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Major Characters:

Maxine Faulk: owner of the Costa Verde Hotel

Reverend Shannon: Tour conductor of Black Tours who used to be a Reverend

Judith Fellowes: Vocal teacher who takes special care of Charlotte throughout the trip

Hannah Jelkes: women who has no money and wants to stay at the hotel with her grandfather for free

Charlotte Goodall: musical prodigy who is interested in Rev. Shannon


Minor Characters:

Hank: Shannon's companion on Blake Tours and bus driver

Pedro: employee of the hotel

Pancho: employee of the hotel

Herr Fahrenkopf: tank manufacturer from Frankfort staying at the hotel

Frau Fahrenkoph: Herr's wife who is also staying at the hotel

Wolfgang: Hilda's father

Hilda: the bride staying at the hotel

Jonathan Coffin (Nonno): Hannah's grandfather; 97 years old

Jake Latta: employee of Blake Tours who comes to take over Shannon's position