. When they finally arrive the Tendo's are surprised to find that Ranma is actually a girl! What's even more surprising is she is accompanied by a giant panda and not Mr. Saotome. Although confused, the Tendo's accept their new guests. After sparring with Akane, Ranma decides to take a bath. Akane decides to join her, but enters the bathroom to discover a boy! It turns out that Ranma and his father went to China and trained over cursed springs. Saotome fell in a spring that turned him into a panda, while Ranma fell into a spring that changed him into a girl. When doused with cold water Ranma and his father will change into their alternate forms while warm water will return them to normal. Ranma and Akane are betrothed and the bad blood between the two start.
Episode 2 - School is no Place For Horsing Around!
Since they will be staying at the Tendo’s for a while, Mr. Saotome decides that Ranma must attend school. After having an argumentive walk with Akane, the two arrive at the school. Ranma quickly realizes why Akane hates boys as literally hundreds come running to greet and attack her, the idea being that the one to defeat her can date her. Kuno the poetic Japanese fencer stands above the rest and challenges Ranma to a fight. The two are equally matched as both score hits, but Kuno is knocked out. When they finally get to class, Ranma and Akane are punished for being late and the two must stand in the hall way. Meanwhile, Nabiki tells Kuno that Ranma and Akane are betrothed. After an uncontrollable outburst he is also sent into the hallway where he finds Ranma and Akane. After announcing their secret to the whole school he chases Ranma out a window.
Episode 3 - A Sudden Storm of Love!
Ranma and Kuno fall out of the third wall window into a pool. All onlookers, including Kuno are confused as girl Ranma runs from the pool. Kuno believes Ranma, being a coward, switched places with the girl. Akane tries to buy Ranma time to change back into a boy, but Kuno ends up fighting girl Ranma. Ranma wins and then almost thanks Akane, but they argue once again. Later Ranma receives a note to meet Kuno at the school field. Instead of the expected challenge, Kuno professes his love for girl Ranma.
Episode 4 - Ranma and... Ranma? One Misunderstanding After Another
After discovering that Kuno likes Ranma and Akane, Nabiki takes pictures of girl Ranma sleeping and Akane training. Kuno meets Nabiki in a restaurant. He gives her a gift to give the “pig tailed” girl, but Nabiki says the best way to give it to her is through Ranma. She then sells the pictures of Ranma and Akane to Kuno. Later on, Kuno runs into girl Ranma. While he hugs her, Nabiki pours warm water on Ranma, turning him into a boy. Even after an explanation, Kuno does not understand they are both the same person. He believes Ranma has some kind of control over the girl and the two begin to battle once again. While they fight, the pictures fall out of Kuno’s robe. Akane finds the pictures and gets mad at her sister. However, she soon gets angrier at Ranma when he comments on her looks.
Episode 5 - Episode 5 - Love Me to the Bone? The Compound Fracture of Akane’s Heart
Akane hurts her father while training because of thoughts of Ranma. Worried, Kasumi makes Akane promise not to hit boys. Meanwhile the fathers plot to bring their children closer together. Later on, Akane ignores her promise and seriously injures Ranma. The two then go to Dr. Tofu (Akane’s crush) who temporarily fixes Ranma. When Ranma’s legs go out, Akane must carry him home. The moment is almost romantic, but the two begin to argue once again. While the boys at school give up on Akane, Kuno professes his love for her and Ranma! While playing in gym class, Akane hurts Ranma again, this time with a baseball. The two return to Dr. Tofu’s. While there Akane answers his phone and appears emotionally hurt afterwards.
Episode 6 - Akane’s Lost Love - These Things Happen You Know
The girl on the phone was Akane’s sister Kasumi whom Dr. Tofu loves. In fact, Tofu is so in love, he cannot think straight around her, sometimes even committing malpractice! Akane leaves with a broken heart. Ranma tries to cheer her up and the two have lunch. Mr. Saotome tells Ranma a humorous story in an attempt to better his relationship with Akane. Later Akane fondly remembers a compliment Ranma gave her, but the moment is destroyed as the two argue again.
Episode 7 - Enter Ryoga - The Eternal Lost Boy!
A mysterious boy roams the desert. After saving a town from a rampaging boar, he asks the town's people for directions to Furinkan High School. It turns out he is seeking revenge on Ranma! After getting lost several times, the boy, Ryoga finally finds the school. Wasting no time, he challenges Ranma to a fight. Although Ranma does not remember him at first, he believes the fight is about their lunchroom battles for food in junior high. Years ago the two planned to fight in a vacant lot behind Ryoga’s house. However, after waiting in the lot three days, Ranma left without a fight. It turns out Ryoga lost his way and showed up four days late. The two begin to battle, but Ryoga quickly gets lost again!
Episode 8 - School is a Battlefield - Ranma v Ryoga
Ryoga finally finds his way back to the school. Once again he challenges Ranma to a fight, this time with a bigger audience. Nabiki takes bets and roots against Ranma for her profit. As the fight progresses, Akane begins to worry about Ranma. When Ranma gains the upper hand, Nabiki gives Ryoga plain vitamins that she describes as strength pills. After taking them, Ryoga becomes invigorated and takes the battle to a new level. Eventually Ranma gets wet and turns into a girl as a confused Ryoga looks on, but the fight continues. Worried, Akane tries to help Ranma.
Episode 9 - True Confessions! A Girl’s Hair is Her Life!
While attempting to help Ranma, Akane’s hair is chopped off. She seems devastated and takes it out on both Ranma and Ryoga. However, later on Akane decides she likes hair. She becomes even happier with her hairstyle when Dr.Tofu complinents it. Ryoga finda the Tendo house and tries to attack Ranma in his sleep. While the two battle Ryoga explains he followed Ranma to China. However, it begins to rain and Ryoga flees before he can finish his story. Ranma realizes that Ryoga is also cursed, but mistakens him for a neighborhood dog. Meanwhile Akane falls in love with a little black pig she finds. Ranma dislikes it, but brings the pig into the bath with him at Akane’s request. When Ranma puts the pig in the warm water, it turns into a naked Ryoga!
Episode 10 - P-p-p-chan He's Good for Nothing!
While together Ryoga finishes his story. After following Ranma to China, a mysterious girl knocked Ryoga into a cursed spring which turned him into a pig. A giant panda then caught Ryoga and tried to cook him, but the boiling water turned him back into a human and he escaped. The two argue again and after Ryoga turns back into a pig, Ranma chases him into the hallway. Akane finds P-Chan, what she names the pig, and brings him to bed. Although Ranma wants Ryoga out of the house, his honor prevents him from disclosing Ryoga’s secret. That night, Ranma sneaks into Akane’s room with a pot of warm water. He plans to threaten Ryoga with transformation to remove him from Akane’s room and the Tendo home. Ryoga refuses to move easily and Ranma is accidentally knocked on top of Akane. The next morning everyone makes fun of Ranma for his advances. Later on, Ryoga tells Ranma about his pain and suffering as a pig. Akane’s love is the first time it is an advantage and he refuses to lose it. Ryoga wanders off and gets lost, but a wealthy old couple finds him. They discover his secret and want Ryoga to be the family heir, but Ranma and Akane show up to save him. After a scuffle with some guards, Ranma saves P-Chan for Akane.
Episode 11 - Ranma Meets Love Head-On! Enter the Delinquent Juvenile Gymnast!
The Furinkan gymnast team falls under attack of a rival gymnast. Girl Ranma saves them from attack, but after damage has already been done. The rival, Kodachi: the Black Rose has a history of forcing rival teams to forfeit before a match. That night the injured teammates confide in Akane, asking her to take their place. Akane quickly agrees although she knows nothing about gymnastics. Meanwhile, someone form the rival team informs Kodachi of Akane’s plans. Kodachi quickly plans an attack. Back at home, Akane trains under the watchful eyes of Ranma and Ryoga. After a long night of practice, Akane goes to bed. However, she is soon attacked by Kodachi who lied in wait with a hammer. Just as Kodachi traps Akane in a ribbon, Ranma and Ryoga run by, smacking Kodachi with the door. As the chase continues, Ranma knocks Kodachi off the roof with a kettle. A little dazed, Kodachi quickly falls in love with Ranma and paralyses him with poisoned flowers. She prepares to kiss her new love, but Akane steps in just in time to save Ranma. Kodachi leaves and Akane goes to bed leaving Ranma paralyzed on the roof.
Episode 12 -A Woman's Love is War! The Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Challenge!
When Kodachi attacks Akane the next morning at school she discovers her engagement to Ranma. This angers her more, but she decides to stake her love for Ranma on the match. Whoever wins gets Ranma. It turns out Kodachi’s brother is Kuno. He and Ryoga hopes Kodachi wins to free Akane from Ranma. That night Akane shows vast improvement, but she injures her leg during practice. They decide girl Ranma could replace her and Ryoga begins to train -more like spar with- Ranma. After training all night, Ranma gets ready for the match. Kodachi tries to give girl Ranma poisoned flowers before the match, but Ranma’s father gets them instead and is knocked out by the fumes. Upon entering the ring, girl Ranma gives her real name confusing everyone. Kodachi attaches a chain with P-Chan at the end to Ranma’s arm and the two prepare for battle.
Episode 13 - A Tear in a Girl-Delinquent's Eye? The End of the Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Challenge!
The fight begins and Kodachi quickly attacks Ranma with a steel rod disguised as rope. Next she fights with spiked clubs and wraps Ranma up in chains. When Akane pleads with the referee, she states and long as “tools’ are used, it is legal. Ranma retaliates with a kick while holding Ryoga between her feet. Kodachi concludes that Ranma loves the pig-tailed girl and attacks even harder. The two begin grabbing objects from outside the ring with their ribbons and using them as weapons. They grab the ring bell, chairs, tables, and even Kuno! Finally Kodachi attempts to hit Ranma with a kettle of boiling water. But before the crowd could see Ranma and Ryoga change, Akane sprays them with a fire hose. Ranma attacks furiously, sending Kodachi out of the ring. But Kodachi whistles before she hit’s the floor, and the entire ring moves to catch her! Realizing there is foul play, Ranma tears up the ring floor exposing the rest of Kodachi’s gym team underneath. The girls flee, and the fight reaches a new level as all that are left are the ring posts. The fight continues, but when Ranma breaks the ring post Kodachi is standing on she falls to the ground making Ranma the winner. Later that night, Kuno stops by the Tendo house and gives boy Ranma flowers to give the pig-tailed girl. Ranma falls into water changing into a girl just in time for Kodachi to stop by with flowers for boy Ranma.
Episode 14 - Pelvic Fortune Telling? Ranma Is The No.1 Bride of Japan!
Nabiki makes some food for Dr. Tofu, Ranma and Akane volunteer to bring it to him. While there, Dr. Tofu’s mother shows up. She quickly begins asking about Tofu’s love life, hoping he would consider marrying the pelvic champion of Japan. However, Dr. Tofu insists he is not ready for marriage. Noticing the problem and hoping to cash in, Nabiki offers to act as Tofu’s bride… but for a price. Akane discovers this, and hoping to prevent Nabiki from taking advantage of the Dr. she tells his mother that she is his bride. The mother states the only way to decide who will become the bride is by a ceremony that decides who has the best birthing hips. Girl Ranma enters the fray and seems like the winner, but Kasumi shows up and Dr Tofu begins to act crazy again. As this happens his mother has a flashback to how his father acted a similar around her. She realizes that Kasumi is his love, feels satisfied, and heads home.
Episode 15 - Enter Shampoo, the Gung-Ho Girl! I Put My Life In Your Hands!
One afternoon Ranma and Akane enjoy some ice cream at the local shop. However, their afternoon snacking is interrupted when the wall of the shop gets knocked in! A strange girl bursts in the hole looking for Ranma. Unlike Ryoga, Ranma knows why this girl, named Shampoo is after him. While still in China, the tour guide took girl Ranma and his father to an Amazon village. It so happens the village was holding a fighting tournament at the time, so Ranma and his father sat down to watch. Not realizing it was the prize for the contest, the two began to eat the food platter at the table. Shampoo, who was fighting at the time, became furious with the two. Ranma quickly retaliated by challenging Shampoo, believing if he beat her she had no reason to complain. However, after being defeated, Shampoo gave Ranma the “Kiss of Death.” It was the custom of the Amazons to kill any outsider that defeated a villager. After failing to kill Ranma in China, she finally tracked her down in Japan. Later on at home Shampoo attacks again, but Ranma is a boy when he defeats Shampoo. Not knowing that both Ranmas are one and the same, Shampoo falls madly in love with boy Ranma, while she continues to despise girl Ranma.
Episode 16 - Shampoo's Revenge! The Shiatsu Technique That Steals Heart and Soul!
The following morning Akane goes to wake Ranma when she finds Shampoo sleeping at his side. Akane becomes furious and the two argue all the way to school. While at school Shampoo brings Ranma a surprise lunch. When he opens the platter, Ranma is surprised to find a cooked P-chan! Not at pleased, Akane quickly grabs P-Chan to see if he is okay. Shampoo gives Akane the “Kiss of Death” and the two go to the school yard to fight it out. When Ranma finally finds Akane she is knocked unconscious. After she finally comes to, Akane has no recollection of Ranma. Yet all of her other memories remain intact. The two go to Dr Tofu who figures out that Shampoo used a special Chinese shampoo and massage on Akane’s head, manipulating her memory. Ranma rushes out of the Tofu’s office hoping to find Shampoo and her shampoo in time.
Episode 17 - I Love You, Ranma! Please Don't Say Goodbye!
Stressed out over Akane’s memory, Ranma runs through the town looking for Shampoo. She cannot be found however and Ranma returns home depressed. However, soon after getting back to the Tendo house, Shampoo shows up with the shampoo! Ranma quickly steals it from her and washes Akane’s hair. Unfortunately, there is no change in her memory. Dr Tofu explains that the soap Ranma has is #110, instead he needs 119 to get Akane’s memory back. Just as Ranma prepares to go to China for the soap, Shampoo appears again, this time with #119. In return for the shampoo, Ranma must kill his girl half. Ranma goes back home trying to figure out how to kill his girl half. After Ryoga, Saotome, and Tendo try to help girl Ranma by beating her up, Ranma insults Akane’s looks. After repeating insults -with the help of his panda father on a keyboard- Akane snaps out of Shampoo’s brainwashing. Later that night Ranma tells Shampoo that he is really a girl dressed up as a boy. She leaves devastated.
Episode 18 - I am A Man! Ranma's Going Back To China!?
Fed up with everything that’s happened, Ranma tells his father he wants to go back to China. When Saotome tries to stop him the two even argue more. While Ranma vents his frustrations his father tries to get him to stay, both using things that happened over episodes 1 - 17 to prove their point. In other words, this episode is a recap of what happened up to this point. By the end of the episode all characters come to try to talk Ranma into staying, which he does.

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