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To Bekka:

I remember the first time that our parents introduced my family to yours. I wasn't too thrilled to be honest with you. But I automatically fell in love with you because you were so cute! You were bubbly and full of energy. My Mom told me that you WANTED me to teach you the choreography to Britney Spears "(Baby Hit Me) One More Time" I'm not sure if we did it or not. I think we did a little. But anyway!

Although the whole marriage thing didn't work between your dad and my Mom, at least we got Bekka Hekka out it. Honestly, my Mom and I were really bummed that there was going to be a divorce because we would no longer have you every other weekend.

I always looked forward to having you come over. It was so much fun hanging out with you. I enjoyed painting our nails together, listening to music, playing outside with everyone, and working out with you.

You are such a loyal sister and I love that about you. You don't freak out when I try to give you advice. I would be very upset if anything happened to you. You know because you've seen me get angry with things certain people put you through. Am I right? lol.

I really liked that you got to be there during my senior year because that's when a lot of cool things happened to me. Hint, Hint: 143.

I also loved having you over for that week last August. It was a lot of fun hanging out with you and Aaron at the beach whenever we went (which was a lot) and going downtown. I can't believe you did that caterpillar on the sand. You're so crazy! Anyway...I LOVE YOU!

Love always,


To Julia: You mean sooo much to me. You're always there to give me advice on things, and you never complain or judge me by the stupid things I do. You have no clue what that means to me!

You're the big sister I never had, or did have at one time, but you know what I mean. And I do still consider you my family because divorces don't mean anything when it comes to you and I.

Your sucha funny person and you always make me laugh, even over the Internet. lol. August was so much fun hanging out with you for those 4 days or whatever, and this summer hopefully we'll be seeing each other more.

But anyway, I don't know what I would do without your help and guidance and that's why you mean sooo much to me! I just don't know if I could live on without you. Whenever I told you about something I had done, or something that I was planning on doing, you never told me not to, you always told me just to be careful. And that means a lot because you respect my decisions, which not a lot of people do.

Well I love ya Julia Boolia. :)

xoxo- Bekka