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Name: Apathy
ID: None
Age: 327 Years, Appears 18 Years Old
Height: 188 cm ( 6' 2" )
Weight: 130 kg ( 286 lbs )
Eyes: Red
Hair: Unknown
Status: Author, Class A
Armaments: 1x Unknown type of advanced blaster
Power Level: Extremely High
Comments: Apathy is known in the author world as 'The Dark Author', because of his lust for creating comics filled with destruction and blood. But when Havoc and his new army take over the author world, it's up to Apathy's own creations to save them.
Name: Blues
ID: APC - 893212
Comic World ID: APW-94008
Age: 9 Years
Height: 168 cm ( 5' 6")
Weight: 120 kg ( 264 lbs )
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Status: Creation
Armaments: 1x Standard blaster
Power Level: Medium
Comments: Blues, living in a comic created by Apathy, is more or less the leader of his brother and sister who are fighting for their lives against their new worldly ruler...President Wily! But soon he and his siblings find themselves in a whole new world...with an even more terrible ruler.
Name: Havoc
ID: APC - 764531
Comic World ID: APW-92751
Age: 13 Years
Height: 192 cm ( 6' 6" )
Weight: 150 kg ( 330 lbs )
Eyes: Light blue
Hair: None
Status: Creation
Armaments: 1x Beam sword
Power Level: Unknown
Comments: Havoc is also a creation of Apathy's. Havoc's life consisted of war, pain, agony, and death. Then, he discovered that he was nothing but a pawn on a chess board to a higher being. He swore to seek revenge on this 'author' for all the torment he had suffered under him.

Now Havoc has finally crossed the barrier between the comic worlds and the author world, and has vowed to destroy all authors everywhere!

Name: Rock
ID: APC - 893213
Comic World ID: APW-94008
Age: 7 Years
Height: 168 cm ( 5' 6" )
Weight: 110 kg ( 242 lbs )
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Creation
Armaments: 1x Standard blaster
Power Level: Medium
Comments: Rock, also living in Apathy's comic, was once the hero and Wily's worst enemy. But one tragic day when he was fighting Wily, his brain circuits were permanently damaged. Now he is an absent minded child, and a mere shadow of what he once was.
Name: Roll
ID: APC - 893214
Comic World ID: APW-94008
Age: 7 Years
Height: 163 cm ( 5' 4" )
Weight: 100 kg ( 220 lbs )
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Status: Creation
Armaments: 1x Flamethrower
Power Level: Medium
Comments: Roll, also living in Apathy's comic, is sister to Rock and Blues. But ever since Rock's misfortune, she has been spending most of her time teaming up with Blues as a sidekick. Originally designed as a house maid, she was given last minute combat upgrades by Dr. Light, right before his death at the hands of Wily.
Name: Zero
ID: APC - 893215
Comic World ID: APW-94008
Age: 3 Years
Height: 183 cm ( 6' 0" )
Weight: 135 kg ( 297 lbs )
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Status: Creation
Armaments: 1x Beam sword, 2x Enchanced blasters
Power Level: High
Comments: The menace of Apathy's comic, Zero is a powerful android under President Wily's control. With Wily's restraining chip embeded into Zero's circuits, he is the only thing keeping a leash on this loose cannon. But when Apathy's comic is tampered with by Lord Havoc, President Wily disappears from existance...and the leash is cut loose.

All sprites are copyrighted to Capcom
All custom sprites were made by Apathy