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Nice Guys Finish Last

Nice guys finish last.

From an article by Garrett Hols.

It’s amazing that assholes can get girls. Actually, now that I think of it, it’s not that amazing. They are assholes at heart, but to meet girls they lavish their undying love. IT’S A CHARADE. They act nice, friendly, and they listen… until they get into what they’re after. Their prey thinks they are in love with them, however when they realize what assholes their predators really are, they pretend like the asshole is really nice inside. The girl tries to change the asshole into a nice guy, but assholes will always be assholes. She gets upset and goes to the nice guy to complain about the asshole. But she claims to love the asshole… now this is where the theory begins. She doesn’t want to look like she is easy so she wont dump the asshole right away, instead she will stay with the asshole. Girls are idiots. They don’t realize that the nice guy has been there all along. He never had to pretend to be a good guy to get girls because heis naturally like that. However, girls don’t see it for some reason or another. They look at the nice guy as a friend, a trusted companion to whom they can tell their sad story to about their asshole boyfriend.

But the nice guy isn’t THAT naïve. He was trying to score with the girl he listens to all along. The problem is that since he is a nice guy he keeps listening. Since girls get attached to things that pay attention to them, they think of the nice guy as a friend. A FRIEND. They don’t say, “Oh he’s hot” or“I want to have his children” about the nice guy, they just want the emotional support. When they get the emotional support from the nice guy, they don’t need it from the asshole. The nice guy gets the shit end of the stick while the asshole gets all the action. I am starting to wonder if being a nice guy is really the route to take to get action… I have been down this path for all of my post-pubescent life and it has gotten me NOWHERE… at least not in the women department.

Perhaps another reason why girls fall for the asshole is because assholes ignore the girl they are with. The women wonder, “Why isn’t he paying attention to me?” so they explore why. They poke and prod and get closer to the asshole. They start to get easier with each attempt to get closer. The asshole finally says, “I’ve let this beauty dangle long enough, time to boat this bass”. It is then he puts on his charade and the girl feels like she has won him… even thought all she has won isan asshole.

Once you have gone down the path as a nice guy or a “listener”you can’t turn back. The girl will always go after the assholes because there are always nice guys there to listen. Once you realize that you area “listener” you cant do anything about it… just pack up and close shop. There is no way you will get into her pants… ever. There is and never will be a situation where the nice guy will get the girl he has a crush on. It just doesn’t work like that. The girl wont “come to her senses” and realize what an asshole her boyfriend is like in the movies… instead she will just go after another asshole, and unless you stop being a nice guy, she will never go after you. Women complain that there are no nice guys in the world. Right. They are obviously not looking hard enough because there are niceguys EVERYWHERE!!!! Girls aren’t looking for nice guys… they say they are but they’re not. They are looking for the perfect asshole, but there is NO SUCH THING as the perfect asshole.

All in all, the nice guy gets the shaft. To all the girls out there with boyfriends that don’t treat you with respect, that don’t listen to you, and that don’t care about you I say this; look next to you. The guy that has been standing next to you the whole time is the guy you have been looking for. He is what you want your asshole to be like. He knows more about you than you know about yourself… because he has listened to it all.

And in closing... Fuck you.

Allow me now to add my own thoughts to Garrett Hols informative rant and lets take a closer look at the asshole appeal for women now. A wise man once said, "As a man, you have to die once in order to live." Whilethis may in truth not be what was meant, one can use this saying to bestunderstand the relationship with Nice guys and assholes, and of course atthe center of it all women.

It is a widely known fact that women habituallydate men that are jerks or assholes while the "nice" guys are often lefttwiddling their thumbs in solitude. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Figuratively speaking, in order for a man to enjoy the company ofwomen and be able to seduce them, his inner nice guy must first die throughheartache. It is at this point that his inner Jerk/asshole/bad boy/whathaveyousurfaces and goes on the prowl.

Any man that has experienced love,only to have his heart crushed by the woman that he thought he would spendhis life with, will understand what I am talking about. A man that has neverexperienced the heartache of being burned by the one person he really trustedprobably won't understand my commentary.In any case, I am well experiencedat this and unfortunately will probably never take my own bitter advice,but allow me to continue. it is important to understand why nice guys finishlast and why they probably always will.

Contrary to what most womenthink, there are men interested in successful relationships. Most men willnever pass up the chance to date the woman of their dreams. In fact, whena man does encounter this rarity of a woman, his passion gets the betterof him. The thoughts that race through his mind are something along thelines of, "This woman is a keeper. I'm going to treat her right and do allI can to make her happy."

The only problem with being the nice guyis that you also become the boring, predictable guy in their fickle eyes. The excitement of the seduction process begins to fade for the woman becauseshe has what she wants and doesn't have to do any chasing. Eventually thewoman starts losing interest and before you know it, her eyes start to wander.

In the end, she'll look for a new man who will bring excitement backinto her life by being the "new and improved" challenge. Pursuit and excitementusually stem from selfish attitudes, much like the bad boy who doesn't careabout anyone but himself and treats women like some much trash. The niceguy will be left heart broken and will start wondering what in the worldhe did wrong.

It's at this point that men begin to realize that mostwomen generally don't know what they want from us. Evidently, being the niceguy certainly doesn't help. The conclusion of the afore mentioned scenarioin many cases? The death of the nice guy persona. So that's the life anddeath of the nice guy and, as a result, "Mr.Nice" is resurrected into "Mr.Asshole" or in some cases "Mr. Bitter", but bitterness is an unhappy roleand so it is likely "Mr. Asshole" will eventually be born.

As longas nice guys continue to get burned, there will always be a healthy supplyof new assholes on the horizon to provide the dose of misery that women seemto yearn for. Eventually (often quite quickly), these nice guys will realizewhat type of man women actually want. The result is something that snapsinside of them as they begin to mimic the assholes that most women seem to pursue incessantly. To become that kind of man, the charade must be takento the extreme, which involves acting like a selfish person that has no regardfor other people's feelings. This amounts to a jerk that will say anythingto get a woman into bed, that will not respect a woman and will cross intoterritory that the "nice guy" will wait for invitation into. The jerk willfurnish her with tons of roller coaster emotions and once he has sex withher, he'll dump her. Why? Because he feels vengeful and wants to burn womenthe same way he was burned or because he truly is an asshole now. Remember;once you get burned, don't STOP playing with fire -- you TAME the flame.So when women inadvertently give life to these jerks, they are really shootingthemselves in the feet. That's the life and legacy of assholes everywhere.If nice guys are what women really want, then why is it that most nice guysare single? Why is it that we constantly hear stories about women datingbig jerks that took them for a ride -- literally? The fact is that women generally don't want nice guys, or maybe they're too busy chasing afterjerks to realize that they do. Why? Because women act on impulse and emotionrather than fact.

So what does this all add up to? No one wants toget hurt, but in the same instance, no true "nice guy" wants to be perceivedas an asshole either. In other words, be nice to women, but remember whocomes first in life; you, your irreplaceable family and friends, and thenyour woman. I say this with all sincerity, Bro's before Ho's. True friendswill stick with you and if still trudge the road of the "nice guy", at leastthey will take you out for drinks after your heart dies a little more.