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1.Vegetarian Eight Treasures 
The Chinese believe eight is a lucky number. 

3 pieces spicy pressed bean curd
4 dried mushrooms
50 grams (3 1/2 tablespoons) carrot
75 grams (5 1/4 tablespoons)  wheat gluten (a meat substitute available in Asian markets)
50 grams (3 1/2 tablespoons) water chestnuts (fresh if possible)
75 grams (5 1/4 tablespoons) string beans
1 red chili
1/4 cup peanuts, or as desired
1 garlic clove
1 shallot
1 1/2 tablespoons hot bean paste
1 teaspoon rice wine 

1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon hoisin sauce
1/2 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
pepper - a few shakes
50 ml (just under 1/4 cup) water

Oil for deep-frying and stir-frying

Soak the dried mushrooms until they have softened. If desired, save the soaking liquid to use in place of water in the seasoning.  
Wash and dice the string beans, gluten ball and spicy pressed bean curd.
Wash and dice the carrot, water chestnuts and red chili.
Peel the garlic and shallot and chop finely.  Mix together the seasoning ingredients in a bowl. 
Boil the peanuts in boiling water for about 2 minutes. Cool.  Peel the skin and set aside.
Heat the wok and add oil for deep-frying.  When oil is ready, deep-fry the peanuts on high heat until they are golden brown.  Remove and set aside. Repeat with the gluten ball. 
Parboil the carrots and string beans for 1 minute.  Drain. 
Heat wok and add oil.  When oil is ready, add the garlic, shallot and hot bean paste.  Add all the other ingredients except for the peanuts. Stir-fry until they are cooked, then add the rice wine and seasoning. 
Turn off the heat, mix in the peanuts, and serve.


1 lb        canned chow chow or mixed fruit salad
2 cups      water
1 oz        unflavored gelatine
2 cups      milk
1 tsp       almond essence
granulated sugar to taste
Chop the larger pieces of chow chow in half or drain the mixed fruit
Place 4 tablespoons of the water in a cup and stand it in a sauce pan of
hot water. Shower the gelatine into the cup and heat, stirring, until
the gelatine has dissolved. Cool.
Heat the remaining water with milk, sugar to taste, and almond essence.
Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Stir in the gelatine. Pour into a
shallow, lightly oiled cake tin and cool until set. 
Cut the almond cream into triangular bite-sized pieces. Place these in a
serving bowl with the fruit and combine very gently. Serve very cold. 
Chow Chow is Chinese preserved fruit which can be bought in shops
specializing in Chinese groceries. 


3.Deep-Fried Bean Curd




 14 oz (400 g) fresh bean curd (tofu)
 1/4 tsp scallions, chopped
 1/4 fresh ginger, chopped
 1 tbsp salt, or to taste
 1 tsp rice wine
 3 cups (750 ml) vegetable oil for deep-frying; uses about 3 1/2 oz (100 ml)
 2 tbsp (30 g) flour
 2 eggs
 1/4 tsp MSG (optional)                          




1. Cut the bean curd into 1/4 inch (6 mm) diamonds. Spread on a dish sprinkle with the scallions, ginger, MSG, salt, and rice wine. Let marinate. Beat the eggs.

2. Heat the oil in a wok to about 210oF(100oC), or until small bubbles just appear around a piece of scallion green or ginger when tossed into the oil. Dip the bean curd into the flour and then into the egg. Add to the oil a few pieces at a time. Deep-fry until brown. Remove and drain well. Place in a dish. Garnish with cooked green leaves and serve.

         4.Broccoli Chow Mein


serves 3

  • 3 stalks broccoli, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 pound mung bean sprouts
  • 1/2 cup slivered almonds or sunflower seeds (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon arrowroot or corn starch
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil (optional)

Stir-fry broccoli in oil and 1/2 cup water for 3 minutes over medium-high heat.
Add bean sprouts and almonds or seeds.
Stir-fry for 2 more minutes.

Dissolve starch in 1/2 cup water.
Add to broccoli and sprout mixture along with tamari or soy sauce and sesame oil if desired.
Stir, then heat covered for 1 minute longer.

5.Vegetarian Cabbage Rolls

6 large cabbage leaves
2 dried mushrooms
30 grams straw mushrooms
30 grams silver sprouts*
3 water chestnuts**
1/4 carrot
a little dried fungus
a little black moss

1/2 teaspoon rice wine
1/4 teaspoon salt

Cornstarch Mixture:
40 ml water or liquid from the reconstituted mushrooms
1/2 teaspoon cornstarch

40 ml water (or stock if desired)
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/2 tablespoon vegetarian oyster sauce (available in Asian markets; it uses mushrooms instead of oysters)
pepper to taste 
a few drops sesame oil

1 - 2 tablespoons oil for stir-frying

Parboil cabbage leaves in the wok in boiling water for 2 - 3 minutes. This will help the filling stick to the cabbage. Move the leaves around with chopsticks so they will soften.  Drain well. 
Soak the dried mushrooms in warm water for between 20 - 30 minutes.  Save the soaking liquid to use if desired. Cut off the stems.  
Soak the black fungus in warm water for at least 15 minutes.  Rinse and trim the stems and cut off any stiff parts.  Soak the hair moss in warm water for 20 minutes and drain well.
Wash the water chestnuts and peel.  Wash and scrape the carrot. Rinse the silver sprouts and the straw mushrooms.
Shred all the ingredients.
Mix together the seasoning ingredients, adding 2 tablespoons of the reconstituted mushroom liquid if desired. Prepare the cornstarch/water mixture and the sauce.
Heat oil in wok.  When oil is ready, add the mushrooms, fungus, hair moss and silver sprouts, carrots and water chestnut and stir-fry on high heat. Add the seasonings with the mushroom stock. Add the cornstarch/water mixture, and 1/2 of the sauce and cook for another 2 - 3 minutes. Divide the cooked filling into 6 portions. 
Lay out a cabbage leaf and place a portion of the filling on the end.  (If necessary, cut off the stiff rib of the leaf and place a small piece of cabbage over to cover.)  Roll up the cabbage tightly and trim off the ends if necessary. Continue with the remaining rolls.  
Steam the cabbage rolls on high heat for 5 minutes.  
Heat oil in wok and when ready, add the rest of the sauce.  Heat and pour on top of the cabbage rolls. Serve hot.  

*Silver sprouts are merely bean sprouts that have been "topped and tailed" - they have had both ends cut off.  The purpose is to make a more attractive dish.  If desired, you can skip this step and not trim the bean sprouts.
**If unavailable, substitute bamboo shoots 


6.Chinese Chop Suey

Bean sprouts - 2 to 3 cups
Celery - 2 to 3 stalks (sliced)
Dry chilies - 3 (break in half)
Garlic - 2 cloves (diced)
Oil - 3 tbsps
Salt (add to taste)

How easy was that? This last Asian vegetarian recipe finishes the 3 part mini series for an easy, delicious, and healthy Chinese vegetarian meal.

We made a delicious soup, and 2 quick but tasty stir-fries. You can quickly make this meal to serve 3 to 4 people. Of course, don't forget to make rice with it.


7.chinese-dumplings recipe

 Fatfree chinese dumplings 
 Two cups shredded veggies. Mixture of: mostly cabbage or bok choy,
 with carrots, mushrooms, onion, whatever to taste. Pre-packaged
 coleslaw mix works surprisingly well. 
 soy sauce
 vinegar (white or rice)
 coupla dozen wonton/dumpling skins ( I think these are just flour and water)
 garlic (fresh, chopped fine,  or powdered)
 ginger (fresh, chopped fine,  or powdered)
 small bowl with water for dipping
 optional: Tbsp Hunan chili paste, Tbsp plum sauce
           or maybe  tsp black bean sauce, tsp five spice powder or other 
           flavoring (use *one*)
 Make the dipping sauce first and let it sit. Mix equal parts soy
 sauce and vinegar, about 1/8 cup per person. Mix equal parts garlic
 and ginger, about a clove's worth per person.
 Stir-fry vegetable mix in a small bit of water and soy sauce. 
 If you have it, add your favorite optional flavoring. I like chili paste.
 Stir until translucent. Mix will taste sorta raw.
 To make the dumplings, scoop about 1.5 teaspoons onto a dumpling skin
 (experiment until you find the right amount.) Crunch the dumpling
 into a nice shape and dip the end into the small bowl to seal it.
 Dumplings may be boiled for 3-5 minutes or steamed 5-10. They are 
 done when they crinkle up and turn translucent.
 Dip dumplings in sauce. Magic!
 kwvegan vegan


8.Chinese Fried-Rice
3 cups long-grained(basmati)rice soaked in water for 1/2 hour, 1 bunch of spring onions finely chopped,2 1/2 tbsp of oil,1/4 cup carrots chopped fine, 1/4 cup french beans chopped fine,1/4 cup boiled green peas, 2 tsp soya sauce, 1 1/2 tsp aginomoto,salt and pepper to taste.

Drain soaked rice.Cook the rice and spread it on a plate when done.Sprinkle soya sauce,aginomoto, salt and pepper and toss well till the rice is well coated.After the rice cools,keep the plate in the refrigerator for 1 hour.Heat oil in a wok,add carrots,green peas,french beans,spring onions and cover with the lid.Saute in between to avoid burning.When tender add the rice and stir well.Cook for 5 more minutes and serve hot.


9.Hot and Sour Soup
(Hot and Sour Soup is reputed to be good for colds)

1 cake tofu (fresh tofu if possible)
1/2 cup bamboo shoots, shredded
2 Tbsp black fungus (Wood Ear)
or 3 - 4 Chinese dry mushrooms
small handful dry lily buds

2 ounces pork tenderloin, julienned

1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp tapioca starch (or cornstarch)
1/2 tsp sesame seed oil

6 cups water (or 6 cups water and 1 cup Campbell's chicken broth)*
2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp red rice vinegar** (or white if red not available)
1 tsp sesame oil
2 Tbsp finely chopped green onion
1 Tbsp finely chopped ginger

white pepper to taste (no more than 1 tablespoon)
1 egg

1 Tbsp cornstarch
1/4 cup water

II) Shred pork.  Mix marinade ingredients and marinade pork for 15 minutes.
I) To reconstitute the wood ears, soak in warm water for 20 minutes. Rinse, and cut into thin pieces.
If substituting mushrooms, cut off the stems and cut into thin strips.
Cut tofu into small squares. Cut bamboo shoots into strips, and then into fine slices.

III) Boil water. When it is boiling add all the ingredients in I and II. Add the vegetables first. Stir.  Add the tofu. When the broth is boiling, add the marinated pork.
Add the remaining ingredients in III, except for the green onion.
Beat the egg well. Set aside.
Test the broth and adjust the taste if desired. (If using chicken broth, you may want to add a bit more rice vinegar).
Mix the cornstarch and water. Slowly pour the cornstarch mixture into the soup, stirring while it is being added. Let the broth come back to a boil. As soon as it is boiling, remove the broth from the stove.
Slowly drop in the beaten egg, stirring in one direction at the same time. Add the green onion and white pepper to taste. Drizzle with chili oil if desired.

(This dish can be prepared ahead of time and frozen.  When making the soup, leave out the tofu.  When ready to serve,  thaw, add the tofu and bring to boiling. When the soup is boiling, add the egg.)



10.Chinese-Style Spring Rolls

This is my adaptation of the recipe on the back of the commercial spring-roll wrappers I buy at the supermarket here.
Each pack has ten 19-cm-square (7.5"?) wrappers--I usually make up a double batch and freeze the extras.
Note that I prefer to make very skinny rolls, because I freeze them and deep-fry them from frozen, so you may want to increase the proportion of non-wrapper ingredients.

For ten rolls:

  • 1 pack wrappers (or phyllo pastry cut to size?)
  • 1 sheet usu-age (thin deep-fried tofu)
  • 2 large fresh shiitake (or other mushrooms)
  • 2 thin-skinned green peppers (or spring onion?)
  • similar quantity of bamboo shoot (or bean sprouts?)
  • Salad oil for cooking and deep-frying


  • 1-1/2 Tbs Japanese-style soy sauce (maybe less, if Chinese-style)
  • 1 Tbs sesame oil
  • 1 Tbs sake/sherry/Chinese wine
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/4 tsp toubanjian (Chinese chili paste) or a good shake of chili powder
  • pepper if liked

Mix together all the seasonings.
Pour boiling water over the usu-age, drain, cut in half lengthways, then slice finely across the width.
Slice veggies into julienne strips.
Heat a little salad oil in a wok or frypan, and fry all the solid ingredients together until wilted.
Add seasonings, stir in well, then set aside to cool a little.

Separate the spring-roll wrappers
(it's easiest to divide them into twos or threes, then peel off individual wrappers).
Place them under a damp towel, easily accessible.
Have a small bowl of clean water ready.

Place one wrapper on the work surface so that it looks diamond-shaped
(if there's a difference between the two sides of the wrapper, put the rougher side downwards).
Lay about 1/10 of the filling in a row near the lowest corner, like this:


             _/ \_                   
           _/     \_                   
         _/         \_                 
       _/             \_               
     _/                 \_              
   _/                     \_           
  /                         \             
 <                           >          
  \_                       _/           
    \_                   _/             
      \_  **filling**  _/      
          \_       _/                  
            \_   _/

Flip the lowest corner up over the filling, then roll the filling and that corner of the wrapper loosely upward once.
Fold in the outer corners so they overlap at the center, then continue overlap at the center, then continue rolling up the spring roll loosely.
Just before the uppermost corner disappears, dip your fingers in the water and dab a few drops onto that corner. It won't stick immediately, but if you then place the completed roll on a wire rack with the damp corner underneath, it'll dry sealed.

Deep-fry or freeze the spring rolls as soon as you've finished rolling.
Test the frying oil by dropping in a tiny piece of wrapper--if the oil is the right temperature, the piece will sink and then immediately rise and make cheerful frying noises.
In too-cold oil, it'll just sit on the bottom sullenly; in too-hot oil, it'll skitter across the surface.
Fry only about 3 rolls at a time, to prevent the oil cooling suddenly, and turn when they start to colour underneath.
(If you're frying deep-frozen ones, "French-fry" them: fry them lightly for a minute or so, remove from the oil, let them stand for a couple of minutes to allow the heat to penetrate, then re-fry them.)


11.Curried Stir-Fried Noodles with Vegetables

  • 1/2 pound dried rice-stick noodles (rice vermicelli)


  • 2 medium carrots (about 1/2 pound), thinly sliced
  • 1 bunch broccoli, cut into small 1 1/2-inch-long flowerets (about 3 cups)
  • 1 small zucchini, cut into small strips
  • 1 medium red onion, sliced thin lengthwise (about 2 cups)

For sauce:

  • 1/2 cup veg. broth
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons dry sherry or white wine
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon Asian sesame oil

For sauteeing:

  • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons minced peeled fresh gingerroot
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 4 scallions, cut lengthwise into 2-inch-long julienne strips

In a large bowl soak noodles in boiling water to cover 5 to 10 minutes, or until opaque-white and tender, and drain well in a colander.

Steam veggies in steamer rack over boiling water (or in the microwave) until just tender. Drain.

Make sauce: In a small bowl stir together sauce ingredients in order given until cornstarch is dissolved.

Heat a wok over med-high heat until hot and add oil.
Stir-fry garlic and gingerroot until fragrant, about 5 seconds.
Add curry powder and stir-fry 5 seconds.
Stir sauce and add to curry mixture.
Bring curry sauce to a boil, stirring.

Add noodles, scallions, and steamed vegetables to curry sauce and gently toss until noodles are coated well with sauce.

Serves 4.


12.Vegetarian Chow Mein


Serves 4


1/2 pound dried or fresh egg noodles
2 ounces celery
2 ounces canned bamboo shoots
2 tablespoons peanut oil for stir-frying
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 small onion, finely sliced
1/2 pound small button mushrooms, whole
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
2 tablespoons dark soy sauce
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh ginger
3 tablespoons vegetable stock
1 tablespoon rice wine or dry sherry
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 pound bean sprouts


Fresh coriander sprigs


1.       If you are using fresh noodles, blanch them first in a large pot of boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. If you are using the dried noodles, cook in boiling water for 4 to 5 minutes. Drain the noodles, then put them into cold water until required.

2.       String the celery and slice diagonally. Shred the bamboo shoots.

3.       Heat a wok or large frying-pan and add the oil. When moderately hot, add the garlic and stir-fry for 10 seconds. Add the onion, mushrooms, celery, and bamboo shoots and stir-fry for about 5 minutes.

4.       Drain the noodles thoroughly and put into the wok. Continue to stir-fry for 1 minute then add the rest of the ingredients except the bean sprouts. Continue to stir-fry for another 2 minutes and then add the bean sprouts. Give the mixture a good stir and turn it onto a serving platter.

5.      Garnish with fresh coriander sprigs.

Nutritional Breakdown per serving: 335 calories (kcal); 10 g Total Fat (15 percent calories from fat); 12 g Protein; 51 g Carbohydrate; 54 mg Cholesterol; 901 mg Sodium; 4g Fiber
(Based on a medium sized onion; also, the database does not have a category for dark soy sauce. Just to give an idea of how much it helps to cut back on oil in cooking, using 3 tablespoons instead of 2 increases the calorie count to 364 calories per serving).

13.Cold Chinese Noodles in Peanut-Sesame Sauce

The hardest part of the recipe is amassing the ingredients.  Most can be
purchased in an Oriental Food Store.  Once you make the dressing, you will
have "instant" company fare on hand for a long, long time.  The recipe 
makes 1 quart.  I store mine in a mayonnaise-type jar in the refrigerator.
Dressing will keep well indefinitely in the refrigerator.  Use about 2-4
heaping Tbsp. of dressing per pound of noodles.  
Recipe may be prepared up to 1 day ahead of time through Step 3 and kept
1 lb. chinese-style noodles (or any spaghetti/fettucini-type pasta)
2 Tbsp. dark sesame oil
               6 Tbsp. peanut butter
               1/4 cup water
               3 Tbsp. light soy sauce
               6 Tbsp. dark soy sauce
               6 Tbsp. tahini (sesame paste)
               1/2 cup dark sesame oil
               2 Tbsp. sherry
               4 tsp. rice wine vinegar
               1/4 cup honey
               4 medium cloves garlic, minced
               2 tsp. minced fresh ginger
               1-2 Tbsp. hot pepper oil (see instructions below)*
               1/2 cup hot water
GARNISH: (all are optional, depending on your taste)
               1 carrot, peeled
               1/2 firm medium cucumber, peeled, seeded, and julienned
               1/2 cup roasted peanuts, coarsely chopped
               2 green onions, thinly sliced
1.  Cook noodles in large pot of boiling unsalted water over medium heat 
    until barely tender and still firm.
2.  Drain immediately and rinse with cold water until cold.  Drain well
    and toss noodles with (2 Tbsp) dark sesame oil so they don't stick
3.  FOR DRESSING:  combine all ingredients except hot water in a blender
    or food processor fitted with steel blade and blend until smooth.  
    Thin with hot water to consistency of whipping cream.
4.  For garnish, peel flesh of carrot in short shavings about 4" long.
    Place in ice water for 30 minutes to curl.
5.  Just before serving, toss noodles with sauce.  Garnish with cucumber,
    peanuts, green onion, and carrot curls.  Serve at room temperature.
*  HOT PEPPER OIL: Amount you use depends on how hot you like it.  2 Tbsp.
will give it a nice "bite."  If your tastes run to the very hot, you might 
want to use 3 Tbsp.
If you don't want to buy the oil "ready made" in the market, here's a
1/4 cup hot red pepper flakes, 1 cup oil.  Combine in a saucepan over 
medium heat.  Bring to boil, and immediately turn off heat.  Let cool.  
Strain in small glass container that can be sealed.  Refrigerate.
Lasts indefinitely.

14.Fried Bamboo Shoots




3/4 lb (350 g) fresh winter bamboo shoots
 2 1/2 oz (75 g) preserved mustard green
 1 1/2 cups (350 ml) vegetable oil for deep-frying; uses about 2 oz (60 ml)
 1/2 tsp MSG (optional)







1.        Remove the husks from the bamboo shoots. Roll-cut into diamond-shaped chunks. Soak the preserved mustard in water for 5 minutes to reduce its saltiness. Squeeze out the excess water and cut into 1 1/2 inch (3.5 cm) pieces.

2.        Heat the oil in a wok to about 400oF(205oC), or until a piece of scallion green or ginger browns quickly when tossed into the oil and a haze rises above the oil surface. Add the preserved mustard and deep-fry for 30 seconds. Remove and drain. Add the bamboo shoots and turn the heat to low. Deep-fry the bamboo shoots for 30 seconds, then raise the heat to high and deep-fry for 3 minutes, or until brown outside and tender inside. Remove and drain. Return the preserved mustard to the oil and deep-fry for 5 minutes. Remove and drain.

3.        Pour all the oil out of the wok. Add the preserved mustard and bamboo shoots. Stir-fry to blend, then sprinkle with the MSG. Remove and serve.


15.Stir-Fried Chinese Mushrooms With Spinach Or Broccoli
12 dried Chinese mushroom(soaked in hot water for 20 min,squeeze out the water from them,discard stems and leave whole.Retain the mushroom water),350g broccoli(cut into 2" florets with long stem.Blanch in hot water for 2 minutes,drain and plunge into cold water to retain colour.Drain and set aside)OR 500g spinach leaves(washed and halved), 1/2"piece ginger finely shredded, 4 spring onions(halved and cut into 1" pieces,green and white part separately, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sugar, 8 tbsp of mushroom water if using broccoli or 4 tbsp of mushroom water if using spinach.
Sauce Mixture:
To be blended together in a bowl-1 tsp cornflour mixed with 3 tbsp water, 2 tbsp mushroom water, 1/4 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp soya sauce, 3 tbsp oil, 1 tsp sesame oil(optional).

Heat a wok, add oil.Once smoking,add ginger and spring onion whites,stir fry for 1 minute,toss in the mushroom caps and stir fry for another 2 minutes.Add spinach or broccoli and the mushroom water,season with salt and sugar,cover wok,lower heat slightly and cook for 4 minutes or until broccoli is tender but crisp.Spinach would have cooked through.Pour in sauce,stirring constantly until it thickens.Add spring onion greens,mix well,sprinkle with sesame oil if using,cook for another 1 minute.Pour into a serving dish and serve immediately.


16.Ginger-steamed-dumplings recipe

Date:    Fri, 10 Feb 95 18:10:00 PST
 From:    sally charette                       
 Gingery Steamed Dumplings
 This is one of the few things in life that sounds too good to be true, but
 1 package Garden Sausage (Wholesome & Hearty Foods, INc.>
   fresh hot-tasting powdered ginger
   Kikkoman lite soy sauce
 1 package won ton wrappers
   a few Chinese style pea pods
 Warm 4 patties at a time in the microwave for about 30 seconds, which is
 hopefully time enough to thaw them but not make them too hot to handle.
 Lay out several won ton wrappers, then put a little wad of the Garden
 Sausage (I got about 6 dumplings per patty) in the center of each wrapper.
 Sprinkle with ginger and soy sauce.  I put a little slice of pea pod in
 about 1/2 of the dumplings just to make it more interesting.
 Pinch the won ton wrappers closed at the top.  Put as many as will fit
 side by side into a steamer basket in a sauce pan (at least that's how I
 did it because the rice steamer was occupado) with a little boiling water
 in the bottom.  Cover and steam for 5+ minutes.  The won ton wrappers I
 used came covered in a little flour and I  figured that when the wrappers
 looked moist rather than floury they were done.
 Serve with little dishes of hot Asian-style mustard and /or light soy
 kwlacto lacto


17.Hakka Noodles,Veg Manchurian Balls In Manchurian Sauce
For The Hakka Noodles:
200g boiled noodles,1/2 tbsp oil,50g carrot(cut into thin strips),75g capsicums(cut into strips), 100g cabbage(roughly chopped),40g spring onions(chopped),1 tsp soya sauce, 1/2 tsp ajinomoto,salt to taste, 1/2 tsp white pepper powder.
For The Vegetable Manchurian:
1/2 (150g)cabbage chopped,2 tsp(10g)green chillies chopped, 3 cm piece ginger chopped, 15g coriander leaves chopped, 1 tbsp carrot chopped,salt to taste, 1 tbsp ajinomoto, 2 tbsp refined flour(maida), oil for frying.
For The Manchurian Sauce:
1/2(75ml)water, 10ml soya sauce,salt to taste, 1 1/2 tsp ajinomoto, 3 tsp cornflour, 10g chopped ginger, 10g chopped green chillies.

To Prepare The Hakka Noodles:
Heat the oil in a wok,and saute all the vegetables for a few minutes.Add the boiled noodles and toss,so that all the ingredients are mixed in well.Add the salt,soya sauce and the pepper powder and mix well.
To Prepare The Vegetarian Manchurian Balls:
Mix the chopped cabbage,green chillies,ginger,coriander leaves and carrot with the salt, ajinomoto and flour to form a thick mixture which can be shaped into balls.Deep fry in the oil and set aside.
To Prepare The Manchurian Sauce:
Place the water,soya sauce,salt, ajinomoto, chopped ginger, garlic and green chillies in a pan and bring to a boil.Dissolve the cornflour in a little water and pour it into the pan.Stir in well and simmer,allowing the sauce to thicken.Gently add the fried Manchurian Balls to the sauce,boil once more and remove from heat.
To Assemble:
In the serving plate place Hakka noodles.Top with the vegetable Manchurian balls in sauce.Serve hot.


18.Phyllo Baskets with Vegetable Filling

Vegan main course, Makes eight

  • 500g packet phyllo pastry, thawed
  • 150ml olive oil
  • 125g mushrooms, wiped and sliced
  • 4 large spring onions, chopped
  • 100ml shredded red cabbage
  • 100ml shredded white cabbage
  • 4 carrots, scraped and chopped
  • 200ml (half a punnet) sprouts
  • 230g can bamboo shoots, drained
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 10ml garlic and ginger mix
  • 12g (25ml) cornflour
  • 50ml dry sherry
  • 25ml soya sauce
  • 125g instant Chinese noodles (mushroom flavour)

Cook the noodles as directed on packet

Cut phyllo pastry into eight equal squares.
Cover with a dish towel.
Brush between layers of each square with 100ml of the olive oil.
Press pastry squares into greased muffin pans to form eight baskets.

Bake at 160 ° C, 15 to 20 minutes.
(Olive oil tends to burn, so this recipe is baked at a lower temperature)
Remove from oven and set aside.
Heat remaining olive oil in a large frying pan, stir-fry mushrooms, spring onions, cabbage, carrots, sprouts and bamboo shoots.
Season to taste.

Add ginger and garlic mix.

Combine cornflour, sherry and soya sauce, stir into vegetable mixture.
Cook two to three minutes or until mixture boils and thickens.
Remove from heat.
Stir in noodles.
Spoon mixture into phyllo baskets.
Serve at once.


19.Northern Chinese Vegetable Potstickers

About 20 Dumplings

1 package potsticker wrappers, bought or made according to the recipe below

2/3 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup very hot water

1/2 cup fresh or frozen peas
1/4 cup finely chopped Sichuan preserved vegetables
2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic
1 cup finely chopped bok choy
1 cup coarsely chopped Chinese chives
1/4 teaspoon salt
pinch freshly ground pepper
2 tablespoons rice wine or dry sherry
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
2 teaspoons sugar
3 tablespoons peanut oil
2/3 cup water


  1. If you are making the dough: put the flour into a large bowl and gradually stir in the hot water, mixing continuously with a fork or chopsticks until most of the water is incorporated. Add more water if the mixture seems dry. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it with your hands until smooth.  This should take about 5 minutes. Put the dough back into the bowl, cover it with a clean, damp, towel and let it rest for about 20 minutes.
  2. While the dough is resting, make the stuffing. If you are using fresh peas, blanch them in a pan of boiling water for 4 minutes or 2 minutes if they are frozen. Rinse the Sichuan preserved vegetables several times in cold water and blot them dry.
  3. Heat a wok or large frying pan over high heat and add 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the stuffing ingredients and stir-fry for 5 minutes or until the mixture is dry. Remove the mixture to a bowl and allow the stuffing ingredients to cool thoroughly.
  4. After the resting time, take the dough out of the bowl and knead it again for about 5 minutes, dusting it with a little flour if sticky. Once the dough is smooth, form it into a roll about 9 inches long and about 1 inch in diameter. Take a knife and cut the roll into 18 equal pieces.
  5. Roll each piece of dough into a small ball, then roll each ball into a small, round, flat "pancake" about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Arrange the rounds on a lightly floured tray and cover with a damp kitchen towel to keep them from drying out until required.
  6. Put about 1 tablespoon of filling in the center of each pancake, then fold in half. Moisten the edges with water and pinch together with your fingers. Pleat around the edge, pinching to seal well. Transfer the finished dumplings to the floured tray and keep it covered with a damp cloth until you have filled all the dumplings in this way.
  7. Heat a frying pan (preferably non-stick) over a high heat until hot and add 1 tablespoon of oil. Place the dumplings, flat side down, into the pan. Turn down the heat and cook for 2 minutes until lightly browned. (You may need to cook the dumplings in two batches). Add the 2/3 cup water, cover the pan tightly, and cook for about 12 minutes or until most of the liquid is absorbed. Uncover the pan and continue to cook for 2 minutes longer. Remove the dumplings and serve.
  8. Place three bowls on the table, containing Chinese white rice vinegar, chili oil, and dark soy sauce. Let each person concoct their own dipping sauce by mixing these three items exactly to their taste. 


20.Spicy-Sweet Bean & Noodle Stir Fry

Amounts and times are approximate -- season to taste and just be sure you don't overcook the vegtables.

  • 1/2 cup chickpeas (garbanzo beans) or other beans
  • 2 to 4 ounces chinese noodles or spaghetti
  • approx. 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • approx. 1 tablespoon szechuan stir-fry sauce
  • approx. 2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
  • 1 to 2 cloves chopped garlic
  • ginger or ginger powder
  • 2 cups frozen veggie stir fry blend
    (broccoli, red pepper, water chestnuts, green beans, carrots, celery, sugar snap peas)
  • about 1/2 tbsp. oil

1. Soak and cook beans until tender

2. Drain beans and save 1/4 cup broth

3. Boil noodles for 9-10 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, lightly fry garlic and ginger in oil in wok or frying pan.

5. When the garlic starts to sizzle, add vegetables to pan and cook for 1 minute

6. Mix sauces and broth together, and add to pan.

7. Cook vegetables for 2 more minutes or until tender

8. Add beans and remove from heat.
When pasta is done, drain and rinse with cold water.
Add pasta to frying pan and reheat.
Add any additional sauce to taste (I like a thick sauce).

Makes 2 servings or 1 very filling meal.
Each serving provides about 1 serving vegetables, 1 serving legumes, and 1 serving of grains. Substitutions:
Kidney beans or some other beans would probably be pretty good.
It's easy to find hoisin and szechuan sauces in the grocery store, but if you must substitute here are some ideas.
If you only have 1 of these, just use twice as much of that kind.
Hoisin can probably be substituted with some other sweet-and-sour type sauce like duck (an apricot-based sauce with a misleading name), sweet & sour, and maybe black bean(?), or you can use a mix of peach or apricot sauce, vinegar, corn-starch, sugar, and dry sherry or chinese cooking wine.

Szechuan is a hot-and-spicy sauce that can probably be approximated with soy sauce, sherry or wine, sugar, corn starch, red hot pepper (cayenne), and sesame seed oil.


21.Simple Spinach and Garlic Stir-Fry

Serving Size : 1

  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 8 cloves garlic -- minced
  • 3 bunches spinach -- washed and cut in
  • 2 inch piece
  • 1/2 cup vegetable dry sherry
  • 1 teaspoon sugar -- (or 2 teaspoons brown rice syrup)
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon ginger -- minced
  • 3 tablespoons green onion -- minced
  • 14 ounces firm tofu -- cubed
  • 1 tablespoon hot chili paste
  • 1 cup vegetable stock
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch mixed well with 2 tablespoons cold water
  • 6 cups rice -- cooked Cilantro to garnish.

1. In a small bowl, mash black beans with garlic, soy, wine, and sugar.

2. In a wok or large skillet, heat oil on high and add black bean paste, ginger, and green onion.
Add tofu and turn gently.
Add chili paste and stock. Cover and cook for 3 to 4 minutes.
Stir in cornstarch mixture and cook until sauce thickens.
Serve over rice, and garnish with cilantro.
Makes about 6 servings.


                     22.SZECHUAN-STYLE STIR FRY

Source:  Better Homes and Gardens (May 1991)
(made meatless by RFD)
1 lb. tofu, cubed
1/2 lb. snow peas
1/3 c. teriyaki sauce
3 T. Szechuan spicy stir-fry sauce
2 tsp. cornstarch 
1 onion, chopped
3 c. chopped bok choy
2-3 T. cooking oil
1 c. broccoli florets
1 red bell pepper
1 7-oz. can straw mushrooms
1 14-oz. can baby corn
Combine teriyaki, stir-fry sauce and cornstarch; set aside.  Cut bell 
pepper in strips.  Cut snow peas and baby corn in half.  In wok stir-fry 
onion & bok choy in 1 T. oil for 2 minutes.  Add broccoli & bell pepper; stir-fry 2 minutes.  Remove from w Stir-fry cubed tofu in 1 T. oil for 
2 minutes; add more oil if necessary.  Stir sauce mixture and add to tofu; 
cook until bubbly.  Add all vegetables; heat through.  Serve over hot rice.


Source:  The Enchanted Broccoli Forest
Sauce: 1/2 c. hot water
1/2 c. almond butter (original recipe was for peanut butter -
                      I use almond cause I'm allergic to peanut)
1/4 c. cider vinegar
2 T. tamari sauce
2 T. blackstrap molasses
1/4 c. cayenne (this is a HUGE amount - I use 1-2 tsp.)
Saute:  1 lb. broccoli
2 tsp. ginger
4 cloves garlic
1 lb. tofu, cubed
2 c. onion, thinly sliced
1 c. chopped cashews
2-3 T. tamari sauce
2 minced scallions
Sauce:  In small saucepan, whisk together almond butter and hot water 
until you have a uniform mixture. Whisk in remaining sauce ingredients 
and set aside.  Saute: Stir-fry half the ginger and half the garlic in 
1 T. oil.  Add tofu chunks, stir-fry for 5-8 minutes. Mix with sauce. 
Wipe wok clean, saute remaining ginger & garlic in 2 T. oil. Add onions 
and fresh pepper, saute for about 5 min. Add chopped broccoli, cashews 
and tamari; stir-fry until broccoli is bright green. Toss saute with 
sauce, mixing in the minced scallions as you toss. Serve over rice. 


Source:  The Enchanted Broccoli Forest
1 lb. tofu
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/4 c. tamari sauce
6 T. water
1/4 c. tomato paste
2 T. honey
1 tsp. ginger
4 cloves of garlic
8 scallions, minced
1 green & 1 red bell pepper, sliced in strips
1 lb. mushrooms
1 c. toasted cashews
Cut tofu into small cubes; set aside.  Combine lemon juice, tamari,
water, tomato paste, honey, ginger, and garlic; mix until well blended.  
Add  tofu to this marinade, stir gently, and let marinate for several 
hours (or overnight).  Stir-fry scallions, bell peppers, and mushrooms 
in 2 tsp. of oil.  After several minutes, add tofu with all the 
marinade.  Lower heat, continue to stir-fry until everything is hot 
and bubbly.  Remove from heat and stir in cashews.  Serve over rice. 
Source:  The Moosewood Restaurant Kitchen Garden
2 cakes of tofu, frozen overnight and thawed
1/2 c. water or vegetable stock
1 tsp. cornstarch
1/2 c. cornmeal or cornstarch
Marinade:  1/3 c. soy sauce
1/4 c. rice vinegar
1 T. finely grated gingerroot
2 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
dash cayenne
Sauce:  3 T. soy sauce
1/4 c. dry sherry
2 tsp. rice vinegar
2 tsp. honey or brown sugar
Vegetables:  3 T. oil
3 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
1 c. thinly sliced onion
6 c. mix of coarsely chopped pak choi, chard, kale, 
    nappa cabbage or 9 c. chopped spinach
Gently squeeze as much liquid out of thawed tofu as possible.  
Cut tofu crosswise into 1/2-inch thick slices, then diagonally, 
to make 4 triangles.*  Combine marinade ingredients and mix well.  
Arrange tofu triangles in one layer in a dish and cover with 
marinade.  Allow to sit for at least 10 minutes to absorb the 
flavors.  Prepare sauce mix by combining all ingredients in a 
small bowl.  In a separate bowl mix the water or stock and the 
1 tsp. cornstarch.  Dredge marinated tofu pieces in cornmeal or 
cornstarch and fry over medium heat in 1/8 to 1/4 inch of oil, 
for 3-4 minutes on each side.  Drain and keep warm in 200F oven.  
Add leftover marinade to sauce mix.  Heat 3 T. oil in a wok.  
Stir-fry garlic and onion until onion is tender.  Add greens and 
continue stir-frying until just wilted but not mushy.  Add sauce 
mix and cornstarch mix and stir-fry just until sauce is thickened.  
Add reserved fried tofu.  Serve with rice.
* I cut the tofu into many more smaller triangles.
This last recipe in particular is incredibly flavorful!  Enjoy!


                                   Terrific Tofu
Diced, mashed or crumbled, you'll enjoy cooking with this versatile Chinese food


Tofu has an image problem in the west.  Even chefs will sometimes claim it lacks flavor.  And it's true that the custard-like white substance - also known as soybean curd - doesn't look very appetizing.    

Still, tofu has a lot going for it. Nutritionally speaking, it's high in calcium and vitamins, but low in fat and sodium.  Tofu makes a great meat substitute, not only for vegetarians, but also for individuals who have trouble digesting meat, or suffer from medical conditions such as chronic heartburn.  And if that isn't enough, tofu has been credited with offering protection against diseases such as cancer and osteoporosis.

Of course, that does leave the not so small matter of flavor.  There is no question that, served alone, tofu tastes rather bland. But tofu - or doufu to use its Chinese name - is not designed to be eaten alone.  The beauty of bean curd is that it absorbs the flavors of the food it is cooked with.  Picture a large white sponge and you've got the basic idea.  

Besides blandness, another common complaint about tofu is the texture.  However, today you can choose from a wide variety of tofus that vary from firm to extra firm, which are fairly dense and solid, to soft, which is more jello-like. There is also silken tofu, which has a creamy, custard-like texture, and also comes in varying degrees of firmness. The firmer tofus are recommended for stir-fries and grilling, while soft tofu works well in soups and silken tofu is great for blended dishes like pudding.  But there are no rules - it all depends on your own preference.  Recipes normally specify which type of tofu to use, but if they don't, it's safest to stick with medium firmness.

Normally located in the refrigerated section of the grocery store, tofu comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes - from individual cakes to larger blocks.  One company even packages their tofu in a convenient, plastic-wrapped cylinder - all you need to do is peel back the plastic and slice.  If you live near an Asian market, try the Chinese-style tofu packaged in water.  It is softer than Japanese tofus, but still firm enough to hold its shape during cooking.  I find I get the best results when using it to cook Chinese dishes. 

In the Kitchen

How do you store tofu? Like any perishable product, you need to check for an expiry date. (If the tofu smells sour, throw it out). Also, depending on the type of packaging, it may need to be refrigerated immediately.  Either way, once you've opened it, cover the leftover tofu with water and store it in the refrigerator, being sure to change the water daily. (If possible, use distilled instead of regular tap water). The tofu should last for up to a week.

Tofu can also be frozen, which gives it a more meaty texture. The regular to extra firm tofus are better for freezing, as the softer tofus do not hold their shape as well.  But no matter what type of tofu you're working with, you can add extra firmness by draining it before freezing. Simply place the tofu between paper towels or tea towels and lay a heavy pot or board on top of it for fifteen to thirty minutes.  Frozen tofu will last for at least three, and up to five, months.

Many recipes also call for tofu to be drained before cooking.  This will increase its capacity to absorb other flavors, making for a tastier dish. Another way to increase tofu's flavor is to marinate it. There are no hard and fast rules here, but the longer the tofu is marinated, the more flavorful the result.  After marinating, you can either fry it or add it to a soup or salad.  You don't even need to use it immediately - stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator, marinated tofu should last for several days.  

26.Deep-Fried Tofu Triangles

Serves 4


1 pound medium or firm tofu
3 - 4 tablespoons cornstarch or flour
oil for deep-frying

Drain the tofu: Place several paper towels on a cutting board. Place the tofu on the cutting board, and then place a heavy object such as a plate or book on top. Drain the tofu for at least 15 minutes, changing the paper towels as required. (If possible, it's helpful to tilt the cutting board so that the water drains directly into the sink). 
Cut the tofu into triangles, or cubes if you prefer. 
Heat oil for deep-frying. Carefully add the tofu pieces into the wok. Fry, stirring occasionally, until the tofu triangles are golden on both sides.  Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.  Keep warm while frying the remaining tofu triangles. Serve with  or Peking-Style Sauce, Soy-ginger dip, or sweet and sour sauce


27.Vegetarian Country Stew 

1 package (140 grams) Superior Tofu Puff, cut into halves*
2 medium onions, cut in wedges
1 medium carrot, cut in 1/2 inch slices
1 medium sweet potato, peeled and cut in 3/4 inch slices
1/2 cup string beans
1/2 cup vegetable broth or water
3 tablespoons flour
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon hot sauce
1 cup frozen peas

In a large pot, combine onions, carrot, string beans, potato, 1/4 cup water and salt to taste. Bring to a boil, then turn the heat down to simmer until vegetables are tender (about 20 min). Mix the rest of the ingredients except frozen peas and add to vegetables in the pot. Continue cooking for another 10 min. Add peas and cook another 5 min. Caution: tofu puff absorbs the gravy very well, and can be very hot in the centre.

Nutritional value per serving: 210 calories, 10g protein, 7.5g fat, 28g carbohydrates.


28.Spicy Tofu Stir-fry 

Serves 4
1/2 package (300 grams) Superior Pressed Tofu*
3 cups vegetables (carrots, celery, onions, mushrooms, etc.)
1/4 cup roasted unsalted peanuts or cashew nuts
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon hot and spicy chili sauce
1 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in 2 tablespoons of cold water

Cube tofu and vegetables into 1/4" cubes. Heat oil in wok. Stir fry vegetables for 2 minutes or until half cooked. Add tofu, and stir fry for another 1 minute until heated through. Add sauce and cook until sauce has thickens. Add more water if necessary. Toss in peanuts and serve. Makes 4 servings.

Nutritional value per serving: 300 calories, 12g protein, 19g fat, 19g carbohydrates.


29.Tofu Stirfry Onions

Firm tofu - 250g (thinly slice)
White onion - 1 (thinly slice)
Green onions - 2 (cut into 2 inch strips)
Red chilies - 2 to 4 (diced)
Garlic - 3 (diced)
Salt and pepper (add to taste)
Satay sauce - 1 teaspoon
Oil - 3 to 4 tbsps

  • Heat the oil to high, and add in garlic and red chilies.
  • Add in the tofu, and white onions. Add salt and pepper, and satay sauce.
  • Stir and cook for 2 to 4 minutes until everything is cooked. Then add in the green onions. Stir for 30 seconds, and dish up.

You see how easy this is? Chinese vegetarian food is simple! You can probably cook this dish in maybe 10 to 15 minutes. So counting, we've used about 20 to 25 minutes so far. Not bad huh?


30.Tofu and Vegetable Stir-Fry

Yield: 4 servings;


  • 1 pound block tofu, cut into 1" cubes
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger, minced
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
  • 1 tbsp. sesame oil
  • 2 tbsp. dry sherry
  • 1/4 cup hoisin sauce


  • 2 tbsp. oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 carrot, thinly sliced
  • 2 celery stalks, sliced
  • 1 cup small cauliflower or broccoli florets
  • 1 cup peas or snow peas
  • 1/3 cup red pepper, slivered
  • 1 tin sliced water chestnuts, drained
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch

1. Combine marinade ingredients in a large bowl (garlic-sherry).
Gently stir in tofu cubes, cover and refrigerate 4 hours or overnight.

2. Heat oil in frying pan and add onion, cooking 'til softened.
Add other veggies (in usual stir-frying order from slow-fast cooking veggies) and fry 'til desired cookness.

3. Add tofu to the veggies.
Stir 1 tbsp. cornstarch into marinade and pour over vegetable mixture.

4. Reheat 'til tofu is hot.


31.Vegetarian Dumplings

You will need:

1 1/2 cup cooked spinach, 1 cup bread crumbs, 1/2 cup Ricotta cheese, 2 chopped garlic cloves, 1 egg, 3 tbs AP unbleached flour, 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese, salt & pepper to taste.

Spinach must be squeezed to drain water. Then mix everything together. This mix can now be fashioned into small balls and cooked by placing in boiling broth or water or stuffing wonton wrappers prior to boiling.


32.Vegetarian Ham


Makes 1 appetizer roll

2 ounces (3 sheets) dried bean curd 
3 tablespoons soy sauce 
2 tablespoons water 
1 teaspoon sugar 
1 teaspoon fennel seeds 
1/2 star anise 
2 whole cloves, crushed 
1/2 teaspoon Szechuan peppercorns, crushed

Soak bean curd in water to cover about 1/2 hour until soft. Mix together remaining ingredients, then marinate the softened bean curd sheets in this mixture about 2 hours.
Select the largest and smoothest sheet and lay it on a flat surface. Place the remaining sheets on it evenly, so that when rolled it will form a cylinder of regular dimensions. Roll it up VERY tightly. Place it on a single piece of cheesecloth or old sheet and roll it up with the cloth overhanging at both ends. Tie the bundle like a toy firecracker at both ends where the bean curd ends.
Place in a steamer and steam about 1 hour. (Check to make sure the water does not boil away.) Cool the roll and unwrap it. Cut into 1/4" slices. Serve cold.


33.Bean Curd Dip


Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:10

Categories    : Appetizers                      

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

     1/2  pound         bean curd

     1/4  cup           plum sauce

   2      teaspoons     prepared Chinese mustard

   1      teaspoon      salt


Mash the bean curd, then mix with the other ingredients with a whisk or an electric mixer. the dip should have the consistency of sour cream. To prepare in a blender or food processor, combine the ingredients and process until smooth. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Stored in a sealed container, the dip can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week. Makes 1 1/2 cups.


34.Birthday Noodles



Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:15

Categories    : Pasta Dishes


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

     1/2  pound         fresh spinach

     1/2  pound         Chinese noodles

   1      tablespoon    sesame oil

   1      cup           vegetable stock

   1      tablespoon    dark soy sauce

   1      teaspoon      sesame oil

     1/2  teaspoon      cornstarch dissolved in 1 tsp cold water

     1/2  teaspoon      salt

   6                    eggs

   2      tablespoons   chives -- chopped


Wash the spinach and remove any tough stems. Bring 2 quarts of water to a biol, add the spinach, and cook 1 minute. Drain, squeeze out the excess moisture, and chop coarsely; reserve.


Bring 4 quarts of water to a boil. Stir in the noodles and cook until just tender, about 3 minutes. Drain, toss with sesame oil, and set aside. Combine the ingredients for the broth in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Keep warm until ready to serve.


Bring 4 cups of water to boil in a wok. break the eggs, one at a time, into a large spoon, and slip them into the water. Reduce heat to simmer and poach for 2 minutes.  

While the eggs are poaching, divide the noodles among six soup bowls. Place a portion of the spinach on top of each, then a poached egg. Ladle hot broth into the bowls, sprinkle with chives, and serve immediately.





Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :1:45

Categories    : Cereals/Grains                  


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   1      cup           short-grain rice

   8      cups          cold water


Combine the rice and water in a large saucepan with a tight-fitting lid. Bring to a boil, cover, and reduce heat to simmer. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Serve hot.



36.Congee with Vegetables



Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:30

Categories    : Cereals/Grains                  


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   1                    recipe Congee

     1/2  pound         spinach

   1                    egg

   1      tablespoon    ginger -- finely shredded

   1                    scallion -- thinly sliced

   1      medium        tomato -- coarsely chopped

                        salt and pepper -- to taste


Prepare congee following the basic recipe. Meanwhile, wash the spinach, trim any tough stems, and pat dry. Lightly beat the egg. When the congee is cooked, stir in the egg, ginger, scallion, spinach, and tomato.


Cook just until the spinach is wilted and the tomato is heated through, about 3 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.



37.Easy Sweet & Sour Sauce 


Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:05

Categories    : Chinese Dishes                   Sauces

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

     1/4  cup           pineapple juice

   1 1/2  tablespoons   oil

   1      tablespoon    brown sugar

   1 1/4  teaspoons     soy sauce

     1/2  teaspoon      pepper

   2      tablespoons   milk vinegar


Combine all ingredients in small bowl.


Serving Ideas : Use as dipping sauce or to stir-fry vegetables  


38.Hoisin Dipping Sauce 


Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:05

Categories    : Appetizers                       Vegetarian


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   2      tablespoons   hoisin sauce

   2      tablespoons   tomato catsup

   1      teaspoon      rice vinegar

   1      teaspoon      honey

   1      teaspoon      black soy sauce


Combine the ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. Refrigerate until ready to serve.  


39.Hunan Chow Mein 


Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:30

Categories    : Cereals/Grains                  

                Main Course                      Vegetables


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   1      medium        onion -- chopped

   3      cloves        garlic -- minced

   1      tablespoon    peanut oil

   2      tablespoons   soy sauce

   1      teaspoon      dried mustard

   2      stalks        celery -- sliced diagonally

   2      cups          baby bok choy -- chopped

   1                    red bell pepper -- chopped

   8      ounces        waterchestnuts -- sliced

   1      cup           vegetable stock

   1      cup           mushrooms -- sliced

   4      cups          white rice -- cooked


In a wok or large skillet over high heat, cook onion and garlic in oil for 3 minutes, or until they begin to soften. Add soy sauce, mustard, celery, bok choy, bell pepper, water chestnuts, vegetable stock, and mushrooms. Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until vegetables are crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Serve over rice.  


40.Lo Mein



Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:30

Categories    : Pasta Dishes

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   3                    dried Chinese mushrooms

     1/2  pound         Chinese noodles

   3      tablespoons   peanut oil

   1                    onion -- chopped

   2      cups          shredded cabbage

   1      small         zucchini -- in 1/2" cubes

   3      tablespoons   light soy sauce

     1/2  cup           reserved mushroom soaking liquid

   1      teaspoon      honey

     1/2  teaspoon      salt


Soak the Chinese mushrooms in 1 cup of hot water for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, bring 4 quarts of waqter to boil in a large pot. Stir in the noodles and cook 3 minutes, just until tender. Drain, rinse in cold water, and toss with 1 tablespoon of peanut oil. Set aside.


Remove the mushrooms, but strain and reserve 1/2 cup of the soaking liquid. Trim and discard the mushroom stems. Coarsely chop the caps and set aside. Combine the ingredients for the sauce in a small bowl. Stir to dissolve the sugar and set aside.


Place ;a wok over medium-high heat. When it begins to smoke, add the mushrooms, onion, cabbage, and zucchini. Stir-fry for 2 minutes. Pour teh sauce over the vegetables. Add the reserved noodles and stir until heated through, about 3 minutes. Serve immediately.


41.Manchurian Sauce 

Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:40

Categories    : Appetizers                      


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

     1/2  cup           soy sauce

     1/2  cup           vegetable stock

     1/2  cup           green onion -- thinly sliced

   1      teaspoon      fresh ginger root -- minced

   1      teaspoon      garlic -- minced

     1/2  teaspoon      wasabi (or 1/2 tsp minced jalapeno pepper)


In a medium-sized bowl, combine all the ingredients and whisk until well blended. Regrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.


NOTES : If you are watching your sodium intake, substitute one of teh low-sodium varieties of soy sauce, but keep in mind that these may still be quite high in salt.  


42.Mandarin Noodles


Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:30

Categories    : Vegetables                       Vegetarian


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   4                    dried Chinese mushrooms

     1/2  pound         fresh Chinese noodles

     1/4  cup           peanut oil


   1      tablespoon    hoisin sauce

   1      tablespoon    bean sauce

   2      tablespoons   rice wine or dry sherry

   3      tablespoons   light soy sauce

   1      teaspoon      sugar or honey

     1/2  cup           reserved mushroom soaking liquid

   1      teaspoon      chili paste


   1      tablespoon    cornstarch

     1/2                red bell pepper -- in 1/2 inch cubes

     1/2  8 ounce can   whole bamboo shoots, cut in 1/2in cubes -- rinsed and drained

   2      cups          bean sprouts

   1                    scallion -- thinly sliced


Soak the Chinese mushrooms in 1 1/4 cups of hot water for 30 minutes. While they are soaking, bring 4 quarts of water to a boil and cook teh noodles for 3 minutes. Drain and toss with 1 tablespoon of peanut oil; set aside.


Remove the mushrooms; strain and reserve 1/2 cup of the soaking liquid for the sauce. Trin and discard the mushroom stems; coarsely chop the caps and set aside. Combine the ingredients for the sauce in a small bowl and stir well to dissolve the sugar; set aside. Dissolve the cornstarch in 2 tablespoons of cold water; set aside.


Place the wok over medium-high heat. When it begins to smoke, add the remaining 3 tablespoons of peanut oil, then the mushrooms, red pepper, bamboo shoots, and bean sprouts. Stir-fry 2 minutes. Stir the sauce and add it to the wok, and continue to stir-fry until the mixture begins to boil, about 30 seconds. Mix the dissolved cornstarch and add it to the wok. Continue to stir until the sauce thickens, about 1 minute. Add the noodles and toss until heated through, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle with the sliced scallion. Serve immediately.


NOTES : Because of the chili paste in the sauce, this is a rather hot dish. If you prefer less spicy food, cut down on the chili paste or leave it out entirely...the noodles are still delicious without it.


43.Shui Mai


Serving Size  : 24   Preparation Time :0:40

Categories    : Appetizers                      


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   2      tablespoons   peanut oil

   1                    garlic cloves

   1      teaspoon      ginger -- minced

   1                    scallion -- chopped

   1                    onion -- coarsely chopped

     1/2  small         cabbage -- coarsely chopped

   2      teaspoons     thin soy sauce

     1/2  teaspoon      sesame oil

   1      teaspoon      rice wine or dry sherry

   1      teaspoon      cornstarch dissolved in 1 tsp cold water

  24                    dumpling wrappers, 3 inch diameter

     1/2  cup           parboiled or frozen green peas

  10                    lettuce leaves


Place a wok over medium-high heat. When it begins to smoke, add the oil, then the garlic, ginger, and scallion. Stir-fry 15 seconds. Add the onion and cabbage and stir-fry 2 minutes. Add the soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine, and dissolved cornstarch. Stir constantly until teh sauce thickens, about 30 seconds. Remove the wok from the heat and set aside to cool.


Place a dumpling wrapper on the work surface. With your fingers, completely moisten the surface of the wrapper with water. Place 1 tablespoon fo filling in the center. Pull up the sides of the wrapper around the filling, tucking the wrapper in tiny pleats around the filling. Lightly tap the dumpling on the work surface to flatten the bottom.


Gently squeeze the center of the dumpling to make a slight indentation and force the filling to bulge a bit at the top. Finally, place a green pea in the center indentation of each dumpling for a garnish. Cover the dumplings as tehy are finished and fill the remaining wrappers.


Bring water to boil under a steamer. Place the lettuce leaves on a heat-proof place and arrange the dumplings on the lettuce. Cover and steam for 10 minutes. Serve immediately with Spicy Soy Dipping Sauce.  


44.Spicy Soy Dipping Sauce


Serving Size  : 24   Preparation Time :0:10

Categories    : Sauces                           Appetizers


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

     1/4  cup           bvegetable stock

     1/2  cup           light soy sauce

   1      tablespoon    rice wine or dry sherry

   2      tablespoons   sesame oil

   2      tablespoons   rice vinegar

   1      tablespoon    sugar or honey

   1      teaspoon      hot oil


Combine the ingredients in a small boil. Stir to dissolve the sugar, then cover and refrigerate until serving.  


45.Spicy Vegetable Lo Mein


Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:30

Categories    : Main Course

                Pasta Dishes                     Vegetables

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   8      ounces        soba noodles (or other flat Asian noodle)

   2      teaspoons     hot chili oil

   2      teaspoons     ginger root -- grated

   2      cloves        garlic -- minced

   3 1/2  ounces        shiitake mushrooms, pkg -- caps thinly sliced

   1      medium        red bell pepper -- in short thin strips

   2      cups          bok choy -- chopped

     1/2  cup           canned vegetable broth

   6      ounces        sugar snap peas or snow pea pods

   2      tablespoons   tamari or soy sauce

   2      tablespoons   seasoned or regular rice vinegar

   1      tablespoon    dark-roasted sesame oil

     1/4  cup           chopped peanuts or cashews -- optional


Cook noodles according to package directions. Meanwhile, heat oil in large deep skillet or wok over medium heat. Add ginger and garlic; cook 30 seconds. Add mushrooms, bell pepper and bok choy; cook 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add broth and sugar snap peas; simmer until vegetables are crisp-tender, stirring occasionally, 3 to 5 minutes. Add tamari or soy sauce, and vinegar.


Drain noodles; add to skillet with vegetables. Add sesame oil; cook 1 minute, tossing well. Sprinkle with peanutes or cashews, if desired.  


46.Spinach Ravioli


Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:45

Categories    : Appetizers                      

                Main Course                      Pasta Dishes


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   1      cup           tomatoes -- peeled, seeded,diced

   1      small         onion -- oven roasted

   1      cup           mushrooms -- minced

   2      teaspoons     garlic -- minced

     1/2  pound         spinach leaves -- blanched, chopped

     1/4  cup           nonfat cottage cheese

     3/4  cup           tofu -- mashed

   2      tablespoons   fresh basil -- minced

                        freshly ground black pepper

                        salt -- to taste

  48                    eggless pot sticker skins


In a large saucepan, combine the tomatoes, onion, mushrooms and garlic. Cook over medium heat until the liquid from the mushrooms comploetely evaporates abnd the mixture is somwhat dry. Be careful not to burn it. Set aside to cool.


In a large bowl, combine the tomato mixture, spinach, cottage cheese, tofu, and basil. Season to taste with pepper and salt.


On a cutting board, lay out a single layer of pot-sticker skins. Using a pastry brush, moisten the edges with water. Place 1 tablespoon of the spinach mixture onto the center of each skin. Cover with a second potsticker skin and press the edges together with the tines of a fork to seal.


Cook the ravioli in boiling water or vegetable stock for 3 minutes, or until the potsticker skin is al dente. Serve hot.


47.Spinach-Filled Won Tons 

Serving Size  : 60   Preparation Time :0:45

Categories    : Vegetables                       Vegetarian


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

  10      ounces        fresh spinach

   1      tablespoon    peanut oil

   1                    garlic cloves -- minced

     1/4  cup           onion -- minced

  10                    water chestnuts, minced -- rinsed drained

   1      pound         won-ton wrappers (about 60)

                        salt & pepper -- to taste


Wash the spinach thoroughly and trim any tough stems. Drain, then dry with paper towels or a salad spinner. Coarsely chop and set aside.


Place a wok over medium-high heat. When it begins to smoke, add the peanut oil, then the garlic and onion. Stir-fry 30 seconds. Add the spinach and water chestnuts and stir fry until the spinach is dry, about 3 minutes. Transfer the vegetables to a bowl and season with salt and pepper.


When the filling has cooled slightly, form the won tons. Dip you fingers in warm water and moisten the entire surface of a wrapper. Place 1 teaspoon of filling in the center of the wrapper and fold it in half. Press the edges to seal. Bring the ends together and moisten with water; press to seal. Cover and set aside the finished won tons while shaping the remainder.


Cook the won tons following the directions in the recipe - either in boiling water or soup stock until they are just tender, or deep-fry them in 3 to 4 cups of peanut oil until golden brown, about 3 minutes on each side.


NOTES : Makes 60 won tons. Won tons may be frozen after being shaped. Place on cookie sheet with sides not touching in the freezer. When completely frozen place in plastic air tight bag.  


48.Steamed Vegetable Buns


Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :3:00

Categories    : Appetizers                       Breads


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   4      cups          flour

   1      tablespoon    sugar

   1      package       yeast

     1/2  cup           hot milk (120 - 130 degrees)

     3/4  cup           hot water (120 - 130 degrees)

   4      cloves        garlic -- minced

   2      tablespoons   ginger -- minced

   1      cup           onions -- finely chopped

   1                    carrot -- minced

   3      cups          cabbage -- finely chopped

   1                    zucchini -- finely chopped

   2      cups          mushrooms -- finely chopped

   1 1/2  cups          bean sprouts -- chopped

   3      tablespoons   peanut oil

   3      tablespoons   dry wine

   2      tablespoons   soy sauce

   1      tablespoon    hoisin sauce

   1 1/2  tablespoons   chili paste

   1      tablespoon    cornstarch

   2      tablespoons   water

  24      pieces        wax paper or aluminum foil (3"x3")


Mix 3 1/2 cups flour, sugar and yeast in a large bowl. In a small bowl, combine milk and water. Using a thermometer to verify temperature between 120 and 130 degrees. Add milk mixture to flour and stir until flour clumps. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes or until dough is smooth and elastic. Let rest for 15 minutes. Knead lightly for 1 minutes. Place dough in lightly greased large bowl to rise till doubled about 30-45 minutes.


FILLING: Meanwhile, combine wine, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, and chili paste in small bowl. Combine cornstarch and water in another small bowl. In hot wok add peanut oil. Stir fry garlic, ginger, and onions for 30 seconds. Add carrots, cabbage, zucchini and bean sprouts. Stir-fry 3 minutes. Add mushrooms and stir-fry for 4 minutes. Add soy sauce mixture and stir till bubbly. Briefly stir cornstarch and water; add to vegetables, stirring quickly while mixture thickens. Cook 1 minute and remove from heat to cool.


BUNS: When dough is doubled, punch down. Turn onto lightly floured surface and knead for 5 minutes. Split dough into quarters. Roll each quarter into 3-inch long cylinder. Split each cylinder into 6 pieces. Flatten and strech pieces to 3 1/2 to 4 inch circles. Place 1 tablespoon of filling in the center. Take up sides and pinch together in the middle. Place on wax paper with pinched side down on steamer rack. Place filled steamer rack and remaining filled buns in oven with 1 1/2 cups of boiling water to rise for 30 minutes. Steam for 20 minutes.  


49.Stir-Fried Broccoli and Chinese Mushrooms


Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:30

Categories    : Vegetables


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   6                    dried Chinese mushrooms

   1      bunch         fresh broccoli

     1/2  cup           mushroom soaking liquid

   2      tablespoons   light soy sauce

   1      tablespoon    rice wine or dry sherry

   1      teaspoon      honey

   3      tablespoons   peanut oil

   1      tablespoon    cornstarch


Soak the Chinese mushrooms in 2 cups of hot water for 30 minutes. Strain and reserve 1/2 cup of the soaking liquid for the sauce. Trim and discard the mushroom stems, and cut the caps in half. Set aside.


Rinse the broccoli and cut the tops into florets. Peel the stems and diagonally cut them in 1/2-inch slices. Mix the ingredients for the sauce in a small bowl, stirring to dissolve the sugar.


Place a wok over medium-high heat. When it is almost smoking, add the peanut oil. When the oil begins to smoke, add the broccoli and the mushrooms. Stir-fry 2 minutes, then pour in the sauce and bring to a boil. Cook 1 minute. While the vegetables are cooking, dissolve the cornstarch in 2 tablespoons of cold water. Pour into the wok and stir constantly until the sauce thickens, about 30 seconds. Serve immediately.  


50.Stir-Fried Spinach with Tofu 

Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:10

Categories    : Main Course

                Vegetables                       Vegetarian

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   1      pound         fresh spinach

   2      tablespoons   peanut oil

   1      clove         garlic -- minced

     1/2  teaspoon      salt

     1/2  pound         firm tofu -- in 1/2" cubes

   1      tablespoon    rice wine or dry sherry


Wash and thoroughly dry the spinach. Remove any tough stems. Place a wok over medium-high heat. When it begins to smoke, add the peanut oil and the garlic. Stir briefly, then add the spinach and salt. Stir-fry just until the spinach is wilted. about 1 minute. Gently stir in the tofu and sprinkle with rice wine. Cook until the tofu is heated through, about 1 minute. Serve immediately.


51.Sweet and Sour Dipping Sauce 

Recipe By     : Joanne Hush, Classic Chinese Cooking, pg 37

Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:10

Categories    : Appetizers                       Chinese Dishes


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

     1/2  cup           bottled Major Grey's Chutney

     1/4  cup           apricot preserves

     1/4  cup           crushed pineapple

     1/4  cup           applesauce

     1/2  teaspoon      ginger -- minced

   1      teaspoon      rice vinegar


Combine the ingredients for the sauce in a saucepan and heat just to blend, stirring often. Cool to room temperature and serve. Makes 1 1/4 cups.  


52.Tofu, Cashews, and Vegetables


Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:30

Categories    : Vegetables


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

   1      tablespoon    light soy sauce

   1      tablespoon    water

     1/2  teaspoon      cornstarch

   2      teaspoons     honey

   1      teaspoon      hot bean sauce

   2      teaspoons     sweet bean sauce

   3      tablespoons   peanut oil

   1                    carrot -- in 1/2" cubes

   1                    zucchini -- in 1/2" cubes

   2 1/2  ounces        bamboo shoots -- in 1/2" cubes

   8      ounces        tofu -- in 1/2" cubes

     1/2  cup           frozen green peas

     1/2  cup           roasted unsalted cashews


Combine the ingredients for the sauce in a small bowl. Stir to dissolve the sugar and cornstarch and set aside.


Place a wok over medium-high heat. When it begins to smoke, add the peanut oil, then the carrot. Stir-fry 30 seconds. Add teh zucchini, bamboo shoots, tofu, and peas; stir-fry 30 seconds. Stir in the cashews. Pour in the sauce and stir until it thickens, about 1 minute. Serve immediately.


53.Vegetable Fried Rice


Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:20

Categories    : Cereals/Grains                   Chinese Dishes


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

     1/4  cup           light soy sauce

   3      tablespoons   rice wine or dry sherry

     1/2  teaspoon      salt

   6      tablespoons   peanut oil

   2                    eggs -- lightly beaten

   1                    carrot -- in 1/2" cubes

   1                    red bell pepper -- in 1/2" cubes

     1/2  cup           frozen peas

   4      cups          cold cooked rice


Combine the ingredients for the sauce in a small bowl. Mix to blend well and set aside.


Place a small skillet over medium heat. When it begins to smoke, add 2 tablespoons of peanut oil and the lightly beaten eggs. Stir until the eggs are firm but moist. Transfer the eggs from the skillet to a small bowl and break them into small curds. Set aside.


Bring 1 quart of water to a boil in a small saucepan. Add the carrot and boil 1 minute. Drain and rinse in cold water. Drain again and reserve.


Place a wok over medium-high heat. When it begins to smoke, add the remaining 1/4 cup of peanut oil and the garlic. Stir briefly. Add the carrots, celery, red pepper, and peas. Stir-fry 1 minute. Stir in the rice and stir-fry 1 minute. Pour in the sauce and cook until the rice is heated through, about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Serve hot.

--------------------------THE END-----------------------------