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You have just entered room "Chat 28531068371166036976."

Dawnie has entered the room.

Shaney: bitch?

AL: see, look what i did.

Dawnie: i like this alot:-)

Shaney: I think that may be the first time a female friend of mine called me "bitch"

Dawnie: actually, she called me bitch

Dawnie: you bitch

AL: i called you both bitch

Shaney: we be bitches

AL: and i like it too:-)

Dawnie: oh, she has a lot of nerve calling us both bitches

Shaney: kinky

AL: you liked it

Dawnie: now you're both gonna be pissed

AL: ?

Dawnie: but i have to take my grandma to the market here in just a minute

Shaney: BOOOO!

Dawnie: fun fun

AL: oh fine. way to go, garlitz

Dawnie: i know, so glad i could come home

Shaney: Andra hooks up the three way and you ruin it

Dawnie: alright parker

Dawnie: i know, always the party pooper

Shaney: Hook up the doggy lunch tomorrow Dawnie

Dawnie: but i'm hooking up the juggy orgy in indiana after christmas

Dawnie: aww, i'm sorry

Dawnie: i just made plans about 10 minutes ago with postek for lunch

Shaney: :'(

Dawnie: will you be home next week?

Shaney: At some point

Dawnie: let's do doggi then

Dawnie: i like that without the e

Shaney: alrighty

Shaney: it's Italian doggy

Dawnie: or if you're back leter this week, give me a call

Dawnie: :-)

Shaney: Alright, maybe friday, maybe not

AL: ok, so i bring onthe three-way so you two can make a date without me? what a bunch of hooey!>:o

Shaney: Hey, not our fault you're all working and junk

Dawnie: i had dog in johnstown yesterday

Dawnie: didn't thrill me

AL: shes cheatin on you shane

Dawnie: haha:-)

Shaney: I know, what's this BS?

Dawnie: that just means you should get your ass to cumberland

Shaney: dog in Johnstown, lunch with postek

AL: i know i know.

Dawnie: dod with dad in johnstown

AL: there has to be one jug bringing home the bacon,

Shaney: This is some poo right here

Dawnie: that's true

Dawnie: the rest of us jugs are just racking up bills

Shaney: I bring home bacon, I just have to pay it back in 4 years

Dawnie: yeah, me too

AL: exactly. see i'm starting now so i can be close to par when the rest of you get you r bigerbacon.

Shaney: we hope

Dawnie: biger bacon?

AL: bigger bacon.

Dawnie: i know:-)

Dawnie: i liked it

Shaney: she's wearing nails and thus types like a retarded chimp

Dawnie: yeah, we probably won't make any more than anybody else

Dawnie: :-)

Dawnie: that's funny

Shaney: yeah, good times

Dawnie: i have no excuse

Dawnie: i just type that way all the time

AL: oh shane it was even worse with her. dawn and i type at the same speed we talk to each other. you should have seensome of the sentences she got

Shaney: I can imagine

Dawnie: oh they were great

Shaney: neither of you take time to read what the other sent, you just keep typing and typing

Dawnie: basically

Shaney: and then when you log off you scroll back to see what was actually said

Dawnie: this is how we have a conversation

Dawnie: we don't actually listen to each other

Dawnie: we just scream over each other:-)

Shaney: I've seen it and I agree, that is how it happens

Shaney: It's like two ships blowing their foghorns as they pass in the night

Dawnie: exactly and then crashing into the iceberg

Shaney: yup

Dawnie: well, jugs

Dawnie: i would love to chat all day

AL: oh i like that analogy

Dawnie: but i'm home for 2 minutes and the jobs begin!

Shaney: :-[

AL: sorry, work was calling

Shaney: Fine, just leave!

Shaney: See if we care!

AL: go be a good granddaughter

Dawnie: i know, it makes my nipples sore just thinking about it

AL: i will allow it.

Dawnie: oh, i wish i didn't have to do it

Shaney: You're far too forgiving

AL: oooh. unless you neednipple therapy...........

Shaney: nipple therapy

Dawnie: it should only take 6 hours to get through the market

Shaney: Is that where you get real close to her chest and speak lovingly into her boob?

Dawnie: i like the sound of that

AL: exactly.

Dawnie: :-)

Dawnie: haha

Shaney: nice

AL: shane keep it in your pants. wouldn't want a mess

Shaney: Can I watch?

Dawnie: i thought my nipple would actually do the speaking

Shaney: I guess that works too

AL: nipples only speak to dancing vagine.

Dawnie: haha:-)

AL: theres a sentence you will never see again

Dawnie: or wondering uteri

Shaney: Really any kind of interaction between boobs is fine with me

Dawnie: not wondering

Dawnie: wandering

Dawnie: they aren't actually inquiring:0

Dawnie: :-)

AL: i can't stop laughing

Shaney: I wish this was audio like on Eliott in the Morning, I'd isolate

AL: exactly! i was thinking that!!!!

Dawnie: uhm, yeah me too

Shaney: Basically Dawnie, you take a sentence and use it out of context

Dawnie: i'd isolate too:-)

Dawnie: oh hell, we do that all the time

Dawnie: i think we should have our own radio show

Shaney: I've gotta remember that nipples only speak to dancing vagine

Dawnie: we'd be the only ones who would understand, but who cares

AL: like randomly playing someone shouting "NIPPLES ONLY TALK TO DANCING VAGINE!" in the middle of say, a nice heartfelt moment

AL: or news broadcast

Dawnie: haha

Dawnie: i think i might pee myself

Shaney: We've gotta get together

Shaney: Too much pent up jugginess

Dawnie: yes, we've been separated for far too long

AL: i agree

AL: and i like this chat room stuff

Dawnie: and drunken jugginess would have to be even funnier than sober

Dawnie: yeah, me too

Shaney: Ok, so drunken orgy in Indiana. Full blown reunion elsewhere when the soap opera JUGS can be involved

AL: i know we need to head to the north branch hq

Dawnie: it's a plan!

AL: wait, they aren't coming to indiansa

AL: ?

Dawnie: i don't know

Shaney: I guess they could, but Shawnee has said it'd be hard for them to do

Dawnie: i haven't actually asked yet

Dawnie: why?

Dawnie: nothing should be too hard for a juggy reunion!

Shaney: I think it goes back to Mike's parents being divorced

Dawnie: ahh, yes

Dawnie: and shawnee's too

Dawnie: 4 christmases is alot

Dawnie: but you both have that too

Shaney: Exactly

AL: um. hello, my parents are divorced and i have 2 sets of grandparetns and 9 freakin cousins. priorities people!.

Shaney: Mine are consolidated nicely though

AL: mine are not at all

Shaney: Wake up, rip through presents go to other house

Shaney: rip through presents

Shaney: go back for dinner

Dawnie: my parents just pretend to be functional and everybody comes to my house

Shaney: go to other for dinner

AL: and my mother lives half way out bedford road. do you jnow how inconvenient that is to bel air

Dawnie: and yep, christmas basically goes like this

Dawnie: wake up, rip through presents, fight with the turkey, bring all the old ladies to my house, eat as fast as you can, mom and laney fight, they go home

Dawnie: ok ok

AL: aw. laney? cause problems? i scoff at you.

Dawnie: now i really have to go

AL: no

Dawnie: don't you dare scoff at me you woman!

Shaney: But, without getting as tangential as a spastic JUG I think Mike has obligations that negate his opportunity for a road trip to Indiana. We'll have to ask though, maybe something changed

Dawnie: well, then we might have to rethink his citizenship

Shaney: them's fightin' words

Dawnie: which? scoffing? or rethinking mike's jugginess?

Shaney: rethinking

Dawnie: well, i feel as though it must be done

AL: but i liked scoffing.

Dawnie: his loyalty is slipping

Dawnie: yeah, well try being scoffed at

Dawnie: it's not so great when you're on the receiving end

Shaney: O:-)

AL: hehe. i like you two

Dawnie: right, you're an angel

Shaney: Hey don't snap at me!

Dawnie: i like you both too

Shaney: I love you guys!

Dawnie: ok, i'm leaving

Dawnie: i love you guys too

AL: sure you do

Shaney: You love us buy you leave us

Dawnie: and i want you to know that i was preparing to right that when you said it

Dawnie: write i mean

AL: does anyone else hear the conversation as we're typing it with the our voices.

Shaney: I do

Dawnie: it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all:-)

Shaney: and I'm incorporating facial expressions

AL: heheheheh

Dawnie: oh my god yes

AL: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawnie: it's three manic jugs

AL: i'm just glad you both understood the damn question

Dawnie: please, we're jugs

Shaney: telepathy I say

Dawnie: did you think we wouldn't understand?

AL: its was the worst worded thing yet

Shaney: agreed

AL: too many words trying to come out aat once.

Dawnie: fuuny thing is

Dawnie: i read the way it was supposed to be

Dawnie: i didn't even relaize it was wrong

AL: :-D of course you did.

Shaney: I think I did too

Dawnie: relaize is a good word too

AL: i'm telling you shane, you're becoming one of US>

Shaney: My God!

AL: relaize = to laize again.

Dawnie: ok, you two are making me lose the granddaughter of the year award

Shaney: hahahahahah

Shaney: nice one

Dawnie: i could use a good laize:-)

AL: aw, hell, me too.

Shaney: hairy?

Dawnie: or a relaize for that matter

AL: oh, i get it!!!!!!

Dawnie: a hairy laize?

AL: hairy!!

Shaney: ;-)

AL: more dc101 quips

Dawnie: oh god, i don't get it

Dawnie: oh, thank god

Shaney: I'm not sure how it's spelled, but something like elaze or something is a lazer hair removal treatment

Dawnie: i was starting to question my jugginess

Shaney: laser

AL: a laze.

Dawnie: i'm leaving and you can't stop me

AL: no.

Shaney: :'(

Dawnie: jane has been waiting for me for some time now

Shaney: It was just getting good

AL: i seem to think we have been stopping you for quite some time.

Dawnie: i know, but we'll do it again soon

Shaney: I think she wants to get stopped

AL: you should both go back and read this whole thing

Dawnie: yeah, i should've picked her up oh about 15 minutes ago

Shaney: I'm going to copy it

AL: we're all nuts, thats all there is to it.

Dawnie: there's no question about that

AL: oh fine, dawn mar, go get jane

Dawnie: ok, i'm going

Dawnie: off to get jane:-)

AL: you can just save shane

Dawnie: talk to you both later

AL: later, tater.:-)

Shaney: bye bye

Dawnie: hah

AL: ')

Dawnie: bye bruce:-)

AL: that was jsut for you