Sushi Night

These are pictures from 11.06.04. Sadly, this was the day of Crystal's memorial service. I haven't written anything on this website about Crystal's death. Mostly because I don't even know where to begin, but also because I have so many happy pictures of her on this page and I don't want them to be downers. But anyway, Robin, Cheyne, Tim, and Crystal were in a car accident on October 18th, 2004. They all survived the crash initially and were hospitalized, but Crystal suffered the worst injuries and she died in the hospital six days later. Her memorial was really beautiful, and over 200 of her friends and family members showed up. I got to see a few old friends of mine (ours) who I hadn't seen for a long time. After the service, a few such friends and I went out for sushi, which was really great because we were able to make each other laugh- something I don't think any of us had done for awhile. I didn't take very many pictures, but here are a few anyway.

Matt and Lisa.

An old buddy of mine, Spike. (Actually he's an ex-boyfriend from WAY the hell back in the day. I think I was 14 or 15, hehe. Crystal and I have a VERY interesting story about him....ask me about it next time you see me.)

Spike again. I don't think he ever takes "normal-looking" pictures.

Natalie. Too cute.

These last two pictures are a few of the ever-so-common "Liz Pimping Her Man-Whores" pictures. In this case my hoes are Matt and Spike.

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