[[Welcome to the Heights]] -Samurai Hamasaki
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**UPDATE** <--22/June/2003--> Banners *Part 1*

Okay like I promised I'd keep updating as much as I can, Right Now I'm working on the site that was really supposed to be what it was all about, My banners. The Intro Page of it should be done and by the end of today I hope that everything will be set. I'm going to see what I can do to make this site more interactive, maybe a poll or something, Stay Tuned. ~Samurai Hamasaki

**News** <--21/June/2003--> Opening Day

Welcome To Boku Ai Heights. This sites brand new so Its not all great or nothing. I'm slowly going to fix it up, depending on my rough schedule now since I work. This is the first site I've ever done so comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Stay Tuned. ~Samurai Hamasaki