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Dan the Wank News!

4-4-04 I am currently in the process of recording some raps. I'm going to try to make kickass background music for all of them and put them on an album. The album will be about 10 minutes long but will still be cool.
-Dan The Wank

4-9-04 I just made a few copies of "The Dan The Wank Sampler". It has six tracks; Autograph, Dan Linder is King, The Best, The Mic, Tribute to Curtis Mead, and Tribute to Terry Kennett. I'm going to give the cds to some people to spread the wank. If you would like a copy ask me.
Peace out bitches.
-Dan The Wank

9-20-04 Its been a long time since my last update so this will be a long one.
As of now, I have nine tracks ready for a new album. I have new versions of The Mic, Dan Linder is King, Autograph, Tribute to Terry Kennett, and Tribute to Curtis Mead. I also have written a few new songs over the summer; Funkmasta Julio, Generic Europop, Tribute to Curtis Mead (Fifties Version) and a track I made today in which I only say "Dan the Wank", it will probably serve as the introduction to the CD. I hope to release this CD before the end of October.... I'd like to write 3 or 4 more songs for it. I haven't decided on a name for the album yet but am considering "Wank Attack" and "Wankatized".

Currently, I am selling Dan the Wank T-Shirts for $10.00 each, plus shipping if I can't deliver it to you. If you are interested in purchasing one, contact me.

Rock on mother fuckers..
-Dan The Wank

9-21-04 I have just been informed by my parents that my songs about Curtis Mead and Terry Kennett are innapropriate. According to the legal experts that are my parents, Curtis Mead, Terry Kennett, or any of their relatives could sue me for saying their names in my songs, despite the fact that I have their permission to use their names. And since names are definately copyrighted (theres some sarcasm for you) its perfectly fair.
Rock On
-Dan The Wank

Check back to this page later for more information...

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