What is a Moraine?
A moraine is a ridge of land formed by a glacier, back in the Ice Age, which was about 10 000 years ago. The glacier carried many different sediments, such as gravel, sand, soil etc. This material is called ‘till’. As the glacier melted, the sediments were deposited onto the land. There are basically two types of moraines: lateral and medial.
Lateral: formed by one glacier
Medial: formed by two glaciers. When two glaciers collide, the till forms an even larger ridge.
The Oak Ridges Moraine is known as an interlobate moraine. This means it was formed between two ice lobes, which makes it very similar to a medial moraine. When the Simcoe Ice Lobe and the Ontario Ice Lobe collided then melted, they formed the Oak Ridges Moraine!
In the Oak Ridges Moraine, you may come across these geographic landforms... (please allow time for image to load)
The following diagram shows where some of these landforms can be found, in the Moraine.

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