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Homestar Runner

Everybody loves the Homestar Runner. He's a terrific athlete. For you clueless folks, Homestar Runner is a cartoon website made by The Brothers Chaps. You can see them only at and they're really quite funny. On this quiz, the ratings are as follows: 0=Homsar, 1=Tire, 2=Eh Steve, 3=Trogdor, 4=Stinkoman, 5=Cheerleader, 6=Marshie, 7=The Sneak, 8=That Goblin, 9=Senior, 10=Strong Mad, 11=King of Town, 12=Poopsmith, 13=Coach Z, 14=Bubs, 15=Strong Sad, 16=Marzipan, 17=The Cheat, 18=Pom-Pom, 19=Strong Bad, and 20=Homestar.


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