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Most of the income in the SR region today comes from the booming recreation/tourism industry. However, in the past, the primary industry was mining and there are still many active mines in the area.

important minerals mined in the SR nclude: gold, silver, coal, tungsten, molybdenum, uranium, lead, zinc, copper, and kerogen (an early form of petroleum).


-discovered in the Climax area around the Fremont Pass north of Leadville in 1879. The Climax Mine continued to increase production through World War II and into the 1970s.

-greasy metal

-used to harden steel (important in WWII)


-discovered in the southwestern portion of Colorado and in the Front Range during the 1950s.

-Schwartzwalder Mine produced about 500,000 pounds of uranium oxide before was closed in 2000.

Gold: -most important SR region for gold mining is the Colorado Mineral Belt

--discovered in 1859

--inspired the Gold Rush of 1859-1967

--it has produced over 25 million ounces of gold.

-Cripple Creek

--Colorado’s largest gold discovery in 1893.

--has produced over 22 million ounces of gold.

--contains the sole remaining gold mine in Colorado

-Crescent Mine

--The only major gold mine that was discovered in recent (1998.)

--In one year, it produced roughly 230,000 ounces of gold.






--discovered in 1975.

Other important materials:

-Sand and gravel, crushed stone, gypsum, limestone, clay, and other rock materials

-The Yule Marble quarry (in central Colorado)

--White Marble

--used for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and part of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.