Intel ISEF Rocks Cleveland, 2003
Images from Cleveland, Ohio
Even for people from Connecticut (and pseudo-Connecticut), who are used to watching cows for fun, Cleveland turned out to be quite a boring place to be. There were some interesting things worth mentioning, and these are cited below, along with some pictures of the scenery.
The view outside the Marriott window... Cleveland Indian's Stadium and Lake Erie.
The Free Stamp. This was supposed to go in the courtyard of one of the federal buildings, and was made too large. Instead they had to relocate it to a small field next to the federal building in question. When Mr Wisner tried to take a picture of it, the security guard told him that there were no cameras allowed on federal property... I'd already snapped my picture.
Down in the Flats, they have interesting forms of entertainment...
This is one of the restaurants on the river that goes through the Flats... Unfortunately, we didn't Eat at Joe's
The Tour Guide tried to convnce us that the river was really really clean after they passed the clean water act. Apparently the thing caught on fire a while back and they have tried to clean it up. Still looks pretty bad to me. I think they have rivers in New Jersey that are cleaner than this.
This was a wall mural that was painted on one of the abandoned buildings down in the Flats.
It was so windy that this fountain was spraying water over a 100 yards away. It's supposed to be man reaching out of the fire of Hell (or something of that sort). It's located right in front of the hotel.
We saw the OSCAR MEYER WEINER MOBILE while on our tour. That's Emily's reflection in the window.
A thrilling ride.
Lisa pondering what the tour guide is saying (not really, but doesn't it look that way?)
The Cleveland skyline from the lakefront.
I probably wasn't supposed to take a picture of this, since it's over two thousands years old... but the mummy made me do it...
Part of the Connecticut Team in front of the Cleveland Museum of Art. This museum is like a mini-Met. They have a really cool sculpture of Jackson Pollock... that's all cracked and splattered.
Another picture of us... as we're waiting for the van to come and take us back to the hotel. We had lunch at the museum, and both Emily and Lisa got Tuna sandwiches. To their dismay they foudn that they also had anchovies on them. I had a salad, which was very pleasent :-)
Cleveland is only 40 miles from the Canadian border... it wouldn't be complete without mounties.
At the opening ceremony, the Governor of Ohio begged the participants to spend money in Cleveland to help the educational system through sales tax revenue. It looks like they really do need some money...