i’ve deluded myself into believing Y/you were real
That all W/we had, i felt was to last a life time and beyond
my painted picture of Y/you was but a figment of my heart
Nothing is forever, nothing is sure,
Only time and this moment we are given
Boundaries crossed, the picture turns to gray
Once Y/you realize you are needed no longer
But only glanced over as if an old worn painted picture
Blues and greens faded and are turned a distant yellow
Pinks and yellows have turned to white
Frame has splintered and cracked with age
They say all things mend in time
And Y/you should never miss a chance to fall in love,
But, no one has ever said anything
'bout if Y/you ever know if you ever
Truly are in love with someone,
What are the signs?
How would Y/you know? Does it last;
Is this suppose to be a lifetime?
How do Y/you know? Do Y/you? or chance it,
Is that what T/they mean by, take a chance, step out,
I don’t want to fall, searching alone,
Wallowing in the hurt with painted pictures of memories,
no O/one will see or know about
only me Only to store them away inside
To pull out from time to time
Placing them back in neat tidy little stacks
To gather dust till they are viewed again,
Fading into the shadows like mists from the water
Revealing of painted pictures in my mind