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6/22-So a certain webmaster forgot his band had a've played a couple parties and are always looking for more...Stay tuned for details or call us to make dates (musical or otherwise)...Also, thanks to all of you for helping us reach 1500 hits.

2/29-It's leap day. I just saw earlier this morning that our site has reached 1000 hits. You are all friggin awesome for visiting us online, and we're hoping to have some shows for you in the near future. Also, you'll be getting your shirts as soon as we've got the cash. So, yeah, that makes me happy. Go yous!

2/14-Thanks to all who came out to the Battle last night...I hope we made it as fun for you as you did for us. Everybody was awesome. Congrats to Only Human on their win. Now in the works-a show with the Escorts (stay tuned to the site) and our current t-shirt campaign. Happy Valentines Day!

1/22-Hella Tight! After a good audition at yesterday's BOTB tryouts, we've qualified to perform at the THS Battle of the Bands on February 13. Also performing will be: Medmalous, Only Human, and The Escorts. It should be an all-around great show, so come on out. Additionally, we're slowly adding pictures, lyrics, and media to the site (including a cool new logo courtesy of Austin), so check back often.