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Important statistics about the impact of homophobia on gay and lesbian youth selected from GLSEN’s website.

Please note that HOMOPHOBIA is the cause of these problems, NOT being homosexual.

  • 97 % of students in public high schools report regularly hearing homophobic remarks from their peers
  • 53% of students report hearing homophobic comments made by school staff
  • 80% of prospective teachers report negative attitudes toward gay and lesbian people
  • two-thirds of guidance counselors harbor negative feelings toward gay and lesbian people
  • 9% of high school students identify as "gay, lesbian, bisexual, or questioning.
  • The typical high school student hears anti-gay slurs 25.5 times a day.
  • 77% of perspective teachers would not encourage a class discussion of homosexuality; 85% opposed integrating gay/lesbian themes into their existing curricula.
  • Teachers fail to intervene in 97% of incidents involving anti-gay slurs at school.
  • 78% of school administrators say they know of no GLBT students in their schools, yet 94% of them claim that they feel their schools are safe places for these young people.

  • 11.5% of gay and lesbian youth report being physically attacked by family members
  • 42% of homeless youth self-identify as gay/lesbian

Anti-gay violence and harassment

  • homosexuals are probably the most frequent victims [of hate crimes] in the U.S.
  • 45% of gay males and 20% of lesbians report having experienced verbal harassment and/or physical violence as a result of their sexual orientation during high school
  • 42% of adolescent lesbians and 34% of adolescent gay males who have suffered physical attack also attempt suicide

Health issues

  • 30% of gay and bisexual adolescent males attempt suicide at least once
  • 83% of adolescent lesbians use alcohol, 56% use other drugs, and 11% use crack and/or cocaine
  • 68% of adolescent gay males use alcohol, 44% use other drugs