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SUNDAY, JULY 27TH, 2003 10 a.m.

Kuzenko Auction Services Ltd. - (306) 542-3248


Camping Space Available

Major Antiques

* 1948 Massey-Harris 44 Tractor; built in hydraulics (running, good condition)
* 1950 Massey-Harris 44 Tractor (not running)
* 1952 Massey-Harris 30 Tractor (not running) & operators manual
* 1955 Ronds Marine Sport Scott, 14' WOOD BOAT, McCullock 28 hp. motor with generator, electric choke, starter, auto water pump-out; boat on Balko Trailer, excellent condition
* 1948 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck, custom cab, corner windows (not running) excellent for restoring
* Steel Wheel Wagon
* 1 set regular Harness
* 1 set Breeches, Collars, Bridles
* Steel for 2 sets of Bob Sleighs & Steel for Buggy
* 5 - 4 1/2 sq. by 8' Wooden Spindles
* Saw Mandrel with 28' blade
* Walking Plow
* Massey-Harris 3 Bottom Plow
* Canedy Otto Mfg. Co. forge hand crank & blacksmith coal
* Cockshutt 324 gear driven Bailer & owner manual
* 303 Lee-Enfield Rifle
* 1950 CCM Balloon Tire Bike

Other Antiques

Hand Gas Pump
Block & Tackle with 1" rope
Grease Guns, Grease Can
1 & 2 Gallon Steel Gas Cans
Hay Knife.Gas Pails
Wood Augers, Rivitor
Hand Drills (bass)
Well Pulleys 10" & 12"
Wood Hand Plane, Wood Level
Hand Grind Stone
Cow Bells, Brass Bells
Milk Bottles
Fisher Price Pull Toys (bird, dog, bee)
Williams Sewing Machine Frame
Glass Insulators
Wooden Nail Kegs
Horse Shoes, License Plates
Steel Oval Bathtub
Johnson Iron Horse Gas Motor & Manual
Tractor Seats
Equipment Tools & Wrenches
Coleman Mantal Lamp
Beacon Lantern, 4 Kettles
ESTD Brights 1874 Glass Gallons
Picture & Frame - Jesus Crucifix
Picture & Frame - Blessed Virgin Mary
Wool Carding Brushes
Shoe Repair Anvil
Wooden Ironing Board (home made)
Melamine Dishes
Scythe, Sickle
Lightning Rod Arrestors
2 upright Cream Cans with tap & glass, Ice Tongs
Bottle Corker
Walking Doll
5 & 8 Gallon Milk Cans
Wood Cook Stove
Wood Table with folding sides
Wood & Steel Crib & Mattress
Kitchen Cupboard 2 door / 2 drawer
Polaroid Camera
3 Dressers (1 with round mirror & 2 with rectangle)
Log Home Picture 21 1/2" x 25 1/2" with frame
Wooden Chairs
Perfume Bottles
Rug Loom (home made)
Cash Register (40's)
Telstar - Coleco Game
3 Piece Bed Lamps (blue)
Wood Frame Radio (battery operated 1945)
Books / Cookbooks
12 Reader Digest (hardcover)

Movie Camera (hand wind)
Wooden Crutches
Wood Barrel Plug & Tap
Colored Bottles
Sunflower Plaster of Paris Orn.
Egg Crates
Tin Wash Board
Glass Wash Board
Potato Ricer, Wire Jar Remover
RCMP Cushion Cover
Crocks, Crown Jars & Lids
Green Jewel Jars, Nabob Jars
Blue Improved Gem quarts & lids
Lloyds Solid Stat 8 Transistor Radio with carrying case
Carnival Glass Fruit Bowl & Egg plate, Fire-King dishes
Butter Box, Apple Boxes
Silverware (30's)
Tudor Silverware/ Salt & pepper Shakers
2 Rod Iron Bed Frames, 2 Steel Bed Frames with mattress & Box Spring.

Honey, Cocoa, Baking Powder, Tobacco, Jam (Better Buy), Red & White, Malkins, Barton, Climax, Empress, Bee Hive Corn Syrup, Rodgers Golden Syrup, Manitoba Honey (very good condition)

T. EATONS: 1957, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74 (very good condition)

* 8' Bulldozer
* Welder G.E.-400 amp. Belt-driven, Helmet, Cables for carbon heat.
* 8 1/2" Mcleod Grain Grinder,
* 40' Endless Flat Belt
* 300 & 500 Gallon Tank with stands
* Chain Saw-Remington Mighty Might
* Radial Arm Saw-10" Teco Eaton
* 7 1/2" Skill Saw, wood clamps
* Router & Bits (like new)
* 3/8" Drill
* Ring Compressor, Ridge Cleaner, Creeper, Valve Compressor
* Murry Riding Lawn Mower, 36", 11 horse power
* 2 Ten Speed Bikes
* 1974 Ski-Doo
* 10" International Cultivator on rubber

2 Computer Printers
Radio Shack Computer TRS80, printer & games
Brass with Gold Table Lamp
2 speakers
Silver Trays, Mugs, Hangers
Purple porcelain Bath Tub
Organ, Books
Plush Toys
Ironing Board (folding).
4 Cake Stands (different heights)
Dish Washer
4 Piece Canister Set
Jars (all sizes)
Glasses, Blue Sremed Wine Glasses, Sealers
Vacuum Cleaner Parts
Vases (large variety)
6 Tea Nappies & Cups
Cake Decorating supplies & books
Massage Table
Cookie Cutters
Sets of Dishes
Large Electric Fan
Flower Pots
Sets of Wine Glasses
Electric Frying Pan
Cooking Pot Set
Turkey Roasters
Baking Pans
Board Games
Water Bed Frame with Liner, Bladder & Heater
Electric Dog Clipper Set
Xmas Ornaments
Evenflow Playpen
Crib & Bumper Pads
Baby Change Table, Crib Mobile
Kitchen Table
Punch Bowl & 12 cups
New Bauer Painting Products with 26 Design Rollers & 4 single & 1 double paint can
Picnic Table
Ornaments, Knives
Picture Frames
Electric Typewriter & Carrying Case
Sewing patterns
Cabbage Cutter,
8-Track Cassette Player
1 Large & 1 Small Corningware Coffee Perks
New Video Transfer Unit
2 Recliner Chairs

This is only a guide and does not guarantee the exact year or condition of any item. List is subject to additions and deletions. Owner and/or Auctioneer are not responsible for accidents on property.