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Do the Coach Jay-volution

Larold J, or L-Jay as he was known back then was just starting out in the business, even as a four year old he quickly rose through the ranks to nap-time coordinator and was responsible for any "accidents" his classmates had in pre-school.

Coach Jay's first ever session of "Chalk-Talk" He'd like to thank his mother for the time she spent "game-planning" the night before when he was putting his jammies on
The oldest known staff photo of Coach Jay and the gang. On that fabled day a few noteworthy moments in time took place, Coach Jay orchestrated the legendary "piss-pants" right formation in which he made Coach Lavallo(pictured, looking surprisingly older then than he does now)piss himself so that Coach Jay and Coach Frank Zogby(pictured, doing some queer bashing)would be able to flank the rest of the now-terrified field of compeitiors to ensure swift and total domination in that now fabled game of freeze tag on the hallowed grounds of the Frankfort Town Park.
Those other legendary moments you ask? Well, Tony peed his pants on command for the first time, Frank became a bigot, and for Larold? well lets just say he left a "cookie" in the toilet so big Ms. Marianne won't ever forget his name.

Coach Jay's not a player he sits the bench a lot

Coach Jay first picked up a football when he was 4 weeks old, well, actually, um, er somebody put the football in the crib, but it was taken out shortly thereafter. Coach Jay next picked up a football when he was 6, or something like that, I don't really know, but he looks like he's 6 in this picture, doesn't he?

Coach Jay set a national record for rushing yards and touchdowns at the Deleware Valley School for the Blind, those numbers were later revoked when it was pointed out that Larold Jay was in fact not blind at all, indeed he isn't.

Coach Jay, as a young man of about 12 years old, first strapped on the pads and experienced the joys that are contact football, Coach Jay vanquished all foes that magical season until it was again discovered that he was not blind, and he was again stripped of all his records, indeed Coach Jay is not blind. But Coach Jay did not quit, and went on to maul his way to the "regular" league's tackling title, "Sid's Shop-RiteR Man Sacker of the Year."

Coach Jay gets a taste of power, the saga continues

And as Coach Jay's distinguished playing career wound down in the early 1970's he decided that his life was best suited for the sport which no longer found any use for him. And like any washed up player he had two options; became a terrible commentator like Sean Salisbury, or become a Coach. And even though he likes fuzzy microphones, Coach Jay has no regrets.

My authority is limitless and is not to be questioned

And while Larold Jay's career may not yet be complete, or for that matter the most distinguished (One of the nastier incidents outside of the various periods of incarceration due to on-field incidents would be the rumor that circulated in the late '80s that Coach Jay had a drinking problem.)

Such rumors are simply not true and have no basis in fact.

Coach Jay making himself "available" during post game interviews

And while the Coach's relationship with the media could be likened to OJ and Nicole Brown, times are not always bad, as Coach's volunteer work does not go un-noticed, as much as he should like his other exploits to be.

And even though some years may be worse than others, and the losses may pile up like as many empty beer cans, Coach Jay isn't ready to throw in the towel, not by a long shot.