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Avie Vargas

I haven't been extremely close to someone that died suddenly without any warning. I have lost a cousin in a car accident. We hadn't seen eachother since we were 10 years old. So the memories that I had of him were when we were very little. So it was a weird situation where I felt like I almost didn't know him when I went to his funeral. Within the last 3 years my Mom and I began visiting my cousin all the time so we can form a stronger bond with him and his family (they moved a few hours away from us). When we were starting to visit them a lot my cousin lost his little boy, Adam. It was extremely painful to see my cousin go through something like that and it was sad because Adam was warming up to us, he was a little shy of us at first, he was so sweet. My grandmother died of Cancer February 12th 2003 but it was expected, although it was very wasn't a complete shock, like I said, it was expected.

Avie hung out with the younger kids on our street. Towards the end of the 2003 school year the kids were coming over to my house to play cards or just hang out and sometimes I would go across the street to watch the boys play basketball or street hockey. So I got to know Avie a lot more during that time. 95.5% of the time he would be outside playing with everyone else.

Avie died in a "car surfing" accident in early June of 2003. Our little street will honestly NEVER be the same since he passed away. Avie, in my heart, is the best example of what beautiful is. He was such a beautiful person, inside as well as out. He was very handsome but there was something about him that just...was literally one of a kind.

These photos are kind of old, he didn't look this young. I'll try to get a hold of the more recent ones.

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