"Project Writers Unite"
If you are planning to catch public transit to meetings this is what I would suggest.*
- Take BART to the 12th Street BART Station in Downtown Oakland.
- Go to 14th Street and Broadway near De Lauer's Super News Stand. There will be a bus stop for the #11 and #12 bus in front.
- Catch the bus #12 bus (heading towards MacArthur Bart), get off on Grand Avenue at Harrison Street. Cross the street and walk down Harrison Street to 27th Street. You will see a 7-11 on one corner and the church on the other.
- Or the #11 (heading towards Highland Way). Get off at 27th Street and Harrison Street (in front of the 7-11). The church will be across the street.
Follow the signs to the meeting. Also feel free to call me for any more information.
If you are planning to drive to meetings this is what I would suggest.**
From 580
- (580 East) Take the HARRISON ST/OAKLAND AVE exit. Turn right onto Harrison. Go straight unto you see the church. When you pass Westlake Middle School, make an immediate right into the parking lot (the church and the school share a parking lot).
- (580 West) Take the GRAND AVE exit. Turn right on Grand Ave. Turn right on Bay Pl. Go straight unto you see the church. When you reach the church, make a left into the parking lot (the church shares a parking lot with the school next door).
From 880
- (880 North) Take the OAK STREET/LAKESIDE DR exit. Turn right on Oak Street. Continue on LAKESIDE DR. Continue on HARRISON ST/LAKESIDE DR. Continue on HARRISON ST. Go straight unto you see the church. When you reach the church, make a left into the parking lot (the church shares a parking lot with the school next door).
- (880 South) Sorry, but I couldn't find decent directions from 880 South. So you will have to take 880 South and find your way to 880 North or 580 West and use those directions until I find more suitable directions.
* If you want more specific directions from where you live call or email me at least one week before the meeting.
** Feel free to go to Map Quest or Yahoo Maps to double check these driving instructions. The address to the church is 2501 Harrison Street in Oakland
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