Slam Dunk Season 1

Episode 1 - A Gifted Basketball Player Is Born!?
Sakuragi Hanamichi is a high school freshman that can’t seem to put his failures with girls behind him. Still devastated from his last turn down, he starts his high school life in a depressed state. Since the girl actually liked a member of the basketball team, Hanamichi attacks anyone that mentions the word… or anything that sounds like it. However, Hanamichi quickly changes his tune when a girl named Haruko Akagi comes along and compliments his athletic build. She explains that Hanamichi would be great at basketball, a sport she absolutely loves! After these compliments, Hanamichi becomes positive again and sets his goal on achieving a great athletic build. As he trains throughout the school, he wanders into the floor of 3rd year students. A few attack Hanamichi, who quickly retaliates. A bad situation is adverted when Haruko happens by and asks Hanamichi to return to the freshman floor with her.

The two head for the gym where Haruko explains her favorite basketball move, the slam dunk. Hanamichi attempts to slam dunk, but bangs his head on the backboard. Later on, Haruko signs Hanamichi up for the basketball team. Unfortunately Hanamichi hears that Haruko has a crush on a basketball player named Rukawa and his heart is broken once again. As class is about to end, the 3rd year students run in and threaten Hanamichi, telling him to meet them on the roof. When arriving on the roof the 3rd year students find Rukawa already sleeping there. They kick him and tell him to leave. This only infuriates Rukawa who fights them all.

Episode 2 - The Hell With Basketball! Hanamichi v Rukawa
Hanamichi and his friends run to the rooftop for the fight. To their surprise everyone is knocked out except for one guy who introduces himself as Rukawa. Seeing the group on the rooftop, Haruko runs there afraid the rumors of Hanamichi’s violent nature aren’t true. Mistaking Rukawa’s bloody head as the actions of Hanamichi, she quickly scolds him. However, when Rukawa insults Haruko for her friendly gestures, Hanamichi retaliates with a barrage of head-butts! After Haruko runs away angry at Hanamichi, Rukawa leaves as well. Although badly hurt, Rukawa proves to be the first and only person strong enough to withstand Hanamichi’s attacks! Already a bad day, things get worse when Hanamichi insults the basketball team captain -who turns out to be Haruko’s brother- by calling basketball a “puny kid’s game!” Captain Akagi furiously challenges Hanamichi to a match within which he must score one basket before the captain scores ten. As the match begins, Hanamichi finds stealing the ball impossible.
Episode 3 - Gorilla v Hanamichi! Final Confrontation
In almost no time captain Akagi scores seven baskets. As he charges towards the basket once again, Hanamichi runs close behind him. After impressing everyone with his speed, Hanamichi trips and grabs hold of Akagi’s pants. Hearing everyone laugh, Akagi gets up realizing his pants are down! He quickly pulls his pants up and the contest continues. Haruko gets sad over the match as she though Hanamichi and her brother could be good friends. Her dream of the two playing together to achieve her brothers dream of becoming national champions seems destroyed. As Hakuro’s attention shifts back to the match she cries for Hanamichi to stop. Invigorated by her “cheering,” Hanamichi prepares for a final defensive stand. Using all his energy and concentration, Hanamichi knocks the ball loose. He quickly and recklessly dives for the ball and recovers it. To the delight of all onlookers, Hanamichi runs with the ball, forgetting to dribble. Akagi laughs and says it is okay for him to travel, since he won’t get by anyway. Finding it impossible to escape Akagi’s defense, Hanamichi hurls the ball of the backboard and quickly runs to catch it in the air! Just as he is about to score, Akagi grabs the ball from his hands. Yet, before hitting the ground, Hanamichi grabs the ball once again and dunks it! He quickly celebrates with Haruko, making fun of his “gorilla-like” opponent. Being a good sport, Akagi congratulates Hanamichi -who is surprised to find he is Haruko’s brother- after the match.
Episode 4 - Basketman Hanamichi Gets In!
The next morning three basketball players talk about Hanamichi’s win on their way to the locker room. When they come to the door they are shocked to see that it has been broken into. They are even more surprised when they find Hanamichi standing in the locker room wearing a uniform. Hanamichi tells the others about his dream to play basketball and win Haruko’s heart. However, Akagi shows up and tells Hanamichi he can’t join the team. Even after the captain’s insults, Hanamichi tries to remain calm for the sake of Haruko. To find out more about Akagi, Hanamichi secretly meets with another player who states that Akagi is direct, neat, and loves basketball. Hanamichi assumes he loves bananas too, and gives him a box full of them during school. Still trying to get on Akagi’s good side, Hanamichi and his friends clean the locker room during lunch. However, the captain still ignores him and Hanamichi is forced to watch practice from the sidelines. That night, Hanamichi breaks into the locker room once again to clean that basketballs and gym. Impressed by his perseverance, Akagi allows Hanamichi to join the team. That afternoon the team members get acquainted and practice begins. Regarded as a newcomer, Hanamichi must learn the basics with the athletic trainer.
Episode 5 - A Fruitless Afternoon
A few days later, Hanamichi‘s friends hear girls making a commotion by the gym. They hurry and find the commotion is over basketball practice, or more accurately Rukawa. While Rukawa wows the crowd with his skills, Hanamichi is still forced to practice the basics. However, Hanamichi is also able to wow the crowd when he shows off his ball handling skills. With new confidence, he tries to force his way into the practice game, but Akagi stops him with force. Angry, Hanamichi retaliates with a head butt and leaves with his friends. Even after the outburst, Haruko has not lost hope and after a few minutes she goes to find Hanamichi. While enjoying lunch, Hanamichi and his friends get into an argument with another gang. But just as an all out fight is about to begin, Hanamichi thinks of Haruko and decides to return to practice. Hanamichi moves past basic dribbling and ball handling to passing.
Episode 6 - Rukawa vs Akagi, The Real Showdown!
As time progresses Hanamichi quickly improves. Yet to the frustration of Hanamichi, Rukawa still gets the most attention from the female fans. The coach shows up and announces a practice match with Ryonan High School, one of the best teams in the nation. He then tells the team to practice seniors v freshman. Sadly, Hanamichi is not allowed to participate. As the match begins Rukawa shows off his skills against Akagi and the other upperclassman, even impressing the coach! Haruko and the trainer argue furiously about whether he can beat Akagi. After faking out one of the older players, Rukawa goes for a shot only to have it blocked by Akagi. This move only creates more tension, taking the practice to a whole new level.
Episode 7 - Hanamichi’s Debut!!
As practice continues, Hanamichi gets jealous of the attention Rukawa gets from Hakuro. When Rukawa is awarded a free throw, Hanamichi stands behind the basket making a stupid face to try to distract him. This tactic fails miserably and Hanamichi is reprimanded by Akagi. Afterwards, Rukawa steals the ball and beats the whole team down the court, ending his run with a slam dunk! Everyone, including Akagi is amazed. Hanamichi panics as he sees the love for Rukawa in Hakuro’s eyes. The members of the team finally talk Akagi into letting Hanamichi play. Although practice is almost over, Hanamichi quickly steals the ball and charges down court. Refusing to pass to Rukawa, he jumps for a slam dunk. But when Akagi goes for the block, Hanamichi misses the basket and slams the ball onto Akagi’s head! When Akagi comes to he attacks Hanamichi. However, the coach Anzai is impressed with both players, Rukawa and Hanamichi.
Episode 8 - Hanamichi’s Crisis! The Judo-mans Trap
Aching from yesterdays practice, Hanamichi slows walks to school. Along the way a group of delinquents confront him. They state they have nothing against him, but they must follow orders. Meanwhile at the school, Rukawa sleeps through his class while Akagi discusses the basketball team with other students. To the amazement of others, he tells of his dream to become national champions. Aota, the captain of the Judo team enters and objects stating they will become national champions first . The two argue, and Kogure says the basketball team has impressive new talent. The Judo team has great newcomers as well, including their new star Hanamichi!? Aota then explains that his boys are “convincing” him to join as they speak. Just as he finishes his sentence, his beat up and bruised friends walk in reporting that they failed. However, Aota doesn’t quit and he confronts Hanamichi in person . The two meet after school and Aota offers to give Hanamichi pictures of Hakuro if he joins the Judo Team. Will Hanamichi accept?
Episode 9 - I Am Going To Play Basketball
Even after much convincing, Hanamichi refuses to join the Judo team. However, he states he still wants the pictures and will take them on his own. Still determined, Aota tells Hanamichi stories about how him and Akagi went from best friends to rivals, all involving Akagi looking down on Judo! Hanamichi still refuses to join Judo, and attacks Aota for the pictures. Quickly, grabs hold of Hanamichi and throws him to the ground. When the two grab each other again, Hanamichi counters a Judo technique with a swift head butt, knocking Aota to the ground! When Hanamichi takes the photos, Aota attacks again, getting him in an arm lock. After getting loose, the two engage again, only this time Hanamichi quickly lifts Aota onto his shoulders and quickly throws him to the ground! Hanamichi leaves the room stating he will not join Judo because he is a basketball player. Akagi acts disgusted but is actually excited at Hanamichi’s determination.
Episode 10 - The Commoner’s Shot Is Difficult
After learning the basics for quite sometime Akagi asks the coach to allow Hanamichi to practice shooting. When Hanamichi celebrates this opportunity, the on looking crowd of girls makes fun of him saying he should quit. Surprisingly, Hakuro sticks up for Hanamichi. However, Hanamichi’s happiness is short lived when he is told to learn from Rukawa. He is also angry that he must practice shooting and not dunking. When he goes for a slam dunk instead of a shot Akagi becomes even angrier. Finally, Hanamichi tries what he calls “the commoner’s shot” commonly known as a lay-up, but cannot get one in. In frustration he throws basketballs at Rukawa when he shows how to do it properly. Finally, Hanamichi swallows his pride, apologizes to Rukawa and asks him to show him a lay up one more time. After a touching moment, Rukawa goes to do a lay-up but Hanamichi answers by throwing several balls at Rukawa. The two begin to fight and are kicked out of practice. The next morning Hakuro sees Hanamichi practicing his shot and offers to teach him the proper way.
Episode 11 - Our Secret Love’s Special Training!?
Immediately after taking the ball, Hakuro falls. When Hanaichi asks her to stop she reminisces about playing in middle school and how the lay-up was her best shot. Hakuro’s next successful lay-up encourages Hanamichi to try again. Eventually the two figure out that Hanamichi needs to jump higher and be gentler with the ball and Hanamichi sinks his first lay-up. However, Hanamichi’s happiness is cut short when Akagi reminds them their match with Ryonan High School is in a week. Determined to prove himself, Hanamichi practices even harder, staying even after everyone else has left practice. While he practices, a member of Ryonan basketball team shows up to scout the competition.
Episode 12 - Defeat Ryonan! The Fierce Training The Night Before The Match
The student from Ryonan begins to discuss Rukawa’s stats with Hanamichi mistaking him for Rukawa. Angry, Hanamichi responds with a fierce head-butt. Hanamichi then introduces himself and explains that he is better than Rukawa as he defeated the captain in a match. The Ryonan student looks at Hanamichi with amazement, but then asks why he doesn’t wear basketball shoes. He quickly retracts the question, however, when he concludes that Hanamichi is too poor to afford them. Meanwhile Akagi and Kogure discuss Hanamichi at a diner. Akagi concludes that he is too wild and unpredictable to use in an actual game. He then states that Rukawa will be used to cover Ryonan’s best player. A little disappointed by the captain’s thoughts, Kogure sticks up for Hanamichi. The team looks good the next day at practice as they prepare for the next day’s match against Ryonan. Everyone is surprised when Hanamichi consistently score lay-ups. After everyone else leaves practice, Akagi asks Hanamichi to stay behind to practice with him. Akagi then teaches Hanamichi about rebounds. At first disappointed, Hanamichi becomes eager when he hears that the team that controls rebounds controls the match. However, rebounding proves difficult to learn and the two practice late into the night.
Episode 13 - Shohoku V Ryonan! The Secret Weapon
With much anticipation the day of the match finally arrives. Although it is only a practice match, even a news reporter shows up to observe. While Ryonan has the comfort of preparing in their own gym, the Shohoku players get pumped up on the train ride there. Upon arrival, everyone is amazed at the height of Ryonan’s captain Uozumi. Though excited about the game, Hanamichi becomes disappointed when he is not chosen as one of the starting five players. When Hanamichi is forced to wear a shirt with taped on numbers because there are no new uniforms he erupts and begins to fight with Akagi! The coach quickly explains that Hanamichi is their secret weapon and that is why he has no jersey. Luckily Hanamichi buys this story, but he still wants a jersey. The problem is finally resolved when Rukawa is given one of the other substitute’s jerseys while Hanamichi takes his. Ryonan’s other star player Sendo finally shows up and the teams prepare to play. When the game finally starts, Shohoku gets off to a slow start as Uozumi blocks everyone’s shots.
Episode 14 - Super Basketball Match With Ryonan
Frustrated with the match, Hanamichi begs the coach to let him in, but is forced to wait as the match is just under way. After five minutes of playing time, Shokoku finds themselves down 15 - 0. The crowd begins to cheer for Sendo as he becomes the star of the match. While his moves impress most onlookers, they also ignite Akagi and Rukawa’s rage. When Sendo goes for an alley-oop, Rukawa intercepts the ball. Sprinting down court, Rukawa begins to go for a dunk but passes to Akagi when Sendo jumps to block him. Akagi finishes the drive with a slam dunk inspiring the Shohoku team! As the game continues, Shohoku slowly comes back and the score is 42 - 50 at half time.
Episode 15 - Secret Weapon Hanamichi Steps Into The Spotlight
The Ryonan coach Taoka gets angry and yells at the team for allowing Shohoku to come back. Hanamichi is found out when he spies on Ryonan’s discussion causing an intense argument . Akagi quickly grabs Hanamichi and apologizes for his teammates actions. They tie Hanamichi up with rope and force him to sit the bench. However, after Sendo scores another basket, he taunts Hanamichi calling him in with his finger. Fired up by the challenge, Hanamichi stands up, breaking the ropes around his body. When he heads towards the court, Akagi yells at him and Hanamichi sits back down. AS the match continues to be a stalemate, the coach asks Hanamichi to warm up! When Uozumi elbows Akagi in the head causing him to bleed, Akagi asks Hanamichi to take his place. However, Hanamichi travels when he first gets the ball, he then fouls Uozumi. Hanamichi is so nervous he can not see or hear properly, but Rukawa brings him to by kicking him in the rear.
Episode 16 - All Out Counter Attack!
Uozumi misses his two free throws and Shohoku is still down by 7 points. When Ryonan tries to get its offense going, Hanamichi slaps the ball away and then chases it down! His effort is in vain as he lands out of bounds on top of the Ryonan coach. Ryonan gets the ball back and quickly moves it down court to Uozumi. But when he goes for a shot he gets overwhelmed by Hanamichi’s intense defense. The crowd goes wild when Hanamichi steals the ball! While the Ryonan players begin to discuss Hanamichi’s potential, the coach believes the only skilled player is Rukawa. He tells the Ryonan players to cover him closely. After his lay-up is blocked, Hanamichi rebounds the ball. He then passes to Kogure who quickly sinks a three pointer. Hanamichi quickly steals the ball once again and sets up the same play, making the score a reachable 65 - 68. The Ryonan coach is afraid that Hanamichi sees through his tactic of guarding Rukawa when in actuality Hanamichi refuses to pass to him! Rukawa twists his ankle covering Sendo who scores. Hanamichi quickly criticizes Rukawa who quickly gets up and continues to play. On the next play Rukawa gets a rebound and scores keeping the match close with six minutes remaining.
Episode 17 - The Rebound King Sakuragi Hanamichi’s Distress
As the game goes on, Hanamichi feels the pressure to win rebounds as Ryonan wins them all. With an incredible jump, Hanamichi is able to finally win a rebound, but since a Ryonan defender quickly grabs the ball, it results in a jump ball. Newly reenergized, Hanamichi wins the jump ball, but Shohoku loses the ball on a rebound resulting in a Ryonan score making it 67 - 74. Shohoku scores a three on their next drive, but Uozumi answers with a dunk. Just when all seems lost to Shohoku, Akagi returns and he immediately criticizes Hanamichi’s rebounding. Akagi returns to the game taking Rukawa’s place. Akagi quickly scores, and finally positioning himself correctly, Hanamichi grabs the next rebound. With three minutes left can Shohoku come back?
Episode 18 - The Last 2 Minutes! I’ll be The One To Defeat Sendo
With the score at 74 - 76 either team could win and the game remains intense. Shohoku regains possession of the ball and Kogure scores a three pointer giving his team a one point lead. However, Sendo quickly answers with a dunk and foul shot, giving Ryonan a two point lead. He then scores with another two points, Akagi quickly answers with two points of his own. With two minutes left, Rukawa reenters the game. Surprisingly, the coach asks Hanamichi and Rukawa to double team the seemingly unstoppable Sendo. However, when Hanamichi lets his guard down, Sendo breaks through and passes to Uozumi who scores. With a minute left, Shohoku tries to prevent Ryonan from scoring again.
Episode 19 - Times Up! The Decisive Battle With Ryonan
With Shohoku still down everyone hopes they can get the ball back and score before time runs out. When Sendo goes for a shot, Rukawa and Akagi jump to block it. Yet, out of nowhere Hanamichi jumps and slaps the ball away! As the crowd goes wild Hanamichi picks up the ball and quickly heads down court. When the coverage is too strong is passes to the first person that calls, Rukawa! Angry with his decision, Hanamichi watches as Rukawa sinks a three-pointer to come within one point of Ryonan. With little time left, Ryonan gets the ball back and begins to wait out the clock and Shohoku must steal the ball to score. With little time left, Akagi intercepts a pass and quickly passes to Rukawa who is sprinting down court. Determined not to let him score, Sendo follows closely behind determined to prevent any shot. When Sendo knocks the ball loose, Rukawa quickly grabs it and passes it in as he falls out of bounds. The pass goes to Hanamichi, who is able to score with a lay-up! The crowd is shocked and Shohoku begins to celebrate. However, time is not up, and Sendo quickly heads down court with the ball. As Akagi and Rukawa rush to stop him, Sendo scores a lay-up with no time left and Shohoku loses the game. Unable to accept defeat, Hanamichi cries for a pass, his torn up shoes fall apart and he finally lines up to shake hands with Ryonan. The teams say there good byes and talk of facing each other again.
Episode 20 - Basketball Shoes
Upset from the lass, Hanamichi goes to school in a bad mood and his friends suffer for it. He feels a little better after Haruko and her friends congratulate his effort. Amazed he wore out his gym shoes in such a short period of time, Haruko suggests Hanamichi buy some basketball shoes after school. After annoying the store owner, Haruko helps Hanamichi pick out a pair of old Jordans and he heads to practice. Afterwards, Ajagi discusses the upcoming games. He then takes Ayako aside and asks if a Miagi Ryota can play. Elsewhere, Youhei and Ookusu discuss how boring life is without Hanamichi. They find the rest of that gang watching another student being dumped by a girl. When they run out to celebrate the student , Miyagi Ryota retaliates and a fight almost breaks out.
Episode 21 - Enormous Trouble Makers - Hanamichi V Miyagi
While Hanamichi is in bright spirits because of his new shoes, Akagi and Ayako worry about Miyagi joining the team. As a matter of fact, Miyagi’s return the school has created quite an uproar. While Miyagi starts a fight with a gang, the basketball team worries about how he and Hanamichi will react to one another. There fears prove worthwhile when Miyagi instantly attacks Hanamichi when he approaches with Ayako. The two engage in what becomes a battle for the ages, taking out another gang in the process. Cries from Haruko and Ayako finally bring the clash to an end. The two then run to practice, and are surprised to see they are on the same team. Miyagi quickly begins to show off his improved skills and Hanamichi is sad to discover he is candidate for next captain. The two look at each other with a new intensity as tension fills the gym. Elsewhere, the embarrassed Mitsu and his gang plot revenge.
Episode 22 - Enemies Who Become Friends
Hanamichi and Miyagi begin to test each other skills. Miyagi quickly strips the ball from Hanamichi and challenges him to steal it back, which he does. However, after he is repeatedly fouled, Miyagi begins to fight with Hanamichi. Akagi appears and punishes them both and practice begins. Hanamichi realizes that Miyagi likes Ayako and uses it to make fun of him when the two walk home together. Yet, this just causes Miyagi to open up and tell Hanamichi about his repeated failure to get dates. After joining the basketball team, Miyagi fell for Ayako and wanted to help the team win for her. Being in a similar situation himself, Hanamichi says he understands . The basketball team is shocked when the two enter practice embraced and friends. Meanwhile, Mistu gets reinforcements and his gang prepares for war!
Episode 23 - The Extremely Violent Incident
A gang on motorcycles pull up to Shohoku as school ends, blocking the exit. They approach one of Hanamichi’s friends asking for information. When he ignores them, they beat him senseless. Mitsu shows up and leads the gang to the gym. On the way there the gang runs into Youhei who asks about their business. They states their fight doesn’t involve him and a few guy escort him away. The rest of the gang continues on and enters the practice. The biggest and strongest gangster named Tetsuo deliberately drops his cigarette on the floor insulting the whole basketball team. When Miyagi begs them to leave they scoff at him. Surprisingly, Rukawa throws a basketball into one’s face and they retaliate by beating on Miyagi. The gang knows that if the basketball team gets into the fight they will be suspended and dismissed. When Mitsu tries to strike Miyabi with a broom Hanamichi catches it and he and Rukawa prepare to retaliate. Yasuda then begs the gang to leave the team alone, but he is also attacked! This pushes the team too far and Rukawa and Hanamichi prepare to fight!
Episode 24 - The Battle For Justice! Sakuragi’s Goon Squad Joins The Fight!
One of Mitsu’s men hits Rukawa on the back of the head with a broom and then repeatedly punches him in the ribs. Covered in blood, Rukawa answers with a shot to the stomach and face knocking his attacker to the floor. When Mitsu laughs Rukawa hits him too. Fearing the teams suspension Ayako tries to calm Rukawa down, but then one of the gang members attacks her too! Enraged, Miyagi loses control and begins to beat the guy down. Tetsuo then grabs the already injured Rukawa and throws him against the floor. Asking who‘s next he attacks Shidosaki and then looks to Ayako. Miyagi quickly attacks, but is knocked to the floor. When Mitsu prepares to hit him with a broom Hanamichi appears. Mitsu hits him instead but is surprised when Hanamichi doesn’t go down. Hurt and angry Hanamichi quickly knocks Mitsu out and prepares to fight Tetsuo. Blinded by the blood in his eyes, Hanamichi takes several hits and is thrown into the gym doors. Calling Tetsuo a mosquito Hanamichi gets up and tells him to bring it on. Just as the whole gang encircles him, Hanamichi’s gang appears and attacks. As Hanamichi’s boys make quick work of the others, Hanamichi and Tetsuo continue their fight. Meanwhile, Akagi finishes his extra class and heads to the gym, not knowing what’s in store.
Episode 25 - The Past Of An MVP
Figuring out Tetsuo’s punches, Hanamichi is able to defend himself and slowly punishes Tetsuo for his actions. Although his gang is beat, Mitsu refuses to give up. When his gang tries to flee, they open the door letting Akagi in. Quickly closing the door behind him, Akagi enters the gym telling everyone to take their shoes off. He then slaps Mitsu and Kogure declares that Mitsu was once part of the basketball team! He explains that Mitsu helped his Junior High team win the championship. Refusing offers from other schools, Mitsu dreamed of leading Shohoku to the national championship. After a very promising start at Shohoku, what could change Mitsu’s personality so drastically?

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