Are You Really Over Him/Her?

Okay, so you think you've moved on, maybe interested in starting a new relationship. But how many times have we lied to ourselves and tried to do something before we were ready? Let's try not to make that mistake this time. Take this quiz to find out whether he/she is really just part of your history, or still major influence.

1. How often does he/she cross your mind?
     a. I still think about him/her probably about once a day... usually at night
     b. Not very often.  Randomly something reminds me of him/her, but it usually passes as quickly as it came.
     c. Honestly, whenever I find myself alone I am thinking of him/her
     d. He/she is in the back of my mind constantly
     e. Ever couple days I seriously think about him/her
     f. Like never (which is a lie or else you wouldn't be doing this quiz about them!!!...)
2. If you had to pick the strongest emotion in regards to them as of recently, which of the following would it be?
     a. Anger
     b. Sadness
     c. Love
     d. Lust (and for the stupid people: sexual thoughts)
     e. Apathy
     f. A sense of friendship/companionship
     g. And of course because some of you are panicking right now, the imfamous love, anger, sadness combination.
3. How serious were your feelings?
     a. Major, it was love
     b. At the time I thought it was love, but now I'm not so sure
     c. It was more so lustful
     d. I really liked him/her
     e. They weren't serious at all
     f. Honestly I think I really cared for them... but as nothing more than a friend
4. How long has it been since you two were together? (For those who were never a couple, then how long has it been since the decision to stop liking them, or since the feeling began to fade?)
     a. Under a month
     b. A couples months
     c. Like a week?
     d. Under/Around a year
     e. Around 6 months
     f. Over a year
5. Do you have an incessant need to talk about him/her, whether good or bad or neither?
     a. Yah I guess I do ramble on about him/her quite a bit
     b. Geez I rarely talk about him/her because I rarely think about him/her
     c. I talk about him/her a bit, but no more than anyone else really
     d. I don't usually talk about him/her because it's too difficult
6. What would you do if you saw him/her hugging an unfamiliar (to you) member of the opposite sex?
     a. I would absolutely freak out!
     b. I doubt I would even really take notice
     c. I would notice and probably try about find out who they were
     d. I wouldn't do or say anything, but I would be dying inside
7. Do you find that completely random objects remind you of him/her? Like really common objects that shouldn't have any real significance.
     a. Nope I don't do that
     b. Once in a while I do that, it just suddenly hits me, but it goes away fairly quickly
     c. All the time, I don't understand?  Why does paper remind me of him/her?
     d. Only when there is some kind of inside joke or other significance
8. If he/she came up to you today and performed some romantic task and begged for you to come back (or start up for the first time), what would you do?
     a. I would say yes
     b. Yes, but I think there would be a lot of things we would need to talk about first...
     c. I would honestly be torn... I definitely couldn't give an immediate answer
     d. No, but I would have think about it for a fairly long time
     e. Despite any desire I might have, it wouldn't work and therefore I would say no
     f. Without even thinking twice I would say no
9. How many of the sad songs out there remind you or him/her?
     a. I would say that him/her shares the sad songs with some of my other ex's and current crushes
     b. Almost all of them
     c. There's like one that really gets to me when I hear it
     d. I don't really think any of them have recently?
     e. If a sad song does remind me of someone it would be him/her... but it rarely happens
10. Why are you taking this test?
     a. For fun
     b. Because I want prove that I'm over him/her like I think I am
     c. Because I'm not sure whether I've really moved on
     d. I'm not really sure how I feel and I could use a second opinion


1. a = 4  b = 1  c = 6  d = 8  e = 2  f = 0
2. a = 3  b = 6  c = 8  d = 4  e = 0  f = 1  g = 10
The next two questions have a special way of being scored... find out your score for both question 3 and 4, and then subtract the points you got in question 4 from the points from question three. If you have a negative number, then you have to subtract that from your final total:
3. a = 8  b = 6  c = 2  d = 4  e = 0  f = 1
4. a = 2  b = 4  c = 0  d = 7  e = 6  f = 8

5. a = 4  b = 0  c = 2  d = 6
6. a = 4  b = 0  c = 2  d = 6
7. a = 0  b = 2  c = 6  d = 4
8. a = 8  b = 7  c = 5  d = 3  e = 2  f = 0
9. a = 3  b = 6  c = 2  d = 0  e = 4
10. a = 0  b = 1  c = 5  d = 3
If you scored 0 and below to 15 points:
I think it's pretty safe to say that most of your feelings are gone and that your really ready to move on and find yourself a new relationship or what not. Don't be really afraid if every once in a while they pop into your mind, I mean doesn't everyone from time to time?

If you scored 16 - 31 points:
Hmm... there is a part of you that still belongs to this other person, no matter how insignificant it may seem. You could probably use a little more time to recover, but who's to say that another relationship wouldn't give you that extra push that you need. Your well on you're way to recovery though, goodluck!

If you scored 32 - 47 points:
Okay you are still pretty into him/her. If you think you are over him/her you could be lying to yourself, a great deal of you is still head over heals, and you are probably not ready to comit to anyone else. People in this section though, could be more in lust or obsessed with the person rather than in love, be careful! You need to take a step back and really examine your feelings. Don't try so hard to be over someone, it will naturally occur over time when your ready, it can't be forced.

If you scored 48 - 63 points:
Whoah dude... you are still hardcore infatuated if not... *gasp* in love. You are definitely not ready for anything, if you did enter into a relationship it would be unfair to the other person. This doesn't mean you can't have something casual, but definitely don't commit to something when someone else is occupying most of your thoughts. Deep down you know you're still into him/her, the signs are all there. Take it slow, don't force anything, just take each day as it comes and eventually you will start thinking about him/her less and less.