I am giving away a Rainbow Snowball, a Blueberry Snowball, and a Strawberry Snowball to karie730. These Snowballs are edible!!
Give-away of the Day (27 May):
Mau Codestone and a slushie.
(This goes out to chumcillo! Enjoy!!)
Give-away of the week (25 May):
Two dubloon Coin and a slushie.
(This goes out to gmoney3377 and dancingwithmidnight. Maybe you could use the dubloon to start training for the battledome torney? Hee...)
Give-away of the Day (21 May):
I am giving 5 Peach Snowballs to lil_genious_kid_214! This item is a very good item in the Battledome!
Give-away of the Week (18 May):
The Mystery Berry Slushie and the Adorable petpet, Polarchuck!
(This goes out to aliciajcarter! You can now have a really cute petpet for your neopet!)
Give-away of the Day (14 May):
Four Dirt Pizza Block and a Snow Cake!
(This goes to awaxarino!)
Give-away of the Day (12 May):
Two Dubloon Coin and a Snow Pizza!
(This goes out to juniorcobra08! You know where to claim it right? Hee...)
Featured One-Use Battledome Item of the Day (8 May):
Fire Muffin
Fire muffins are good in the sense that they deal constant damage. To be exact, each fire muffin deals 4 Fire, 4 Light and 4 Physical Icons of damage. A total of 12 icons. However, they currently cost 500-550NPs via the Shop Wizard. Use this only if you hav the cash, other than that, you can go for cheaper alternatives like the Sticky Snowballs.
sparkle_sparkle101 will receive 2 Fire Muffins from me! Claim it at the trading post. =)
Featured One-Use Battledome Item of the Day (7 May):
Sticky Snowball
Sticky snowballs are excellent 'grenades'. Using them could make a difference between winning or losing. It does a massive damage of 11-15 icons of damage! (
x5, and 1-5
) Wad's more? Itz sooo Cheap and affordable! Currently one sticky snowball cost bout 200NP in the Shop wizard. Anyone who's into battling should have at least one sticky snowball equipped.
I'm giving 5 Sticky Snowballs to 2 of our members, officer_jennifer and neopiggy92. (claim ur prizes at the trading post under my name, or by clicking on the above link)
Find The Item!! (3 May)
There are two types of this item, one is edible, the other is inedible. Find me the inedible version of the item.
- Has a rarity index of 90
- Itz a battledome weapon
- It contains cheese and tomato puree!!
(Neomail me your answer, and let the neomail be entitled "Find the item". Contests ends Monday, 5th May)
Contest has ended, The answer is the Exploding Pizza Pasty!
(Both of you have won a Pizza Pasty (the edible version) and 1000NP! Please put some unwanted junk in your trading post and i will give your prize.)
Give-away of the Day (30 Apr):
Good Luck Ankh
(This is a weird defence weapon. It will defend different types of icons each round. And if you're lucky, this Ankh can heal your pet 20HP! However, it also has a chance of taking 10HP from you. This goes to itchscratch)
Quiz Time!! (29 Apr):
One-third of my Ice Neggs, plus 14 of my Ice Neggs, will give me half of my total number of Ice Neggs.
Question: How many Ice Neggs do I have?
(Neomail azurechicken (that's me!!) your answer. Pls put 'Quiz Answer' as your title of ze neomail. Quiz ends 1 May)
Contest has ended! Answer: I have 84 Ice Neggs!
(You both have won an Ice Negg)
(you have won 5 Icy Snowballs)
Give-away of the Day (28 Apr):
Super Ice Negg
(Winner: lil_genius_kid_214)
Give-away of the Day (24 Apr):
Race to Riches scratchcard
(This goes to faeriecarrie54. This scratchcard is something everybody must scratch! Chances of winning cash (2500np, 5000np and 10000np) is relatively high! Claim your prize at the trading post)
Give-away of the day (21 Apr):
A Codestone
(Today's give-away goes to gmoney3377. Pls neomail me wad codestone you want and it will be yours!)
Member of the Day (20 Apr):
(You've won a Two Dubloon Coin! Claim it at the trading post)
Give-away of the Day (20 Apr):
Ice Negg
(And this prize goes to dancingwithmidnight. Happy Easter! Claim it at the trading post)
The most pitiful member of the day:
big_duck (19 Apr)
(Appearently he is under 13 years old and hence, cannot access to Neomails, Neofriends and our message board. Haha. He's my younger brother actually. You've won a Melted Chocolate Negg, collect ur prize in the trading post)
Give-away of the day (19 Apr):
Two Dubloon Coin
(This prize goes to lewisbrookman. Collect ur coin in the trading post)
The most active member of the day:
time_killer60 (18 Apr)
(Why isnt anyone else talking on the message board?! Trying to qualify for the most unactive member of the day izzit? Haha! Anyway, you've won a Purple Negg, claim it at the trading post)
Rejected Battledome Weapon of the day (17 Apr):

Plastic Butter Knife
Ok... lets face it... this is crap! I've tried it, and it can only be used once per battle, and it does only 1 to 2 physical icons worth of damage! Wad crap! Dun you think so? I dun think this deserves to be a weapon at all! I give it 0.5 out of 10. And im giving this to 2 of our members, lewisbrookman and tide115. =)
Give-away of the Day (17 Apr):
A Race to Riches Scratchcard
(The prize goes out to _b_o_b_1818 and gmoney3377. Claim ur prize at the trading post under my username)
The most Unactive member of the day:
time_killer60 (wed, 16 Apr)
(You've won a Bottled Dark Faerie, claim your prize in the trading post under my user name, bid a pile of dung and nothing else)