Ranma Season 2 - Episodes 19-37

Episode 19 - Clash Of The Delivery Girls! The Martial Arts Takeout Race!
One day a strange and wealthy man shows up to the Tendo house looking for Ranma. It seems Ranma is supposed to marry his daughter Kaori because of a promise made by Saotome. While on a martial arts pilgrimage long ago, Saotome was on the brink of starvation in a desert. After suffering for many days he found a man eating fish by a campfire. The man would not give his food away for free and made a deal to trade a fish for the baby boy on Saotome’s back, Ranma. Saotome agreed, had his meal and left without Ranma. Later, while the other man was not paying attention he stole Ranma back and continued his journey. When she finds out about Ranma’s prior engagement, Kaori proposes a contest between her and Akane. Who ever wins a delivery contest being held by a Chinese restaurant in town gets to marry Ranma. However, the race is more complicated than it sounds as the racers must avoid obstacles and each other in trying to go as fast as possible without ruining the delivery. Ranma and his father also enter the contest hoping to win the years supply of free ramen. The race begins and Akane gets a quick lead which she maintains until a confrontation with Kaori leaves her with a hurt ankle. Ranma attempts to win the race on his own, but Kaori proves difficult to beat. Instead Ranma slows her down enough for Akane to crawl over the finish line and win the contest.!
Episode 20 - You Really Do Hate Cats!
The Tendo’s receive a box in the mail addressed to Ranma from Shampoo. Before Ranma can get home from school to open the box, a cat fights its way out. When Ranma finally arrives we find out he is deathly afraid of cats! Saotome explains that he once tried to teach Ranma Cat Fu, which involved wrapping Ranma up in fish sausage and throwing him into a pit of cats. Although Ranma never learned the technique, he gained an extreme fear of cats. Unluckily for Ranma, Kuno’s ninja Sasuke sees the whole thing and tells Kuno of Ranma’s weakness. The next day Ranma gets a note that Akane has been kidnapped. She, however, is standing next to him, so Ranma knows this is a trick, but curiosity leads them to the gym where Akane was to be held. When they arrive Ranma and Akane are shocked find Sasuke dressed as Akane. They are even more shocked when a trap door opens and they all fall into a room full of cats. When the group tries to escape, a tiger emerges. Overcome by fear Ranma begins to act like a wild cat, the technique known as Cat Fu! Ranma explodes out of the trap door and uncontrollably attacks Kuno. Eventually Ranma flees outside where Saotome and Akane try to calm him down. He eventually falls asleep on Akane’s lap, but not before kissing her!
Episode 21 - This Ol' Gals The Leader Of The Amazon Tribe
The news of Ranma and Akane’s kiss has gotten around and Kuno, Sasuke, and Ryoga try to attack Ranma for his action. However, this news is new to Ranma since he can’t remember anything from his Cat Fu fit. That night, Ranma apologizes to Akane for his actions. Later Shampoo’s cat jumps into the bath with Ranma, turning into Shampoo! Akane walks in on the two and walks away stunned. While training with her grandmother in China, Shampoo fell in a cursed spring which turned her into a cat. Soon after, Shampoo’s Grandmother Cologne shows up looking for her son in law Ranma. He denies being Shampoo’s fiancé and a battle begins. The fight brings the two into town where the scuffle continues. The Old Lady uses the Splitting Cat Hairs technique to surround Ranma, but he quickly defeats this technique. Unluckily for Ranma the old woman hits him with her staff. She states Ranma will want to marry Shampoo and flees the scene. That night, girl Ranma tries to get into a warm bath, but the water feels extremely hot! Cologne appears and explains she hit a pressure point that makes Ranma very sensitive to warm things, also known as the Cat Tongue Technique. As a result, Ranma cannot return to his boy form.
Episode 22 - Behold! The Cestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire Technique
Seeing that Ranma is upset that he must remain a girl, Shampoo feels bad and tells Ranma that her grandmother has a Phoenix pill that could cure him. Cologne keeps the pill in a container on a necklace. After many failures Ranma become a waitress at Cologne’s noodle shop to try to catch her with her guard down. Although he tries with all his might, Ranma cannot steal the pill from her. Finally, Cologne shows Ranma the lightning fast ‘Chestnuts on an Open Fire Technique‘, in which she quickly grabs roasting nuts from a fire with her hands. If Ranma can master this technique, she declares, he will be fast enough to steal the Phoenix pill. Unfortunately, Ranma has trouble learning the technique. To forget his troubles he and Akane go to a festival. When Akane gets cheating in a goldfish catching game, Ranma offers to help. With incredible hand speed Ranma is able to knock all the goldfish from the tank. When confronted with a tank of piranhas, eh is able to do the same. Confident he is quick enough, Ranma challenges the old lady, and defeats her! The takes the pill but it does not work. Cologne laughs and explains that the pill Ranma took was actually candy and that the real pill is elsewhere.
Episode 23 - Enter Mousse! The Fist Of The White Swan
Still not cured, Akane takes Ranma to see Dr. Tofu. He pushes a pressure point that allows Ranma to turn back into a boy. However, before he can explain one important condition, Kasumi calls. Ranma and Akane hurry to school, but are stopped outside by Shampoo and Cologne. A strange character named Mousse stops Ranma as he is about to attack Cologne. Mouse declares his love for Shampoo and attacks her current love Ranma. When the dust settles, Mousse challenges Ranma to a formal duel over Akane. Since Ranma was able to steal Mousse’s love, he feels he should have the opportunity to steal Ranma’s. Later that day Dr Tofu calls and informs Ranma that the technique he used to make him a boy again could only be used once. Unfortunately, Ranma is turned into a girl again with no way to change back before the next days fight. The next day Ranma shows up late to the match wearing a strange outfit to hide his female attributes. After making fun of Mousse’s trick techniques Ranma asks if he could beat a girl. Shedding his outfit Ranma “turns into” a girl and the fight continues. After a crazy battle that leaves the ring aflame, Mousse finally succumbs to Ranma‘s Chestnut Technique!
Episode 24 - Cool Runnings! The Race Of The Snowmen!
Lisa has been taken to the hospital, but everything see is alright. Back at base the eX-Driver’s receive a message that they are not that good. Soukata, the chief recognizes the man in the video, Toudou. In the past he had been an eX-Driver. However, his recklessness forced Soukata to fire him and the two remained on bad terms. While Hashiichi repairs the groups cars, Soukata challenges Toudou to a race the next morning. When he prepares to leave, however, he finds his car has been disassembled and Hashiichi is gone. Hashiichi meets Toudou at the designated area and the race begins. As they speed through dangerous areas, Toudou’s henchmen get left behind. After an exciting chase the two stop. Toudou wishes to continue, but Hashiichi leaves to pursue a car that has lost control. Just as Toudou is about to follow Rei shows up tells him his suspension is too damaged to continue. Toudou and Rei join Soukata on an overpass and the group watches Lisa, Luna, and Hashiichi save a group of school children. As Toudou realizes there is value in driving for others, Soukata asks him to rejoin. The episode ends with the eX-Drivers teaching children about cars. As everyone celebrates and chills out at the barbeque, Hashiishi and Luna get in go-karts to finally settle who is better.
Episode 25 - The Abduction Of P-Chan
While staking with the school ice skating team, Akane mistakenly leaves P-Chan on the ice. Another girl named Azuza finds him, names him Charlotte and takes P-Chan away. Akane quickly finds Ranma in a restaurant, but just as she approaches him Azuza arrives. P-Chan is returned to Akane, but Azuza issues an ice skating challenge with P-Chan as the prize. Azuza’s partner, Mikato apologizes to Akane and tries to kiss her. Ranma stops him by flicking food at his face and Mikato challenges Ranma to a match. The resulting contest is a paired ice skating match between the arguing groups. Before practice, Ranma turns into a girl to avoid embarrassment. While he and Akane practice together, Mikato and Azuza show up and show off their incredible techniques. Taken by girl Ranma, Mikato forces a kiss which really pisses Ranma off. Ranma runs off but quickly returns as a boy and challenges Mikato to a fight.
Episode 26 - Close Call! The Dance Of Death... On Ice!
Venting his anger over the kiss, Ranma punches the ice, putting a huge crack in it. This aggravates Mikato who believes the ice is sacred and he immediately attacks Ranma. Although it seems like Mikato scores many blows with his dancing technique, when the fight is over he stands unconscious. The next day the two teams meet on the ice for their battle. Mikato threatens to steal a kiss from Akane. Ranma declares that Akane is his fiancé and Mikato better back off and the battle begins.
Episode 27 - P-Chan Explodes! The Icy Fountain Of Love!
Mikato and Azuza immediately try their Couple Cleaver technique with which no couple has survived. While both survive the technique, Ranma finds himself slightly hurt. Surprising everyone, Ryoga shows up, turns Ranma into a girl and tries taking his place. By mistake he removes Akane instead and he and Ranma are left as a team! After an audience induced costume change, the battle continues. Ranma and Ryoga are quickly taken up in the Couple Cleaver and are separated much quicker than Akane and Ranma. Ranma and Ryoga begin to argue and Mikato quickly attacks Ryoga for his beloved pig tailed girl. Azuza quickly realizes Ryoga is Charlotte and attacks her partner for attacking Ryoga. While knocking her partner out Azuza mistakenly breaks the ice. Unable to continue, Azuza and Mikato are declared the losers. Ranma and Ryoga do not hear this as their fight takes them to an outdoor pool. Trying to find the two, Akane gets knocked into a poll, but cannot swim. Ranma and Ryoga both jump in to save her, but Ranma later credits P-Chan and Ryoga with the save.
Episode 28 - Ranma Trains At Mount Terror
After training in the mountains for some time, Ryoga feels he is ready to take on Ranma. While finding his way back to Tokyo, Ryoga runs into Cologne who realizes they both have a score to settle with Ranma and offers to train him. Ryoga declines and finds Ranma on his way to deliver fish to Dr Tofu. Although he attacks with all of his might, Ryoga is quickly defeated and embarrassed by Ranma. With a hurt pride, Ryoga gladly accepts Cologne’s offer and the two return to the mountains to train. Saotome also believes it is time for some hard training and he, Ranma, and Akane go to the mountains as well. After a hard day of training, Ranma and Saotome return to Akane’s dinner. They quickly go to fend for themselves after they taste Akane’s horrible cooking! After failing to learn the Chestnut Technique, Ryoga shows up at Akane’s camp and actually enjoys -or stomachs- Akane’s cooking. Insulted by Ranma and his father, Akane joins Ryoga at his camp where she can be appreciated. Cologne begins to teach Ryoga the Breaking Point Attack which allows the user to explode rocks with his/her fists.
Episode 29 - The Breaking Point!? Ryoga's Great Revenge!
Although he has trouble with it, Ryoga continues to learn the Breaking Point Attack with advise from Cologne. Secretly, Saotome sees the dangerous attack and decides to teach Ranma the proper defense. Taking a hive, Saotome has Ranma defend himself against a horde of bees. If he is successful in attacking all the bees without getting stung, Ranma can defeat Ryoga’s technique. Meanwhile Akane sees what the Breaking Point Attack is capable of and fears for Ranma‘s safety. The next day Cologne declares that Akane will be the prize in Ranma and Ryoga‘s fight. The battle begins and Ryoga quickly tries to hit Ranma with his new technique. It becomes apparent that the Breaking Point Attack’s advantage is not only in its destructive power, but in its toughening of the user as well. Shards of rock fly into Ryoga after every attack, but he remains unfazed. Ranma quickly realizes his attacks has no effect on Ryoga. With the threat of losing becoming greater Ranma decides to use the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts Ultimate Technique… to quickly run away! However, the fight quickly resumes, but this time Ranma concentrates his Chestnut technique on Ryoga’s stomach. Ryoga cannot handle the concentrated blows and he loses. Laughing at Ranma afterwards, Cologne explains that the Breaking Point Technique was invented for civil workers for breaking rocks and that it would not work on people!
Episode 30 - Danger At The Tendo Dojo
Everyone is surprised when the Tendo dojo receives a challenge, but Ranma and Akane quickly accept the duty of protecting the dignity of the school. Before the match, Ranma runs into Shampoo that has a powdered form of instant curse that could turn Ranma into a boy permanently! Shampoo demands a date with Ranma in exchange for the powder. Although the match time draws near, Ranma’s wants the powder and agrees to go on the date. Shampoo draws the date out and tries to get a kiss from Ranma. Meanwhile, a huge man enters the Tendo Dojo and begins to attack Akane with all the signs he has won from other Dojos! Ranma begins to get nervous over the match and takes Shampoo and her bike to the dojo. Ranma and Akane use a special team up attack to defeat their challenger. Afterwards, Shampoo lies and says she kissed Ranma, upsetting Akane. She gives Ranma the instant curse and then leaves. Saotome and Ranma quickly use the powder, but are sad to find its effects are not permanent.
Episode 31 - The Abduction Of Akane!
Akane is very happy with a toy pig she just received when a strange man attacks her. Thinking it is Akane, the man grabs the pig and flees. As he leaves he leaves a ticket for a circus for Ranma, stating he must go there if he wants Akane back! The next day Ranma and Akane go to the circus where they meet Shampoo who received a ticket as well. Mousse appears and tells everyone that he will keep Akane until Ranma gives Shampoo back. The group laughs at him and Mousse finally puts his glasses on and sees that Akane is actually a toy pig! Later on during the event Akane’s toy pig is offered to a volunteer from the audience. Akane forces Ranma to volunteer and he is quickly buckled onto a standing piece of wood. A duck begins throwing knives at Ranma, but Ranma quickly escapes. Outside, Ranma discovers the duck is actually Mousse. After losing the fight to Ranma, Mousse returned to China to train. Before he even began training, he fell in the spring of the drowned duck. A fight begins, but it is eventually broken up by Shampoo. Later on, Mousse finally kidnaps the real Akane. He ties her up in a tank and threatens to pour duck water on her if Ranma does not show up to save her.
Episode 32 - Mousse v Ranma! To Lose Is To Win
When Ranma finds out where Akane is, he rushes to save her. As he arrives, the water begins to pour out, but Ranma quickly kicks the faucet off and blocks the opening saving both Akane and the audience members. However, Akane is not safe yet as Shampoo begins to attack her with duck water . After some song defensive moves, Akane is knocked backstage. When Ranma looks to help her, he only finds a duck! Panic stricken, Ranma runs home and puts the duck in a warm bath. A transformation doesn’t occur and Mr. Tendo insists Ranma marry Akane right away as it is the right thing to do. Back at the circus, Akane is all right as she crawls out from under a pile of debris. She tells Mousse he should try fighting Ranma once again because he might actually win. Akane returns home to the delight of everyone and the wedding ceremony stops. The next day Mousse challenges Ranma to another fight and Shampoo agrees that if Mousse wins, she will date him. As the fight begins Akane and Mousse insist that Ranma lose intentionally. Shampoo realizes their plan and gives Mousse sabotaged weapons that should help his loss. Yet Ranma didn’t intend on losing as his honor was at stake. After his defeat, Shampoo feels bad for Mousse and carries him off.
Episode 33 - Enter Happosai, the Lustful Lecher!
Mr. Tendo begins notices many bad omens occurring at his home. Saotome shakes them off and laughs, but Tendo seems worried. Meanwhile, in the mountains a rock breaks and a mysterious being emerges. It next appears at a restaurant and tells the owners to send the bill to the Tendos. Finally, it attacks school girls yelling for Akane, but the real Akane and Ranma chase it away. When they return home, Ranma and Akane discover that this being is actually Tendo and Saotome’s master, Happosai! Tendo and Saotome think back to their grueling training in which they had to work off their master food bills by washing dishes and help him steal girl’s underwear. Fed up with his attitude and methods Tendo and Saotome devised a plan to get rid of their master. One night they got him really drunk. When he fell asleep, they put him in a barrel wrapped in chains which they then threw into a cave. Not caring about the past, the master decides to train one more pupil and Saotome quickly volunteers Ranma. After attacking Cologne and Shampoo, Ranma gets angry and challenges the old man to a fight. The old man agrees only under the stipulation that if Ranma loses he must wear a bra of his choice. The match begins and the master quickly summons a powerful aura that prevents Ranma from moving. When Ranma finally attacks, the old man is kicked into the ground, literally! However, he is not fazed and quickly gains the upper hand on Ranma. Yet just as the battle seems like it will end, the old man disappears. Shocked, Ranma and Akane discover him in the girls locker room groping female students.
Episode 34 - Assault On The Girl’s Locker Room
Back in Japan, Ryoga is determined to ask Akane to go steady. Ranma overhears this plan and makes fun of him. Ryoga then tells Ranma to say goodbye to P-Chan as he pulls out a piece of paper. Quickly Ranma steals the paper and discovers it is a map to a Japanese spring that could cure their curses. Hoping to cash in on Ryoga’s discovery, Ranma offers to take him to the spring. With a horrible sense of direction, Ryoga can not decline the offer and the to start looking together. After some time the two are surprised to discover that the spring is located under the girls’ high school locker room! The two try to get into the locker room to find the spring several times but are repeatedly found out by the girls. Hoping Ranma will help him steal the girls’ underwear, Happosai shows up and paralyses Ryoga with one of his moves. Ranma then uses the old man and some fake snakes and frogs to scare the girls away from the room. When entering the room, Ranma is confronted by Akane who thinks he is stealing girls’ underwear. Not buying his story about the spring, she begins to cry about Ranma’s perverted ways . Ryoga attacks Ranma once again and when the two hit the ground, a huge geyser erupts. Unfortunately, the water turns out to be coming from a pipe, but Ranma discovers a vase he thinks is linked to the spring.

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