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Coach Jay's Touchdown Club
A sagacious man once said; "it's not whether you win or lose, its how drunk you get."

Coach Jay, never being one to disagree with men smarter than he, ascribes to that theory each Sunday night, win lose or draw.

So come on down folks, the 5th quarter starts up right after the 4th at the Drunken Monk. Bring your wallet, your drinking shoes, and the ability to hold your liquor*, Coach Jay is looking for some guys and gals that will come to play. Enjoy the Monk's luxurious accommodations
Full service bathrooms, complete with a bathroom attendant, the hallmark of service.
*Please do not bring questions about the game, cameras, or any gay friends Run a few too many "plays" with the ole coach?
Take advantage of our full service vallet, to and from the big "game."

Billy Siderstrom, one of Larold's best buds, showing here how much chicks dig the third nipple

Tony "Turbo" Turbinski, a man who's never afraid to let his team spirit show, even if it runs down the side of his leg.