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2/6/04 -New music, 2 New games (9ball, Kill the Popups) and new photoshop pics.
1/17/04 -Craploads of new stuff! Whole new look and music! Added: "My Photoshop" section in the pics section, 2 new comics, Navigational links for the games section, and 6 new games (2 games' links were fixed)!
10/24/03 -3 new games: Heli Attack, Gorillaz Final Drive, and Matrix Bullet Time 3d
10/24/03 -Lots of updating! New music, new pics, new quotes, and a comics section!
10/9/03 -Sorry, I'm kinda on a hiatus, but I haven't forgotten my own site!
8/24/03 -I added a few new games; 3d pong, Snake, and Snowcraft.
8/22/03 -Hi everyone! It's my birthday! Whoopee!! Anyway, in this section I will post updates on the site, and some features I am either currently in the process of making or features I am thinking of making in the future. Also, here and there I may add a little news about me.

10/9/03 -Sorry, I'm kinda on a hiatus, but I haven't forgotten my own site! Go Back Home