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Character Analysis

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Maggie:  Maggie is the cat in this play.  She is a very dissatisfied woman who feels that she has to make sure everyone is aware of her emotions.  With the lack of sex in her marriage, she decides that sleeping with his best friend Skipper is the best way to get his attention.  She is very lonely and craves attention from the people around her.  She is always looking in the mirror and cares about her image throughout the play.  She is very frustrated because she is vulnerable and cannot get her husband's love.  Her greatest frustration is the fact that she hasn't had a child, and she does not think that Brick will let them have one together.  Maggie is miserable in her lifestyle, but instead of leaving Brick and losing respect of society, she chooses to force him to change because she wants to get her way.


Brick: Brick is a broken man in the play.  Because he lost Skipper, he turned to liquor.  It's the only thing that he cares about anymore.  He hates everything about his life and does not care about anything anymore.  He does not love his wife or care for her in the proper way.  He sometimes does not even like her as a person.  Brick thinks she talks too much about pointless thing, and he listens to her only to be nice.  His family loves him but know that he has many problems in his life right now.  Big Daddy and Big Mama want to give him everything they have when they die, but they want him to clean up and stop drinking before they feel secure about giving him everything.  He is the favorite son in the family, but he does not seem to care about that at all.  His life was over after Skipper died.


Big Daddy: Big Daddy is a caring father to Brick and wants to help him with Brick's problems.  He is a millionaire who is about to die very soon but doesn't know.  He is similar to Brick because he confesses that he married a woman that he didn't even life.  He helps Brick confess about his relationship with Skipper, so he would start fixing his life up.  His second chance at life helped him help Brick and himself because he wants to make sure that Brick can be the heir to all of his fortune.