General Info
Gay Prom
Coming Out
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Upcoming Events Note: As of we are under new coordination, events, outside of meetings, are temporarily postponed.
- Come out to the Akron Pride Center (71 N. Adams St) from 6:00 to 7:30 PM every Wednesday for our weekly meetings!
Day in the Sun: July 20th at Pine Valley Park Thanks to everyone who helped by donations or attending.
July Event: Gay Glow Bowling at Stonehedge. Date and time TBA at later date. Cancelled
August Event: August 19, 2003: 6 Flags. Meeting at the PC at 10am. Please contact us asap if you're interested in attending! Had a great time!
September 27-28: Deva's Edge Retreat -- there is a gay owned retreat center we are having a retreat at. Saturday 9 am - Sunday 12 noon. Minors need a waiver form. If interested, email us for info and forms. Pictures coming soon!
October 7th: Out in Akron: Hate Crime Performance. "Healing the Hate" 7:00 at The Church of Our Saviour, 471 Crosby St, Akron. Call if you would like directions. Cost to attend is FREE! Thanks to everyone who was there!
November 1: Mas-Queer-Ade at The Pride Center from 7-12. Come in costume and bring friends for a fun night of dancing, games,and socializing! Thanks to everyone for attending!
November Event: Glow Bowling: Tenative Date: Nov. 21 cancelled
December Event: Lasor Quest: Tenative Date: Dec. 12 cancelled
January Event: Winter Dance Date TBA cancelled
May Event: Gay Prom May 1, 2004
- October 12, 2004: Hate Crime Vigil at Church of Our Saviour at 7pm
Possible Upcoming Events:
- Movie Night
- Retreat
- Haunted House