How Trekkie Are You?

I feel that the title is self explanatory. Put your Star Trek knowledge to the test!

1. Spock is from what planet?

     a. Kronos
     b. Vulcan
     c. Earth
     d. Oridian III
2. Which of the following people are married?
     a. Troi and Riker
     b. Picard and Crusher
     c. Deanna and Worf
     d. Bashire and Dax
3. What is the name of the Star Trek the Next Generation episode in which a terraforming project hits problems when the Enterprise crew discovers a powerful microscopic lifeform which has declared war on humans, the lifeform takes over the Enterprise's lab and computers, and threatens to destroy the ship?
     a. Home Soil
     b. Coming of Age
     c. Where Silence has Lease
     d. Contagion
4. In which episode did Tasha Yar die?
     a. Cost of Living
     b. First Duty
     c. Manhunt
     d. Skin of Evil
5. Who is the father of Alexander Rozhenko?
     a. Jack 
     b. Riker
     c. Worf
     d. Picard
6. Which of the following characters is a Trill?
     a. Deanna Troi
     b. Jadzia
     c. Julian Bashir
     d. Jake Sisko
7. Which one of the following people is not a doctor?
     a. Julian Bashir
     b. Harry Kim
     c. Beverly Crusher
     d. Kate Pulaski
8. Which of the following movies features William Shatner?
     a. Star Trek: Insurrections
     b. Star Trek: The Land Before Time
     c. Star Trek: Generations
     d. Star Trek: First Contact
9. Which character does Brent Spiner play?
     a. Data
     b. Worf
     c. Riker
     d. Paris
10. Which of the following characters isn't a human?
     a. Beverly Crusher
     b. Tom Paris
     c. Kira Nerys
     d. Geordi La Forge
11. Which of the following species follow The Rules of Acquisition?
     a. The Borg
     b. The Andorians
     c. The Romulans
     d. The Ferengi
12. In what season of Deep Space Nine was Commander Benjamin Sisko promoted to Captain?
     a. Season one
     b. Season two
     c. Season three
     d. Season four
13. Who is this?
     a. Seven of Nine
     b. Jeri Ryan
     c. Annika Hansen
     d. All of the above
14. Charles Tucker from 'Enterprise' is the:
     a. Doctor
     b. Captain
     c. Armory Officer
     d. Cheif Engineer
15. Which of the following is techincally not a woman?
     a. 7 of 9
     b. Kira Nerys
     c. Dax
     d. Lwaxana Troi

Give yourself ONE point for every question you got right

1 = b
2 = a
3 = a
4 = d
5 = c
6 = b
7 = b
8 = c
9 = a
10 = c
11 = d
12 = c
13 = d
14 = d
15 = c

If You Scored 0 - 4 Points:
You know nothing! Do you even watch the show? You're probably a lot cooler than I am.

If You Scored 5 - 9 Points:
Your have an average amount of Star Trek knowledge. I bet you watch the show casually, but aren't a real follower... either that or you got lucky.

If You Scored 10 - 14 Points:
Yah! You are definitely a Trekkie, good job! You are cool in my books, can't speak for the rest of the world. You know your stuff, and probably enjoy a good episode of Next Gen.

If You Scored 15 Points:
I bet your goal in life is to dress up as Locutus and parade around at a Star Trek convention in Vulcan. You are a Star Trek GOD! You know practically everything about Star Trek! I bet you could tell me the name of the episode where Riker trades places with a Klingon, and becomes commander of a Klingon ship. Come on, tell me! You are a true Trekkie, and an inspiration to us all!