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Brooke's 22nd Birthday

The girls all ready for some cocktails

Here we go: Ang, Gen and myself cosy on the lounge

A chocolate mudslide, doesn't it just sound yum

Ang opting for the more sophisticated option, a Cosmopolitan, but less chocolatey

Claire and myself feeling good after some cocktails

The following day it continues...
Lunch with Mum and Dad

The otherside of the lunch table. The warmest and sunniest birthday I have had in a long while, skirt's in winter-nice.

Action shot :)

Then it got better...
Champagne, hmmmm, Dad and Mum are excited

Dinner with the whole neighbourhood family

Me and my Birthday cakes, ohhhh Tiramisu to die for............. (Also modelling a new pair of PJ's)

Presenting the best cakes ever (loving those PJ's)

Yes that's right, the best cakes ever :)

The loot, thankyou so much to everyone for all the prezzies :)

Bye, hope you didn't find my website first attempt to unruly to deal with. E-mail me back for picture comments :):):)