Yeppers. You're a true blue GC fan.You love GC not
just because they're hot, but because they're
great musicians.You know everything about them,
some might say you're obsessed, but so am i, so
that's ok! we both probably need to see a
therapist because we have an unhealthy love for
GC and are stalker-ishly in love with GC! but
that's ok,Rock on!

How well do you know Good Charlotte?
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Raar Vicious Kid

Which Member of Good Charlotte Does Your Subconscious Want to Participate in Voluntary Coitus With?
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joel- the day that i die
you are best repersneted by.... The Day That I Die (kick ass song!!)

what good charlotte song represents you best
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Joel and Benji
You're Joel and Benji. You've become a household
name to many. Even my grandmother knows who
you are!

Which Good Charlotte Guy Are You?
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Benji And You!
You'd fuck Benji the hot punk rocker that everyone
wants there hands on

Which member of GC are you most likely to fuck?
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what gc adjective would best describe you?
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You are the liberty spikes.

what thing of benjis are you?
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you are.. BENJI! congrats! The hot, outrageous, and
unpredictable bandmember. He's outspoken and he
loves his dog (Cashdog).

Which GC member should you date?
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