PPT Slide
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
The Perry Panthers got four wrestlers through to the championship round and the Northwest Indians advance three others at the rugged Medina Holiday Invitational Tournament at Medina High School on Tuesday. For the Panthers, Danny Genetin (103 pounds), Chris Hartley (125), Thomas Straughn (140), and Dustin Schlatter (145) each went 3-0 on the first day of competition,
For Northwest Patrick McLaughlin (112), Drew Kapper (119), and Aaron Griffin (189) also advanced to the semifinals by posting perfect records on day one.The championship round is scheduled to commence at 1 p.m. today.
Perry also advanced six to the consolation round, which begins at 10 a.m. The Panthers who went 2-1 on day one are Zach Mizer (130), Cory Nelson (152), Adam Phillips (160), Ernie Porco (171), Dustin Shilling (189), and Devyn Hoffner (215).Northwest got four to the consolation round; Larry Simmons (125), Kyle Haddox (152), Scott Weber (215), and Steve Yoder (heavyweight). If a wrestler in the consolation round wins out, he can place third. “The competition up there is pretty tough,” said Northwest coach Dan Staats. “Some of our kids are wrestling well and some aren’t. It’s tough to figure but it pretty much depends on the competition and this is the best we’ve seen all year. “Our three in the semifinals can do well but it depends on if they come to wrestle or not. All three were top five seeds to they’re wrestling true to form.” Staats was especially pleased with his 152-pounder. “Kyle Haddox is having a really nice tounrey,” Staats said. “He lost to the No. 4 seed and but went 3-1 on the day. Scott Weber is wrestling pretty well also.”