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What is DDR?

Dance Dance Revolution is the game that you play with your feet in oppose to your hands. It presents a new gaming challenge where you must coordinate the motions of your whole body instead of just your thumbs. At the same time you also get a nice cardio-vascular workout.

The concept itself is very simple. Arrows scroll up the screen and when they reach the greyed out template arrows you must step on the corresponding arrow panel. There are four different arrows, which can then be combined into pairs giving ten different types of steps. With varying scrolling speeds and arrow placements, the game can go from simple marching to furious shuffling and shifting.

Initially, you might find it hard to coordinate your feet with the pad since you aren't looking at it directly and you really can't just feel your way around like a tradition joystick and buttons setup, but you will get the hang of it gradually and enter the rest of the herd working its way up through the difficulties.

You're 22! Just go to a club.

Despite the name, many people who play don't even consider it actual dancing, and the fact is: it isn't. After all, it's just a game.

What are all these coins on the machine?

The coin line. You put your coin at the end of the line and wait. Yeah. That's right. We've been here for an hour. You can wait too, buddy.

This is stupid!

Quoth the person reviewing games they've never played. Try it. You know you want to.

DDR Games

Also, there is DDR Ultramix for Xbox, Dance Dance Revolution (Original) for Playstation, and DDR Disney Mix for Playstation.

This last picture was taken up in my room on my Xbox with a 3 year old digital camera, thats why its grainy and fuzzy, but WOW that was very hard to do!!! TRY MY OTHER WEB PAGE, MY TRACKS LIST COMPLETE LIST OF MY TECHNO TRACKS AND MIXES I HAVE MADE, THERE FOR ANYONE TO DOWNLOAD!
Dj Claw's Track List