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Grace and I, the webmasters of this site decided it would be cool to have contests, and give away Phil/Newsboys stuff. I (Sarah) gave all my extra things away when doing contests on my old site. So we're getting some new stuff and will be giving Phil stuff away very, very soon. In the mean time we only allow people to enter if they join the site. All you have to do to join is go to
sign up for an email address with us. It is free (of course!) and it basically just lets us know your a member. When signing up for the contest you email us from your email address. If you haven't realized it yet..those are fully functional email adresses. Then once you sign up email us at and let us know your sign in name, your real name, age, and if you post at or the inpop message boards. God Bless, and we hope to have contests up soon.

-Grace and Sarah.