A woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, with ovulation occuring on either the....15th or 18th day I can't remember which. However mine like to be a pain the arse so that I get my periods every 18 to 19 days. OOOO so much fun! Not really when I get period .pains. starting a week before I get my period, and the pain lasts for the whole time that I am .bleeding.
My cycle is soooo clever that it manages to time itself to make my periods start on the first day of school, during exams, on the night of parties, or on excursion/car trip days where I won't be able to go to the loo for the entire day.
My cycle is highly irregular. While most recently it started coming every 18-19 days, there have been times when I didn't have a period for 3 months, or times when I'd get periods lasting 2 days. The shortest period free time I've had is 2 weeks.
Actually, my periods used to be great. After my first 2 years of periods, I could tell within 3 days when I was going to get them. My first 2 years were screwed up because I didn't eat enough, and my periods would stop when I stopped eating. Then they normalised and were great, not a problem, then my older sister came home and my period came 2 weeks early to line up with hers. (Females that are close have the tendency to have periods at the same time). Along with this, one of my closest friends periods changed to start a week after mine. After this happened, mine were unbelievably painful and irregular, and so were hers.
Finally I decided enough was enough, and I went and saw my doctor about going on the .Pill.