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Fortran ridiculous programs and other interesting...

In this page you will find some Fortran-77 programs i've created (Code or EXE). I'm a rookie on programming with Fortran so the programs are disgusting. Also you will find some other interesting programs like what day is the Easter on any date, programs for the 3N+1 problem, physics programs, algorithms for find the day on a given date, program that find the exactly number of days between 2 dates and more. As i've said i'm rookie but anyway.....

Source Code or Executables:

(Code)-Sum of digits of an integer.
(Code)-Curve fitting.
(Program)-Calculate the angles of the watch pointers at a given time!
(Code)-Finds all the primes between two numbers.
(Code)-Finds if a number is prime or not.
(Program)-Calculates Equinoxes and solstices.
(Program)-Calculates moon nodes.
(Program)-Calculates moon phases for a given date.
(Program)-Calculates and writes in a file, the cycle-length of the numbers a to b, for the 3N+1 problem!
(Code)-The code for the above program.