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On September 9th 2001 my uncle Steve took me to Manhattan for a week long vacation. That evening we got into New York, and we went and saw the Blue Man Group perform, and the following day “September 10th ” we saw all the sites as you can tell by the pictures below. We went to Grand Central Station, Time Square, The New York Public Library. I then went to the Empire States building and went up to the observation desk and looked around at New York’s beautiful skyline including two wonderful Twin Towers on the south of Manhattan Island. The following day I was headed to the World Trade Centers. The morning of September 11th I woke up and looked out the window of my hotel room and witnessed one of the worst tragedies in America's history. As indicated in the bottom picture, a picture is worth a thousand words. God bless every one who died in that horrific event, We’ll never forget you.

We’ll Never Forget You
To Those Who Think These Acts Of Terrorism Will Bring America Down, Remember This Forever…
We As Americans Will Always Get Back Up And Those Colors On Are Flag Will Never Run.

This is me chillin' in Time Square Making a Friend

That's me in front of Grand Central Station-------That's me in front of Radio City Music Hall

This is me in front of The New York Public library

This is what I saw when I looked out my hotel window when I woke up on September 11th 2001

One of the many tributes done every year to honor everyone that lost there life on that awful day in September of 2001. This tribute was done in Northglenn Colorado, every flag represents someone who died.

If You Mess With America We’ll Only Come Back Bigger And Stronger
It’s The American Way, Nothing Will Ever Change That Fact.

This is the way it’s got to be and needs to be.
George W. Bush needs to get his act together and get out of bed with BIN LADEN and his family and make BIN LADEN And all of his culprits pay for what they did on that September morning.