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Name: Tomoko Kawase (vocals)
Birthday: February 6, 1975
Nickname: Tommy
Blood Type: B
Place of Birth: Kyoto, Japan
Tomoko, or Tommy, is the main public figure for the group. Not only is she the only girl and the youngest member, she writes a majority of the songs' lyrics. Almost all of the tbg's music are in English, which is due to the fact that she can sing in both Japanese and English. She's always known as one of the biggest Elmo fans around - even in concerts, a big stuffed Elmo can be seen somewhere on the stage. Not only is she a big Jpop star, she was also a model for Italian fashion studio, Fiorucci (I don't know if she still is).

She is also known as Tommy February6, her solo project, which focuses on 80's pop-ish songs. This just shows how versatile she is an artist, and even within a different music genre, she can captivate audiences and listeners with her music.

I love her voice soooo much - its very unique and PERFECT for all the awesome songs she sings. She brings out the spirit of the band with her voice, evoking emotion and expression with her thoughtful lyrics and tone. I guess you can say that without her, the brilliant green wouldn't be what it is known today. The other two members are awesome just the same, but without Tommy, TBG would not be TBG!

Name: Ryou Matsui (guitars)
Birthday: February 11, 1972
Blood Type: 0
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan

Ryou is the lead guitarist of the band, and all I can say is, "TALENT!" When he plays, any fan can feel the strength and energy of the music, which he supposedly gets from working out at the gym. When I see him play the guitar, I am just blown away! He is the middle-aged of the group, not quite the oldest or the youngest [just like me =)], and is one of the co-founders of the band. I think that he always seems to look very happy since he always smiles all the time. And, is it just me, or does it seem like he always changes his hair? Haha, I think once he even had a mohawk!

Name: Shunsaku Okuda (bass, composer)
Birthday: July 11, 1971
Blood Type: B
Place of Birth : Kyoto, Japan

This guy is a main force in the group. He and his friend Ryo were the founders of TBG and discovered the talent of Tommy. Although he is the oldest, he is extremely talented! He plays mainly the bass and occasionally sings the chorus. He is the main composer of the group and writes a majority of the songs, which I think is truly amazing. I love the brilliant green's music so much, and I must give a lot of credit to his amazing ability to compose. I've seen him in footage like their super terra concert, and he seems like a very nice and funny guy!