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So I am still at the pac and shane, dietr, and I are getting ready for the night, this is at about 4:30 AM, and we have to be up at 8.

this was the dinner.

dietr playing with part of his dinner.

dietr working his magic to get the paper towel dispenser to give him what he wants: paper towel?

dietr finds the amount of kitty blood on his shoe amusing

this was the kitty, i didnt take the picures of dietr right in a row, i'm posting them in alphabetical order.

dinner is served

this was the first picture i took when we got into the room. we're getting aquainted with our surroundings.

pockets empty

aw shane

after we were woken (is that a word) by kit reyne and Mr Mckinney (who is a cool, important music professor guy here at SDSU)i have a conversation with andrew on msn

we're all ready to try to buy tickets..

although we are not used to getting up this early.