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Intel ISEF Rocks Cleveland, 2003

ISEF Parties

So far there have been parties at the Science Center and the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. We got to see a free IMAX on the ISS, and hit people up for pins as they ascended the escalators. There was a student mixer as well, the night after judging.

This is the Great Lakes Science Center, where we got into an IMAX for frre and ate "Ice Cream of the Present".

The Science Center again, it has such nice windows becuase they yell at you if you try and feed the birds.

The catered food at the Science Center was supposed to be epicurian. Only three nationalities were represented (American, Chinese, and Italian) and I was reeducated on my belief that it was impossible to ruin Italian food...

The Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame.

There was really nothing going on around here. We had been hoping for a live concert. We did wander through and look at all of the paraphenalia and such.

Emily and I staked out on the third floor escalator and hit people up for pins as they came up. It was the best strategy ever, and we even got one from a veyr nice Pakistani girl, who was very generous with her pins.

This is the Connecticut Team in front of five of the big guitars they have in the entryway of the museum.

The student mixer after judging was complete with video games, ice cream, tacos, balloon artists, caractiture drawers, and a very loud and obnoxious dj. The best part was that it was all free, and they gave us glowsticks.

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Images from Cleveland
The Opening Ceremony
ISEF Parties
The Glory of ISEF...
Award Ceremonies
All Good Things...