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The Difficult of Accepting Reality:  Tom, Amanda, and Laura each try to escape from reality in different ways.  Tom always leaves down the fire escape and goes to movies.  The movies were his escape, and because the adventures in the movies were nothing like his life, he enjoyed leaving to escape his life.  Amanda still lived in the past; Whenever she spoke to Laura it was always about how many gentlemen callers she had before she got married.  Her past was the best part of her life, and now that her husband has left her, she loves to reminisce about the life she used to have.  Laura escapes from life by being shy to everyone except her brother and mother.  Because of the brace on her leg, she always felt unpopular.  She escaped reality and lived life through her glass menagerie and lets no one into her world.  The first time she did, her unicorn was broken and destroyed.


The Unrelenting Power of Memory: For Tom, his most important memory was his father.  After his father abandoned his family, Tom was in charge to support the family.  All Tom wanted to do was escape and have adventures just like his father.  Tom did not want to work at the shoe warehouse, but he did it for his family in particularly Laura.  Amanda’s most important memory was her life with gentlemen callers.  She makes sure to remind her children of her past and how she had many choices in her life, but chose to marry their father.  Amanda liked her life much more before she got married then she did after, and her memory of that time is what keeps her going.  Laura enjoyed listening to her old records because it made her not think of the future.  The music helped make her lose concentration on reality and prevents her from finding happiness in the present.