The Answers
- Air Friction (drag), and Friction between the wheels and the ground (traction).
- N/A
- Our car has 4 wheels. 3 in the back and 1 in the front. This was done for maximum balance.
- We used small wheels on both axles, again to maximize balance.
- Newtons first and second laws apply to the car, because it keeps going until friction forces it to stop, and because when the mousetrap spring is released the lever is moved, and the axle is rotated.
- Our lever arm was fairly short so our car did not go that far.
- If the wheels are not balanced then the center of mass is off-center, and the car is unstable.
- If the weight is distributed unevenly, there will be more friction on the side with the most weight.
- The longer the lever arm is, the slower it goes and the farther.
- If the axle is shorter, theres less rotational friction
- Our car veers to the right, we could not fix this.
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