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(3:06:05 PM) You have just entered room "Chat 17219115832221005752."

(3:06:29 PM) Shawnee has entered the room.

(3:06:34 PM) Dawnie has entered the room.

Shawnee (3:06:40 PM): hey this is fun

(3:06:41 PM) AL has entered the room.

Shawnee (3:06:49 PM): wow!!! everyone's here!!!

Shaney (3:06:51 PM): Oh HELL YEAH! Four-way!

AL (3:06:51 PM): ello. oh my, 4 jugs!!!

Dawnie (3:06:52 PM): JUGS online

Dawnie (3:06:57 PM): i like it

Dawnie (3:07:06 PM): and you're all in time to here why i'm pissed!

Shawnee (3:07:12 PM): I've never done this before...I'm a chatroom virgin!!

Shawnee (3:07:18 PM): why are you pissed?

AL (3:07:22 PM): thats what i'm waiting for. we'll be gentle shawnie

Shaney (3:07:23 PM): *gasp*

Dawnie (3:07:27 PM): oh well i'm glad we can share this experieince with you:-)

AL (3:07:41 PM): is it any wonder i don't get any work done?

Dawnie (3:07:48 PM): are you all ready for this

Shaney (3:07:50 PM): Not really no

Dawnie (3:07:54 PM): i hope you're sitting down

AL (3:07:55 PM): ok, so does this have to do with Pearl?

Shaney (3:07:57 PM): Let's hear it...the suspense is killing me

Shawnee (3:07:58 PM): thanks!

Dawnie (3:08:00 PM): yes!!!

AL (3:08:07 PM): oh, no! then i know!!!

Dawnie (3:08:10 PM): i'm officially getting a fucking B!!!!

Shaney (3:08:18 PM): Oh my

Dawnie (3:08:19 PM): but let me tell you why...

AL (3:08:19 PM): ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Shaney (3:08:25 PM): ARRRRRRRGHHHH

Shaney (3:08:28 PM): Not a B!

Shaney (3:08:29 PM): ;-)

Dawnie (3:08:31 PM): arrrgggghhhhhhhh!!!!!

Shawnee (3:08:31 PM): noooooooooooo!

Dawnie (3:08:37 PM): yesssssssssssssss!!!1

Shawnee (3:08:41 PM): son of a bitch!!

AL (3:08:42 PM): 3

Dawnie (3:08:44 PM): but, the best part is why

Dawnie (3:08:50 PM): haha

Dawnie (3:08:51 PM): 7

Shaney (3:08:58 PM): 69

Dawnie (3:09:00 PM): lol:-)

Dawnie (3:09:27 PM): anyway, my grades on my papers come out to be an A

Shaney (3:09:31 PM): The worst part is I can see this happening in an actual conversation.

AL (3:09:41 PM): i was thinking that too

AL (3:09:54 PM): did she screw you out of participation

Dawnie (3:09:55 PM): but she gave me a funcking B for participation which counts for 20% of our grade and that pulled me down to a B

AL (3:10:00 PM): bitch


Dawnie (3:10:04 PM): funcking is nice

Shawnee (3:10:05 PM): oh my god...I can't handle all of the stimuli. You can tell I'm a virgin!

AL (3:10:08 PM): yeah it is.

AL (3:10:15 PM): craziness, isn't it?

AL (3:10:20 PM): its a sensory overload.

Dawnie (3:10:23 PM): i am so pissed

Shaney (3:10:34 PM): I'm sorry Dawnie, but that's freaking hilarious

Dawnie (3:10:36 PM): and the best part is, she was a damn mean snake to me on the phone

AL (3:10:38 PM): why am i a different color that everyone else? is that because i'm looking at my own

Shawnee (3:10:43 PM): I'm sorry sweetie...I'd be pissed to. So who the fuck is this professor anyway? Who do we have to kill?

AL (3:10:49 PM): mean snake, huh?

Dawnie (3:10:52 PM): i don't know, everybody is differenton my screen

Dawnie (3:10:57 PM): yes, mean snake

Dawnie (3:11:03 PM): Berman

Dawnie (3:11:07 PM): we are going to kill her

Shaney (3:11:12 PM): Same here...Dawnie is green, Shawnee is blue, and Al is a nasty shade of I'm red

Dawnie (3:11:14 PM): oh mother fucker!

Dawnie (3:11:19 PM): ed is on the phone!!!

Dawnie (3:11:26 PM): i don't want to talk to him right now

Shawnee (3:11:29 PM): ED?

Shaney (3:11:31 PM): Ed?

Dawnie (3:11:34 PM): yes, ed!

Shaney (3:11:40 PM): HEY DON'T FUCKING YELL AT ME!

Dawnie (3:11:45 PM): he thinks we're going to have a date

Shawnee (3:11:45 PM): great minds think alike Shaney!

Dawnie (3:11:55 PM): lol:-)

Dawnie (3:11:58 PM): this kills me

Dawnie (3:12:04 PM): i wasn't yelling, i promise

Shaney (3:12:22 PM): Good, I was about to take a two hour detour tonight to whip some ass on my way to DC

Dawnie (3:12:28 PM): but i called this bitch yesterday and left her a message

Shawnee (3:12:36 PM): *giggle* now Shaney, play nice!

Dawnie (3:12:38 PM): where the hell are you?

Dawnie (3:12:50 PM): and the bitch called me at 8:30 this morning

Shaney (3:12:51 PM): Cumberland...I would swing north, whip your ass, and then go to DC

Dawnie (3:12:56 PM): i'm at home

Dawnie (3:13:05 PM): that's why i was wondering why it would take 2 hours

Shawnee (3:13:07 PM): oh detour required Shaney!

Shaney (3:13:17 PM): Alright...10 minute detour

Shawnee (3:13:30 PM): where the hell did Andra go?

Dawnie (3:13:32 PM): so anyway, have any of you ever been hung up on by a professor?

Shaney (3:13:37 PM): Probably work

Dawnie (3:13:39 PM): yeah, she's not playing

Shaney (3:13:46 PM): She hung up on you?

Dawnie (3:13:51 PM): yes!!

Dawnie (3:13:55 PM): isn't that some shit

Shawnee (3:13:55 PM): oh my god...she hung up on you! She is definately getting killed now!

Shaney (3:14:00 PM): She's a psychologist?

Dawnie (3:14:01 PM): that's what i said

Dawnie (3:14:06 PM): and i swear i wasn't mean

Dawnie (3:14:14 PM): i don't have it in me to be mean to a professor

Shawnee (3:14:20 PM): you should file some complaint against her or something.

Dawnie (3:14:26 PM): the fucking worst psychologist anybody ever met

Dawnie (3:14:31 PM): and everybody in my class agrees

Dawnie (3:14:36 PM): even cindy had her

Shaney (3:14:40 PM): what kind of psychologist hangs up on somebody?

Dawnie (3:14:42 PM): she'll tell you she sucks ass too

Shawnee (3:14:57 PM): that's you know how everyone else in your class did?

Dawnie (3:15:05 PM): she just got pissed that i was even questioning her and hung up on me

Shaney (3:15:05 PM): You should engage in parasuicide and then blame her for not doing a suicide screen ;-)

Shawnee (3:15:12 PM): Andra...I miss you! Where are you?

Dawnie (3:15:14 PM): lol:-)

Shawnee (3:15:26 PM): *giggle* good call Shaney!

Dawnie (3:15:41 PM): i'm not sure about everyone, but i know some people got A's

Dawnie (3:15:56 PM): she told me i didn't talk enough

Dawnie (3:16:00 PM): bullshit!

Shawnee (3:16:03 PM): I hate that fucking participation's a crock of shit!

Shaney (3:16:03 PM): WHAT!?

Dawnie (3:16:06 PM): does my mouth everstop

Shaney (3:16:11 PM): hell no it doesn't

Dawnie (3:16:17 PM): thank you!

Shaney (3:16:29 PM): Do you ever have to take her again?

AL (3:16:37 PM): russ says hi.

Dawnie (3:16:40 PM): what she should have said was, when i talk, i don't always say exactly what she wants to hear

Dawnie (3:16:51 PM): tell russ i said hi too

Shaney (3:16:57 PM): WUZZAAAAP

Shawnee (3:16:59 PM): dear God...what the hell more can she want from you.

Dawnie (3:17:02 PM): did you give him the pictures

Shawnee (3:17:12 PM): pictures...naked ones?!?

AL (3:17:13 PM): not yet, i forgot them.

Shawnee (3:17:14 PM): :-)

AL (3:17:15 PM): yes

Dawnie (3:17:23 PM): well, she's just a true bitch and to be honest, i'm perfectly fine with getting a B

AL (3:17:26 PM): i have a nice crotch shot of dawn, actually

Dawnie (3:17:30 PM): and i really mean that

AL (3:17:32 PM): no you're not

Shaney (3:17:33 PM): No you're.....WHAT!?

Dawnie (3:17:39 PM): no, i am

AL (3:17:44 PM): uh-huh;-)

Shaney (3:17:45 PM): A crotch shot?

Dawnie (3:17:46 PM): just didn't earn it, that's what pisses me off

AL (3:17:47 PM): yep

Dawnie (3:17:59 PM): what the hell

Dawnie (3:18:05 PM): where did the crotch shot come from

Dawnie (3:18:11 PM): is this the picture i gave you?

AL (3:18:16 PM): you gave it to me, goober. yep, that one.

Shawnee (3:18:18 PM): why don't I have a fucking copy!!!!

Shaney (3:18:23 PM): Seriously

Dawnie (3:18:25 PM): lol:-)

Shaney (3:18:27 PM): scan that shit and email it

AL (3:18:31 PM): we'll get you one, shawnie girl

Dawnie (3:18:31 PM): you'll all be getting them:-)

Shaney (3:18:42 PM): That's what I'm talking about

AL (3:18:43 PM): but DON'T YELL AT ME!!!

Shawnee (3:18:45 PM):'s a good thing.

Dawnie (3:18:46 PM): well then it's almost a crotch

Dawnie (3:18:55 PM): oh my, this cracks me up

AL (3:19:00 PM): russ was reading this. he got dizzy

Dawnie (3:19:04 PM): i'll have to tell you all the B story in person

Shawnee (3:19:10 PM): I'm sorry...I didn't mean to yell. I just got a little excited about the crotch shot.

Dawnie (3:19:11 PM): it's very hard to type the whole thing

AL (3:19:20 PM): we weren't cheating on you i promise.

Dawnie (3:19:24 PM): oh, so he knows that i'm pissed then

AL (3:19:29 PM): it was with a BOY. EEE--WWWWW

AL (3:19:35 PM): yep

Dawnie (3:19:37 PM): no actually, russ is the one involved in the crotch shot;-)

Shaney (3:19:40 PM): I'm so confused right now.

AL (3:19:43 PM): he was highly entertained by us all

Dawnie (3:19:50 PM): i would imagine

AL (3:19:52 PM): shaney, try to keep up.

Shaney (3:19:53 PM): Lucky sonofabitch

Dawnie (3:19:54 PM): i'm highly entertained

AL (3:19:59 PM): great isn't it?

AL (3:20:08 PM): i'll have to save this one with the other one dawn.

Dawnie (3:20:19 PM): yes, this is one to keep

Dawnie (3:20:27 PM): so did russ like the crotch shot

Shaney (3:20:29 PM): I'm going to keep it too...our first four-way.

Dawnie (3:20:40 PM): well, not our first realkly;-)

AL (3:20:45 PM): he hasn't seen it yet, because i forgot.

Dawnie (3:20:47 PM): good spelling

Dawnie (3:20:52 PM): you bitch

AL (3:20:57 PM): reallkly is as nice as funcking

Shaney (3:20:58 PM): just a "K" out of nowhere

AL (3:21:08 PM): what the hell was the bitch comment for?

Dawnie (3:21:12 PM): they sometimes sneak up on you

Dawnie (3:21:16 PM): for forgetting

AL (3:21:20 PM): shawn's dissapeared now

Dawnie (3:21:26 PM): i'm not in the mood for forgetfulness today:-)

Dawnie (3:21:31 PM): SHAWNIE!!!!!!

AL (3:21:31 PM): oh i know. i'm the bitch

Shaney (3:21:33 PM): Letg's jumst stabrt addging letqters isn allr ouqr woards

AL (3:21:38 PM): nice

Dawnie (3:21:39 PM): ;sdtjuoawyovgn /;orwtu/w

AL (3:21:43 PM): a;lskjdf;laisun aoipaisrehpaio u[oew

Dawnie (3:21:49 PM): 7

AL (3:21:50 PM): 3

Shaney (3:21:53 PM): 69

Dawnie (3:21:55 PM): :-)

AL (3:21:59 PM): :D

Dawnie (3:22:03 PM): ok, now i'm laughing out loud

AL (3:22:08 PM): me too. and i'm at work

Shaney (3:22:10 PM): yeah me too

AL (3:22:25 PM): SHAWNIE


Dawnie (3:22:34 PM): SHAWNIE

Shaney (3:22:41 PM): HEY DAMMIT!

Dawnie (3:22:45 PM): shawnie shawnie shawnie

AL (3:22:45 PM): that should get her.

Shaney (3:22:46 PM): You people need to get it straight

Shawnee (3:22:51 PM): geez...I have to answer teh phone for one minute and look what happens...we're talking in tongues!

AL (3:22:52 PM): what?!

Shaney (3:22:53 PM): It's it ShawnEE

Shawnee (3:22:56 PM): fjsklfuwerjoiewrjlksdjf jd;sfjsl

Shaney (3:23:00 PM): Like the Indians

Dawnie (3:23:02 PM): no, shawnie

AL (3:23:08 PM): oooohhh, sorry SA

Dawnie (3:23:13 PM): i named her shawnie way back in the day

AL (3:23:22 PM): i like al

Shaney (3:23:25 PM): Well I, as Taskmaster, AM CHANGING IT!

Dawnie (3:23:26 PM): al is good

AL (3:23:27 PM): the name, not myself

Dawnie (3:23:38 PM): there will be no changing it!

Shaney (3:23:40 PM): Just like I changed Andree to Al because she thought it was too much like Andre

Dawnie (3:23:42 PM): i created the JUGS!

AL (3:23:55 PM): although, i tend to think i'm ok with myself too, just so all my therapists out there know

Dawnie (3:23:55 PM): don't mess with me

Shaney (3:24:04 PM): There are soooo many spankings coming to you in the future, I SWEAR TO GOD!

AL (3:24:10 PM): ooohh. the ayatollah has spoken

Dawnie (3:24:10 PM): i'm going to the head of the department because of the rudenss i received on the phone this morning

Dawnie (3:24:19 PM): and i'll go to greenleaf on your ass

Shaney (3:24:29 PM): *gasp*

AL (3:24:34 PM): fuck it shane, just run. run fast

Shaney (3:24:36 PM): NOOOOOOOO

Dawnie (3:24:36 PM): that's right!

Shaney (3:24:50 PM): *throws down his peanut butter meltaway egg and runs*

Dawnie (3:24:59 PM): don't make me go to the tasty freeze in the sky!

Shawnee (3:25:04 PM): dear's hard as hell to try to catch up after a brief absence.

Shaney (3:25:15 PM): That's why there can be no brief absences

Dawnie (3:25:19 PM): that's why you should never cut out on a jug conversation

Dawnie (3:25:30 PM): yeah, what sheny said

Shawnee (3:25:31 PM): as I recall, I think we have Andra to thank for the JUGS. Afterall she was our mascot!

Dawnie (3:25:35 PM): who is sheny

Shaney (3:25:51 PM): Your imaginary friend

Dawnie (3:25:52 PM): well, she inspired the name

Dawnie (3:26:02 PM): i know, i've lost my mind

Dawnie (3:26:06 PM): the B is killing me

Shawnee (3:26:09 PM): yea...true. We've all lost our minds.

Shaney (3:26:27 PM): Do you think it's arrogance that every time we all get together we somehow squeeze in a conversation on the birth of the JUGS?

AL (3:26:40 PM): i was just informed that our own dawn marie has the world's perfect ass

Shawnee (3:26:41 PM): absolutely not!!!!!

AL (3:26:54 PM): thats a funny follow-up line

Shaney (3:27:00 PM): Way to go Dawnie!

Dawnie (3:27:03 PM): that sabsolutely not better not have been in reference to my ass!:-)

Dawnie (3:27:12 PM): wow, the spelling is great

AL (3:27:19 PM): sabsolutely great

Dawnie (3:27:22 PM): lol

Dawnie (3:27:27 PM): did russ declare that?

AL (3:27:30 PM): nope

Shawnee (3:27:33 PM): where the hell are all these extra letters coming from?

Shaney (3:27:34 PM): A new Jugism

Dawnie (3:27:35 PM): scott?

AL (3:27:42 PM): apparently it was an mta boy group decision.

Dawnie (3:27:45 PM): jugism is a good word

AL (3:27:46 PM): i think there was a vote

Shaney (3:27:55 PM): Who was she up against?

Dawnie (3:27:56 PM): and yes, arrogance is probably the reason for that

AL (3:27:57 PM): i win the worlds perfect breast award and you win the ass award

Dawnie (3:28:02 PM): nice

AL (3:28:02 PM): the world

Dawnie (3:28:10 PM): i like it

AL (3:28:16 PM): yep. apparently between the two of us there's nothing else they need in life

Shaney (3:28:21 PM): Well....I guess I have to share the wealth sometimes.

Shawnee (3:28:21 PM): well isn't that just fucking wonderful!!!! what the hell do I have?!?!?!?!:'(

Shawnee (3:28:30 PM): I got nothing...

Dawnie (3:28:31 PM): makes me feel better after the "baby got back" comment off the jcpenney roof

AL (3:28:38 PM): they haven't seen that red hair of yours yet

Shawnee (3:28:39 PM): suicidal JUG on the loose!!!

Shaney (3:28:53 PM): Shawnee...if you can do the Carmen Electra butt jiggle as far as I'm concerned you have the perfect ass

Dawnie (3:29:00 PM): yeah, they'll like the flames!

Shawnee (3:29:03 PM): thank you Shaney!

AL (3:29:12 PM): oh yeahhhh.....and you get to be the skinnyone.

Shawnee (3:29:17 PM): I don't want to have nice hair! Anyone can have nice hair!

Dawnie (3:29:22 PM): lol:-)

AL (3:29:25 PM): not really

Dawnie (3:29:33 PM): that's what i was going to say

Shaney (3:29:36 PM): dirty thoughts dirty thoughts must get rid of the dirty thoughts

Dawnie (3:29:37 PM): my hair is anything but nice

Shawnee (3:29:51 PM): but I'm not the skinny two are just as skinny as me. Now you're just saying stuff that means nothing to try to make me feel better:-(

AL (3:29:51 PM): i can't stop laughing.

AL (3:29:57 PM):

Dawnie (3:30:10 PM): hey shawnie, you're the best lay i've ever had;-)

AL (3:30:10 PM): there will never be a 'just as skinny as you' in this body

Shawnee (3:30:15 PM): Shaney...dirty thoughts???

AL (3:30:26 PM): WHAT?!?!?!

Dawnie (3:30:33 PM): uhm...

Shawnee (3:30:34 PM): lol! thanks Dawn.

Shaney (3:30:39 PM): Yes...conversation went to your hair and I started having dirty thoughts...I'm sorry

Dawnie (3:30:43 PM): you're equally good lays

AL (3:31:13 PM): shaney, i would like you to reinstate the detour to kick her ass!!!

Dawnie (3:31:13 PM): yeah, i figured the red hair thing

Shawnee (3:31:19 PM): we were talking about dawn's ass and andra's boobs and your mind starts to wander into dirtyland when we talk about my hair?

Shawnee (3:31:22 PM): that's a little strange.

Dawnie (3:31:26 PM): lol

Dawnie (3:31:39 PM): well tell the boys i accept that honor

Shaney (3:31:49 PM): Well I flashed to a scene in many Vietnam war movies...bonus cool points if anybody can say the line for me

Dawnie (3:31:59 PM): wow, no clue

Shaney (3:32:21 PM): Usually yelled after they throw a grenade into one of the Vietcong tunnels

Shawnee (3:32:27 PM): no cool points for this redhead! Oh yea, I said "red head!!!" RED HEEEAAADDD! How'd you like that one Shaney!

AL (3:32:27 PM): 5 dolla sucky, sucky?

Shaney (3:32:38 PM): NOOOOO

Shaney (3:32:42 PM): FIRE IN THE HOLE!

AL (3:32:48 PM): oh, that line.

AL (3:32:50 PM): damn

Shaney (3:33:03 PM): 5 dolla sucky, sucky was good though. Nice work

AL (3:33:04 PM): thats nice up ther in giant letters, isn't it

AL (3:33:09 PM): thanks, i try

Dawnie (3:33:18 PM): oh my god, i can't keep up

Dawnie (3:33:25 PM): i can't stop laughing

Shawnee (3:33:34 PM): lol, me neither!

Shawnee (3:33:58 PM): this is exactly what a conversation would be like if we were together. That's why it's funny!@

Shaney (3:34:22 PM): It's usually worse when together, at least when the synergy is up. Arms flailing about and whatnot.

Dawnie (3:34:25 PM): i know#

AL (3:34:31 PM): &

Shaney (3:34:36 PM): ^

Shawnee (3:34:36 PM): $$$

Shawnee (3:34:40 PM): *

Shaney (3:34:44 PM): )

Dawnie (3:34:50 PM): yeah, but we can substitute with random symbols

AL (3:34:54 PM): dawn, if you look, all we did was switch the 3 and the 7 with the shift key down

Dawnie (3:34:59 PM): %

Dawnie (3:35:06 PM): oh my god

Shaney (3:35:10 PM): ^(

AL (3:35:16 PM): and it wasn't even intentional

Dawnie (3:35:18 PM): ~

AL (3:35:19 PM): ~

Dawnie (3:35:22 PM): ahh

AL (3:35:22 PM): :D

Dawnie (3:35:26 PM): scary

AL (3:35:28 PM): it never fails

AL (3:35:35 PM): but that was a bit absurd

Shaney (3:35:37 PM): (.)(.)

Dawnie (3:35:41 PM): lol

AL (3:35:45 PM): +

Dawnie (3:35:46 PM): nice

Shawnee (3:35:49 PM): Shaney!!!

Shaney (3:35:56 PM): {|}

Shaney (3:35:59 PM): hahahahaha

Dawnie (3:36:11 PM): what the hell

AL (3:36:26 PM): i think that may be a peepee and balls

Shaney (3:36:33 PM): No

AL (3:36:34 PM): if you have a dirty, dirty mind

AL (3:36:39 PM): no?

Shaney (3:36:44 PM): Two different body parts

Shaney (3:36:51 PM): entirely

Shaney (3:36:59 PM): (|)

Dawnie (3:37:01 PM): i hit //

Dawnie (3:37:01 PM): i hit the backslash and that's what happened

(3:37:02 PM) Dawnie has left the room.

Shaney (3:37:08 PM): BOOOOOOO

AL (3:37:10 PM): what the hell?

(3:37:14 PM) Dawnie has entered the room.

Dawnie (3:37:43 PM): ahh, i'm back

AL (3:37:43 PM): weirdo

Shawnee (3:37:43 PM): hey now...what's happening? was that a temper tantrum?

Dawnie (3:37:43 PM): whoa, you cahnged colors

Shaney (3:37:44 PM): Get your pizzunk ass back in here

Shawnee (3:37:48 PM): are spankings in order!

Dawnie (3:37:57 PM): andra is suddenly sea foam green

AL (3:37:58 PM): shes the same color here.

AL (3:38:06 PM): you're all the same shade of blue

Dawnie (3:38:09 PM): eww, i don't like this

Dawnie (3:38:17 PM): no, you've all switched

AL (3:38:17 PM): huh!!! sea foam green?!?!

Shaney (3:38:23 PM): You can probably change the colors

Shawnee (3:38:23 PM): dawn, you're gray on my screen now.

Dawnie (3:38:27 PM): i know, i disappear and that's what happens

Shaney (3:38:28 PM): same here Shawnee

Dawnie (3:38:35 PM): yeah shane is gray now

Dawnie (3:38:46 PM): and he was bright blue

Shawnee (3:38:47 PM): Andra is still that weird pink color

Dawnie (3:38:59 PM): shawn, you're now salmon

AL (3:39:00 PM): are not nearly concerned enough that i am sea foam green!!!

Dawnie (3:39:01 PM): i am concerned

AL (3:39:04 PM): thank you

Shaney (3:39:05 PM): Yup...looks like Shawnee and I are on the same page at least

AL (3:39:10 PM): bitches

Dawnie (3:39:12 PM): i think it is proof of what happens when a jug disappears

Shawnee (3:39:18 PM): oh no...what about the nipples. Are the nipples sea foam green!!

Dawnie (3:39:19 PM): i'm now red

Shaney (3:39:20 PM): Salmon...who the fuck uses "salmon?"

AL (3:39:25 PM): the synergy has turned me sea foam green

Dawnie (3:39:28 PM): lol

AL (3:39:41 PM): actually, shaney, i thought you would be the only boy i know to use "salmon"

Dawnie (3:39:55 PM): shawnie, you were an olive green

AL (3:40:01 PM): you're gay rib and all

Shaney (3:40:05 PM): No, I may have a rib that's gay...but salmon would be full on Red Sox clean up hitter

Dawnie (3:40:15 PM): yeah, you of all people should use salmon

AL (3:40:21 PM): um. ok.

Shaney (3:40:37 PM): It's a Yankees vs. Red Sox thing Al

Dawnie (3:40:56 PM): ok, now i'm talking to scott

Shaney (3:41:02 PM): One day I want to draw a diagram of one JUG conversation.

Dawnie (3:41:11 PM): oh that would be hilarious

Shaney (3:41:34 PM): I'm thinking it would be a white piece of paper that I just pour black paint on

Shaney (3:42:08 PM): Because by the time I draw all of the lines the damn thing would just be black anyhow

Shawnee (3:42:56 PM): Scott who?

Dawnie (3:42:56 PM): that's true

Dawnie (3:42:56 PM): scott aitkenhead:-)

Dawnie (3:42:56 PM): andra's friend

Shaney (3:42:57 PM): *crickets*

Shaney (3:43:06 PM): Oh

Shaney (3:43:07 PM): my

Shaney (3:43:09 PM): God

Shaney (3:43:21 PM): Aitkenhead? That was a rough childhood

Shawnee (3:43:22 PM): that's a really unfortunate last name.

Dawnie (3:44:04 PM): lol:-)

Dawnie (3:44:04 PM): andra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Dawnie (3:44:04 PM): where are you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shawnee (3:44:05 PM): tell me Shaney didn't just use the term "crickets"

Shaney (3:44:05 PM): Once again, Shawnee and I show our high synergy level

Shaney (3:44:05 PM): It's not quite typing "~" at the same time, but it's all we've got.

Dawnie (3:44:34 PM): i think that's pretty damn good synergy if you ask me

Shaney (3:44:42 PM): I sure know how sometimes on some shows when somebody tells a joke and gets no reaction they play the sound of crickets in the background

Shawnee (3:45:31 PM): oh...I got it now! Thanks for clearing that one up. I thought you were using it as an explitive of "shit!" or "damn!" or "crickets!"

Dawnie (3:45:38 PM): lol:0

Dawnie (3:45:40 PM): ;-)

Dawnie (3:45:45 PM): that's funny shawnie

Shaney (3:45:51 PM): Ok...Shawnee has gone off the deep end

Dawnie (3:45:57 PM): i like it though

Shaney (3:46:05 PM): Come into the light Shawnee...THE LIGHT!

Dawnie (3:46:07 PM): i think i'll use "cricket" that way from now on

Shawnee (3:46:08 PM): you're damn right I have...and I have to fucking go to class in like 1 minute!!1

Dawnie (3:46:16 PM): no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Shaney (3:46:19 PM): 69

Dawnie (3:46:20 PM): damn the 1's

Shawnee (3:46:30 PM): I think that would be really funny! Cricket!!!

Shaney (3:46:37 PM): Ahhh CRICKET!

Dawnie (3:46:37 PM): i always let off of "shift" too early

Shaney (3:46:46 PM): You stupid mothercricket

Shaney (3:46:52 PM): You piece of cricket!

Dawnie (3:46:54 PM): i can't stop laughing

Dawnie (3:47:02 PM): bullcricket

Shaney (3:47:10 PM): Cricket you!

Shawnee (3:47:12 PM): me neither...and I'm in an office with 2 other people who are actually trying to work.

Dawnie (3:47:19 PM): :-)

Dawnie (3:47:27 PM): kiss my cricket!

Shaney (3:47:32 PM): hahahahahahaha

Dawnie (3:47:41 PM): you crickethole!

Shawnee (3:47:51 PM): oh my God...this whole cricket thing is making me crazy! I can't stop laughing!

Dawnie (3:47:57 PM): i know, me either

Shaney (3:48:09 PM): godcricket it!

Shawnee (3:48:16 PM): son of a cricket!

Shaney (3:48:36 PM): crickethead!

Shawnee (3:48:41 PM): mother cricket!! I've gotta run to class now. Literally run or I won't make it!

Dawnie (3:48:43 PM): haha

Dawnie (3:48:56 PM): you cricket!

Shaney (3:48:58 PM): sonofacricket....bye bye Shawnee

Dawnie (3:49:00 PM): don't leave us!

Dawnie (3:49:07 PM): bye bye shawnie

Shaney (3:49:09 PM): Al has totally missed it

Dawnie (3:49:21 PM): i know and she would have enjoyed the cricket

Shawnee (3:49:25 PM): I'm sorry...I'd skip if i could. Love you all. We'll have to do this again real soon!!

Shaney (3:49:36 PM): :-*

Shawnee (3:49:39 PM): bye, bye.:-*

Shaney (3:49:41 PM): Ok that's gay, I take it back

Dawnie (3:49:43 PM): :-*

Dawnie (3:49:45 PM): that is gay

Dawnie (3:49:49 PM): but i liked it

Shawnee (3:49:49 PM): oh my god Shaney...I think we share a brain.

Shaney (3:50:03 PM): the possibilities are endless

Shaney (3:50:12 PM): GO! You'll get a B!

Dawnie (3:50:19 PM): NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shawnee (3:50:19 PM): of course if I had to share a brain with anyone, I'd want it to be a JUG.

Dawnie (3:50:24 PM): RUN FROM THE B!

Shawnee (3:50:26 PM): alright, I'm out of here! Bye!

(3:50:28 PM) Shawnee has left the room.

Shaney (3:50:43 PM): good times

Shaney (3:51:14 PM): Hrm...All put up a message...she's away

Shaney (3:51:20 PM): Al too

Shaney (3:51:24 PM): All's a crickethead

Dawnie (3:51:55 PM): she is a mother cricket

Shaney (3:52:05 PM): What kind of smut is Al sending me?

Dawnie (3:52:12 PM): i don't know

Dawnie (3:52:18 PM): i'm just checking my email too

Shaney (3:52:34 PM): See...these are the emoticons I need

Dawnie (3:52:56 PM): i have these on my computer at school

Dawnie (3:53:46 PM): oh my god, are you reading these?

Shaney (3:54:11 PM): yeah, Al is dirty

Shaney (3:54:32 PM): I love i

Shaney (3:54:33 PM): t

Dawnie (3:54:45 PM): yes she is

Shaney (3:55:08 PM): Oh my...2 on the guy's portion is pretty harsh

Dawnie (3:55:22 PM): yeah, i read that

Dawnie (3:55:39 PM): that's oretty nasty

Dawnie (3:55:48 PM): pretty may have been the word i was looking for

Shaney (3:55:57 PM): 9. Play with the balls.

Shaney (3:56:10 PM): with the little guy giving thumbs up

Shaney (3:56:14 PM): That's classic

Shaney (3:56:35 PM): Caress the ass? No...not so much.

Dawnie (3:56:45 PM): no, not into the cricket caressing?

Shaney (3:57:07 PM): Not so much...I'd be worried about stray fingers

Dawnie (3:57:31 PM): ahh yes!

Dawnie (3:58:10 PM): ok shaney, it's 4:00

Shaney (3:58:16 PM): What the hell is Shawnee sending me naked man ass for?

Dawnie (3:58:17 PM): i must head to the pizza shop

Shaney (3:58:25 PM): Alright, I've gotta pack anyhow.

Dawnie (3:58:26 PM): oh i don't know

Dawnie (3:58:29 PM): i didn't get that

Dawnie (3:58:37 PM): are you going back to school tonight>

Shaney (3:58:47 PM): Yeah.

Dawnie (3:58:52 PM): yuck!

Dawnie (3:58:58 PM): well be very careful!

Shaney (3:59:07 PM): Yeah it sucks...practicum the next two days and class on Saturday...

Shaney (3:59:08 PM): BOOOO

Dawnie (3:59:11 PM): talk to you later!

Dawnie (3:59:14 PM): ewwwww

Shaney (3:59:19 PM): Will you be home next week?

Dawnie (3:59:22 PM): well don't get B's

Dawnie (3:59:30 PM): until thursday

Dawnie (3:59:34 PM): then i go to kentucky

Shaney (3:59:37 PM): Alright, we'll do dog

Dawnie (3:59:39 PM): yeah

Shaney (3:59:41 PM): How's Monday

Dawnie (3:59:44 PM): sounds good to me!

Shaney (3:59:55 PM): Alright, I'll send out the confirmation email....peace out

Dawnie (4:00:03 PM): monday should be fine - as long as i'm back from moving

Dawnie (4:00:10 PM): alright, i'll be waiting!

Shaney (4:00:13 PM): okey dokey....we'll figure it out

Dawnie (4:00:16 PM): bye bye:-)

(4:00:17 PM) Dawnie has left the room.