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Charms Class

Complete List Of Spells!(alphabitical order) ALL UNFORGIVIBLE CURSES BOLD

Accio-The summoning charm

Alohomora-A spell to unlock doors

Aparecium-A spell that makes invisible ink visible

AVADA KEDAVRA-The killing curse

Avis-Fires birds out of the tip of the wand

Bubblehead Charm-Used to breath underwater

CURCIATUS CURSE-Totures victum with extreme pain

Curse Of The Bogies-Quirrle told his students about it

Deletrius-Made the Dark Mark dissappear

Densaugeo-Front teeth enlarge quickly

Diffendo-Used to cut or open certian materials

Dissendium-Opens a secret passage in Hogwarts

Enervate-Revive someone who is stunned

Engorgement Charm-Makes something grow large

Expecto Patronum-Summon Patronus

Expelliarmus-Disarming spell

Freula-Create a sling

Fidelius Charm-A secret is conceled in someone

Finite Incantatem-Ends the spells in a duel

Furunculus Curse-Causes boils to appear on the face

Homorphun Charm-Turns werewolf back into original form

Impedimenta-Slows down attacking opponent

Impervious-Water repel spell

Incendio-Starts fires

IMPAIR-Gives complete control of victum

Locomotor Mortis-Leg locking curse

Lumos-Lights the end of your wand

Morsmordre-The Dark Mark

Nox-Extinuishes the light on your wand

Obliviate-Memory charm

Orchideous-Shoots flowers out of the end of the wand

Petrificus Totalus-Full body bind spell

Prioi Incantato-Identify last spell performed by a wand

Quietus-Lowers the tone of voice after using Sonorus

Reducio-Reduce the size of something

Reducto-Slash up sparks; boils water if underwater

Relashio-Shoots sparks; boils water if underwater

Reparo-Repair an object

Rictusempra-Tickling charm

Ridikulus-Forces a Boggart to take form of funny things

Serpensortia-Sends a snake at opponent

Sonorus-Amplifys your voice

Stupify-Stuns creatures

Tarantallegra-Dancing spell

Waddiwasi-Shoots gum up a nose

Wingardium Leviosa-Levitateing spell

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