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San Matean Ska


Saturday, Aug 23, 2003: 12:54 am
Due to excessive complaints about the pictures of our beloved Mambo on the pics page, we were forced to remove our snap shots. However, (I still love you, mambo!) I have the video of the entire event in my sweaty little to the computer at least. so, if you are a friend of mine, and wish to see the video from eric's 16TH!! (LOL) bday party, just lemme know. So, back to Sore Losers business...well, we have had a little member change. Now, officially on bass guitar we have Celeste. Nice. She is an experienced stand up bass player and is learning electric as well. Until we can get ahold of a stand up bass w/pickups we will be practicing w/the electric. Also, we have found ourselves a keyboard player, Patricia. She is an awesome gal, and can really rock reggae AND ska style. However, we are still searching for a drummer. so, if you know anyone that is good, please let us know! ALSO!! we are searching for a trombone player (hint, hint, wink, wink PHIL PARENT)haha Unfortunately, he's busy on drums w/his successful band. But, if you know of anyone who is talented on trombone, let us know. Practices will change from Thursdays at 2 to Fridays at 4 now because school is starting up again. So, i guess that's about it for far it looks like we have an all chick band. we'll see how it turns out in the end. :) Everyone should check the finer points website and the blind pedestrian website b/c they rule. haha space!

Wednesday, Aug 13, 2003: 12:27 am
Watched batman this morning until that stupid guy Eric called. Well, not a lot of news has occurred w/us. I put some major picture updates on the site, so check that out. Practice on Thurs as usual. Went to Haight St. on Mon w/mambo, mike m, mike j, and alex. everyone needs to check back w/ The Finer Points Website for updates on their new demo. It's obviously going to kick everyone's ass, and you all should buy a copy. rumor has it that they're going to be sold for $1 each. EVERYONE must buy one of those. We LOVE The Finer Points, and they rule, so get your greasy little hands on a copy of that. In the mean time, listen to Thought Riot b/c they rule also. Check them out at Have a good night, and go to the Matches/Desa concert at the iMusicast in Oakland on Friday. I'll be there w/some homies. :) Catch up on summer reading, and i'll see you fools when i see you.

Friday, Aug. 8, 2003: 11:53 pm
Eric's party was today. Happy bday, Eric! The Sore Losers will be working out some member issues this week. We believe that we have found a drummer and a possible bassist, so keep checking back here for more info on it. That's about it for today. Go to the Matches concert on Aug 16 in Oakland. It's going to rock. :)

Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2003: 2:42 pm
Practice tomorrow. Not much new stuff in Sore Loserville, but thought i'd mention that last night the Matches and Reel Big Fish rocked the Fillmore in SF. I have my calc final tomorrow, so I'll be able to participate in late-night activities. And for all of you idiots who haven't heard about it, Eric's birthday is on Friday, so you all better hit up his party! It's the big 16, and I expect to see everyone there, bearing gifts! Eric rules (and so does Mambo). So we'll see you all on Friday at Eric's crib!

Sunday, Aug. 3, 2003: 12:16 am
So, the Sore Losers have begun regular practices in my garage...Every Thursday at 2:00 p.m. We have some songs in mind...the "katy" song and the "danny" song, as well as a medely of a bunch of tv theme songs. the katy song medely was written for Katy Campo, but the lyrics are from a very long time ago. the danny song is written for and about my brother. the lyrics will be on the page soon. the tv theme song medely is just a bunch of tv theme songs, ranging from ren and stimpy to bewitched to the munsters to batman. all ska-ed up a bit. we're looking forward to these songs.

in other news, we just went to the desa show tonight. they rock. everyone should check them, as well as LINK 80 out b/c they are totally kick ass. this update goes out to eric b/c he is the coolest person, and he actually checks this website.