Slam Dunk Season 2

Episode 26 - Mitsu, The Problems Of The Past
Kogure continues his story and explains that Akagi became Mitsu’s rival. The two constantly competed with one another in practice. While Mitsu started off really well, sinking shots from all over, Akagi took time to get his defense and dunk going. Yet once he became comfortable, Akagi’s defense was tough for Mitsu to beat. This tough competition benefited the two, making them stronger players. Unfortunately, Mitsu got injured while trying to fake Akagi out. In the hospital Mitsu revealed that he joined Shohoku because of their coach. At one of his junior high games, Mitsu’s team was losing with little time left. Ready to give up, Anzai happened by and told Mitsu not to. This advise helped Mitsu sink the final shot to win the championship. To help Shohoku and coach Anzai win the championship Mitsu then pledged to quickly recover and rejoin the team.
Episode 27 - I Want to Play Basketball!
Anxious to rejoin the team, Mitsu began sneaking out of the hospital before his ankle is fully healed. After returning one night, he doctor careful explained that his ankle needs a whole month to heal properly. Ignoring the advise, Mitsu rejoined the team for practice. However, after his first jump-shot Mitsu re-injured his ankle making him miss the league competition. Mitsu would never play basketball again and had a bad attitude ever since. Kogure tells Mitsu that now that his leg is fully healed he should rejoin the team. When he refuses Kogure gets mad and asks if he has come back to destroy his dream once again. Anzai calls from the locked doors and Ayako opens them. When Anzai enters, Mitsu remembers his reason for joining Shohoku and declares he wants to play basketball! Sometime later, to Kogure’s delight, Mitsu cuts his hair and rejoins the team!
Episode 28 - The Beginning Of Inter-High Preliminaries
When the authorities entered the gym after the scuffle, Youhei explained that he and the others sought revenge when Mitsu tried to leave their gang for the basketball team. So the gangs took the blame for the violence and the basketball team avoided suspension. With the inter-high competition a week away, the team begins to practice even harder. Although out of basketball for a while, Miyagi and Mitsu quickly become comfortable on the court again. A few days later the groupings for the competition are released. Shohoku must win a few matches before they can face Ryonan again. Their first match is against Miuradai. Hanamichi is so excited the day of the first match that he cannot sleep. While jogging with Haruko in the morning the two discuss the teams potential. Haruko declares that Shohoku has four of the nations best players; Akagi, Rukawa, Miyagi, and Mitsu. Disappointed by this declaration Hanamichi gets some confidence when Haruko states she believes in his potential. He promises to prove her right. As the episode ends, Shohoku enters the floor for their first official match of the year.
Episode 29 - The Past Of An MVP
As the match starts Hanamichi, Rukawa, Miyagi, and Mitsu find themselves sitting the bench. The Miuradai players are convinced that Akagi is the only skilled player on Shohoku. By stopping him they believe they can win the game. At the start of the game, Shohoku’s player’s inexperience shows. Miuradai’s team gains momentum and Shohoku has problems slowing them down. When Akagi finally gets a chance at a rebound, Urozawa (Miuradai’s center) fouls him to prevent him from scoring. Knowing that Miuradai thinks Akagi is a one man team, the players sitting on the bench begin to get fired up. Meanwhile, other teams like Ryonan scout their competition from the stands. Back in the game, Kogure sets Akagi up with a beautiful alley-oop, allowing him to slam dunk! The shot gives the Shohoku team confidence and the group begins to play hard. Believing they learned their lesson from fighting, Anzai allows Rukawa, Miyagi, Hanamichi and Mitsu to enter the game. How will Shohoku do with its best lineup in the game?
Episode 30 - Free Throw Nightmare
With Shohoku’s best players in, the team quickly scores 5 points to cut the deficit to 12 to 24. On looking Ryonan players finally realize the full potential Shohoku has. Hanamichi gets frustrated, however, as he never receives any passes. After a flurry of 3-pointers, Shohoku finds themselves down 2 points, 22-24. After a beautiful block by Akagi, Hanamichi is passed the ball and he quickly heads down court. After a nice turn around, Hanamichi does for a lay-up, but Urozawa elbows him in the face. Everyone is troubled when Hanamichi goes for his free-throws, something he has never done or practiced before. Hanamichi gets stressed and misses the first shot due to a 5 second violation. Realizing he can rebound the ball, Hanamichi throws against the rim, sending the ball straight towards him. As he leaps to catch the ball, Rukawa appears in front of him and slams it in!
Episode 31 - Miuradai’s Secret Weapon
With Rukawa, Hanamichi, and Akagi on defense, Shohoku quickly gets the ball back enabling a Rukawa slam dunk. As Shohoku gains momentum, the half ends with them in the lead. Hanamichi confronts Miyagi about passing to Rukawa instead of him. Akagi gives a speech and Shohoku seems pumped for the second half. Meanwhile, Miuradai prepares to unleash its secret weapon, Nato Tetsuya. Nato wins the ball at the start of the second, showing he is even stronger than Akagi! After the half begins, Nato begins to rough up Shohoku players. A pissed off Hanamichi leaves his man open to score and Miuradai quickly ties the game. As the game continues on, the score remains close. How will Shohoku deal with Miuradai’s secret weapon, Nato?
Episode 32 - Genius Sakuragi And His Killer Dunk!
Nato continues to draw fouls from Hanamichi. However, Urozawa tells him to concentrate on Rukawa to get him out of the game. Just as he says this, Rukawa steals the ball and scores 3. Nato heads directly down court and takes a shot. When he misses, Rukawa is able to win the rebound and Akagi gets a slam dunk! Shohoku finally realizes that other than strength and speed, Nato has little skill and the score quickly turns to 57-46. As time goes by the point gap increases greatly, but Hanamichi has yet to score. Finally, he is passed the ball after a Rukawa block. Running down court, only Nato stands in his way. Going for the block, Hanamichi mistakenly dunks the ball on Nato’s head. However, the foul doesn’t matter as the game ends and Shohoku wins the game114 -51! Happy Shohoku won Hanamichi is embarrassed by his performance.
Episode 33 - Sakuragi Hanamichi - Foul Out King!?
Hanamichi is so disappointed he doesn’t beat up his friends when they make fun of him. Although ashamed when Haruko approaches him, Hanamichi is happy when she says she believes he will improve since it was only his first game. The team‘s next opponent is Gohoku. Shohoku shows its skills to the large crowd by quickly going up 36-8! Hanamichi is put in the game but fouls out once again! Yet his mistakes do not matter as Shohoku wins the game 160-24. That night Akagi is surprised when Hanamichi shows up at his door. Putting his pride aside, Hanamichi asks how not to be kicked out of games. Akagi states the difference between good defense and a foul is small, only hard training can help him become better. After returning to his dinner Akagi is secretly happy with Hanamichi’s determination and believes he will play an active role in upcoming games. Elsewhere, Mitsu meets Tetsuo who states his new sporting look is more fitting of him before fleeing from the police. Late at night, on his way home from Akagi’s, Hanamichi discovers Rukawa practicing in the school gym. Declaring he will not get kicked out of the next game and that he will outscore Rukawa, Hanamichi returns home.
Episode 34 - Gori’s Secret Eyes Of Intimidation
Hanamichi continues to commit fouls at practice the next day. Once again Hanamichi finds himself at Akagi’s home. Afraid that Akagi will just confuse him more, Hanamichi is reluctant to talk to him again. Noticing him pacing outside her house, Haruko goes outside to talk. Since her brother has a tight schedule with basketball and school work, Haruko tells Hanamichi she will help him train! Just as Hanamichi begins to enjoy himself Akagi shows up and becomes Hanamichi’s training partner. When Hanamichi asks for a secret to defense, Akagi explains that the defense must use his eyes to frighten the opponent. Proud of his new technique, Hanamichi decides to test it out on the street. Meanwhile, Mitsu is happy to discover that even though he left his gang, his old friends still like him. Early the next morning, Mitsu is surprised to find Tetsuo under the attack of some ex-gang members. As he runs to help his friend the episode ends.
Episode 35 - Promise
When Mitsu tries to help Tetsuo, he too falls under attack. Meanwhile, Hanamichi oversleeps and tries rushing to meet the team. The rest of the team gathers and waits at the bus stop, prepared for that day’s match. When Mitsu gets down on his knees to apologize to the gang for leaving for basketball, they hold him down and prepare to break his hands with a pipe! Hanamichi’s friends show him a shortcut to the bus station through an alley. When Hanamichi hops over a wall, he lands on one of Mitsu’s attackers. The gang starts to attack Hanamichi, but his gang fights back. Tetsuo gets up and tells Mitsu and Hanamichi to go to the game. He and Hanamichi’s friends then finish the fight together. The two reach the game on time, but Hanamichi does not start. When he is finally put in, Hanamichi tries his killer eye technique, but it fails. With 5 minutes left in the half, Hanamichi fouls out! Nevertheless, Shohoku cruises to a 103-59 victory.
Episode 36 - The Appearance Of Shoyo
At practice the next day Akagi reminds the frustrated Hanamichi that he who controls the rebounds controls the game. That night Haruko explains the importance of rejoinders on American teams and that rejoinders can become superstars as well. Shohoku finds themselves down early to their fourth round opponent Tsukubu. However, Hanamichi’s rebounds and Miyagi’s skillful play helps Shohoku take control of the game. Although Hanamichi gets fouled out once again, the team comes back to win 111-79. At first Hanamichi is disappointed, but Hark lightens his spirit when she commends his rebounding. Nervously, Shohoku prepares to meet Shoyo, its toughest opponent so far in the next round. Everyone is surprised when Hanamichi is named one of the starting players, his job: to rebound. Will Shohoku’s starting 5 be able to handle Shoyo’s tall and experienced players?

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