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The Star of Antinous

As proof of his divinity, Antinous had another miracle in store for the world. It is recorded by an Historian named Dio Casius, that a few years after the death of Antinous, perhaps in the year 134 A.D. The court astrologers, brought Hadrian out into the night, and pointed to a very important region of the sky, to the constellation Aquila, the Eagle, where a new star had suddenly appeared, that had not been there before. They suggested that Antinous had taken his place in the heavens following the manner of the Greek heroes. But that the star had appeared within the wings of the Eagle further enforced the sacred comparison between Hadrian and Antinous with Jupiter and Ganymede.

The new star was a Nova, or an exploding star whose brilliance out shown all the stars around. Hadrian was very deeply moved by the event, and issued a decree that a new constellation should be drawn in the sky, and named after his beloved Antinous. This constellation Antinous was accepted by astronomers almost for the next two thousand years, appearing on star maps up until the nineteenth century. Victorian age astronomers frowned upon the implications of the constellation and chose to exclude it from their charts. They combined the stars of Antinous with those of Aquila and thereby erased the sacred memory of Antinous from the sky.

But their science has not erased the sacred message that the star of Antinous announced. When the Nova of Antinous showed its face in the sky, the constellation of the boy-god, held in the wings of the Eagle was low on the horizon. The loin cloth of the constellation Antinous was bathed along the banks of the Milky Way. A New Age had begun, the age of Pisces, but as the whole sphere of the stars began its slow rotation, the Eagle began to lift up Antinous visibly from the edge of the Earth.

The constellation Antinous is located just between Capricorn and Aquarius, he therefore represents this union. Antinous as Ganymede is the cupbearer, the water carrier, and the symbol of Aquarius. Very soon, the stars will change again under the influence of what is known as the Precession of the Equinox, an event that only occurs every 2000 years. In the year 2012 the Vernal Equinox will no longer take place in the constellation Pisces as it has for the last 2000 years, but will move into the sign of Aquarius. This is the event known as the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

On that night in the year 134, Hadrian learned that Antinous was to play a part in this celestial change. His fate as a God is bound up in these astrological mysteries, and their implications for the future of mankind, but especially for the future role of homosexuality in civilization.

As if to support these coming mysteries, on December 1st, 1999, just weeks before the millennium of the Christian calendar, another Nova occurred in the sign of Aquila, named Nova Aquila V1494. These signs in the sky show that the divinity of Antinous is indeed still a living and active force even in our own day. We who are watching the sky and listening for the voice of Antinous know this and will not be surprised by what will accompany this great celestial change that is only a few years away.

(The photograph above is the constellation Antinous along the banks of the Milky Way)

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