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Baby Yeh


May 15, 2004








First Visit to Ob/Gyn on September 15,2003 at 5 weeks. Note: Routine consultation, Check blood pressure, weight, glucose level, confirmation of pregnancy. Woohoo!

First Visit to Nutritionist on September 16, 2003 Note: I better start eating healthier now...

First Visit to Quest Diagnostics on September 19, 2003 Note: Complete Blood work consisting of 8 large vials of blood withdrawal. Test results were confirmed with positive results. Whew! I don't hate needles...I don't hate needles...

First Visit to Genetic Counseling on September 24,2003 Note: Complete Blood Count, Cystic Fibrosis, Family Tree outline, and gene counts. Informative session. Note: Test results were successful in ruling out determining health risks of developing embryo.

Second Visit to Ob/Gyn with first photo taken on October 13/2003 at 9 weeks and 2 days.         The little booger looks like a tadpole...so fragile and miniscule--is something really growing there?

Third Visit to Ob/Gyn with second series of photos taken on October 13/2003 at 13 weeks.  Wow...these pictures make baby look HUGE in comparison to the first time we said hello 3 weeks ago. We are entering the beginning of our second trimester-many have informed us that the symptoms will decrease as our hormones level out. Note: Milestone, for baby is no longer considered an embryo. Baby is a fetus! All day torture has begun to subside, but the occasional cough ups remind me babys' got some up the sleeve-still giving me a good whoop!


December 6, 2003 Due to weather conditions and snow warnings, our scheduled visit to the OB/Gyn was postponed until December 10, 2003.

Fourth Visit to Ob/Gyn with third series of photos taken on December 10, 2003 at 17 weeks.  I was really looking forward to this visit. We were hoping to find out the sex of the baby. However, not to my surprise, the baby did NOT cooperate. During the entire viewing, we saw the baby do what seemed like 10 somersaults in a second. This confirms to the doctor that indeed I have a naughty and very active baby. The doctor assumed the baby's activity was caused by my breakfast. I was a little uncomfortable so I did not even mention that I did not have breakfast. It was also pretty difficult to take pictures, because the baby never stayed in one place long enough for a clear snap shot. The doctor did mention that the baby is developing pretty fast, and has become too big to comfortably fit in the picture screen-that is why you will see the edges of the baby's foot, or part of the head missing in the frames. With each visit, the baby seems to be doing very well. I finally gained some weight. 4 extra pounds...

Second Visit to Quest Diagnostics on December 10, 2003 Note: Maternal Serum Screen 3 test which includes AFP, hCG, and uE3. Only one vial of blood this time...

Level II Sonography to chart fetal growth and development (and if baby cooperates, we can determine sex of the baby...but my guess is a girl--but let's wait until doctors confirm my instincts before painting nursery pink): December 17, 2003

UPDATE: December 17,2003

ITS A girly GIRL! Fourth series of photos taken at NY Hospital Queens Maternity Ward.

Wiggly baby proudly weighs in 8 ounces, and is 18 weeks and 3 days old. PINK is the NEW COLOR!!

We are registered through Babies R Us, under Jane and Jackson Yeh.

Registry Info
Name: Jane Yeh
Additional name: Jackson
Location: Flushing, NY
Registry #: 77255521
Arrival date: May 15, 2004

To purchase from the baby registry online, please click on the babies r us icon above so we get 5% back.

Fifth Visit to Ob/Gyn with fifth series of photos taken on January 8, 2004 at 21 weeks. My husband's brother came along for this visit. My doctor was thrilled with the results from our level II sonogram, and congratulated us again on our road to having a happy and bouncy little girl. My husband was in such bliss! We then went to Peter Luger's for steak since my brother in law and my brother were craving meat. I gained 5 more pounds! Healthy baby girl growing ever so fast....time flies!

January 15, 2004 First visit to Labor and Intensive Delivery Unit at NY Hospital Queens. Sixth series of photos taken at 22 weeks and 5 days. I was stupid! I decided to shovel the snow in our front yard to save my husband the trouble from doing it later when he returned home from his business trip tomorrow night. I slipped off of the last 3 stairs and fell on my front and left side. My center of gravity is DEFINITELY not where it used to be. What seemed to have been a piece of cake just a few months ago...is now a task I tackle with great effort. I felt awful, and though I tried to be strong, it was really painful and shocking to realize that I couldn't do everything on my own now and I also have someone else to worry about too. I was in tears!! I finished shoveling since the weather forecast (though hardly ever accurate—I think it has a 40% accuracy rate) said it will continue to snow. I sprinkled salt and went upstairs. Called my husband, and choking through tears...I told him what happened. Expecting to get the shit yelled out of me, he was very sympathetic and almost heartbroken that I felt so awful. He was very comforting which made me feel even the more guilty. He immediately suggested calling my doctor. Despite my feelings of embarrassment (since any sane person would have realized what a stupid thing it was for me to shovel while 5 1/2 months pregnant), I called. The receptionist was frazzled, and quickly transferred the phone to my doctor. She instructed me to go to the hospital to make sure nothing is wrong with the baby....and she was the one who yelled at me...saying, do you need me to tell you that you are not allowed to shovel!? ok...ok...I know, I already admitted that I was stupid for doing this...I started this entry with just that statement! Once I got to the hospital, I walked through a maze that would make anyone dizzy. They have elevators in every color of the rainbow, and then some that were left out of the spectrum of the ever so colorful 7 such as BROWN. Ok, I finally found where I was supposed to go for this emergency check-up. But they sent me down to the cashiers to get my MR# which so happened to be located 3 floors down, pass the security, make a left, and an immediate right, pass so and so...and another hall, make another left. With those directions, no one can get lost...RIGHT? Aside from the hassles...its’ off to the labor and delivery section again. It’s the newer complex in the building set for the maternity ward. GREAT!! Not one staff seems to know where that is either! I would hate to do this on the due date! Side note…with those snazzy high tech swinging doors that are AUTOMATIC...someone could really get knocked out if they weren't watching. At the triage, I went through the routine procedures...lasting over 2 hours! They checked my urine for stress, monitored my contractions, took another sonogram, measured my blood pressure, and made sure the baby's heart rate was normal. Everything checked normal...I was so scared! Thank god everything was normal. They were afraid I disturbed the baby and that the baby would be delivered pre-term. Sigh...that was my scare! Going into labor without my husband...thank god the baby was okay though! That is the last time I shovel while pregnant. With that said, I have to realize I can’t do everything while pregnant. I can do anything and everything (heh), but WE (baby and I) can’t do just everything. I have to realize when to draw the line, and allow less physical stress which may cure my acts of stupidity such as the one experienced today. Stupidity is the root of terrible disasters. We were lucky today.  

Next Prenatal Appointment: February 5, 2004.



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